Saturday, December 10, 2011


Remeber when Mao got the Cultural Revolution rolling and expanded it to tear down his own country and refashion it according to some deranged, Commie model? I see some parallels between that period and our own mulatto Mao supporting the Occupy Wall Street rabble in order to facilitate his wealth-redistribution dreams and force his own deranged, Commie model on us. Isn't that the purpose of the unwashed, flag-desecrating ciphers' wanting to destroy American business? B.O. would be ecstatic if there were no provate business and only GOVERNMENT, and what a vipers' tangle that already is.

Did you notice that lately a baseball player signed a contract for over A QUARTER BILLION DOLLARS???!!! Talk about Carl Sagan salaries!

Just imagine how many welfare babies that sum would allow to be conceived, be born and raised, fed, clothed, and sent out to mother and father generations like them.

Just imagine how many gallons of booze and packs of cigarettes a quarter of a billion $ of food stamps would fetch after suitable exchanges.

Just imagine how many doomed solar projects could kick back money into Democrat campaign slush funds.

Just imagine how many cheap home loans and loans to students for getting degrees in vital disciplines like Psychology, Physical Education, and African-American and Women's Studies could be defaulted.

Enough is enough! I say OCCUPY THE DUGOUTS!!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011


Isn't that the recommended treatment for a low-down scurrilous cur that flagrantly violates his oath of office?

Wasn't Fast and Furious aimed at undermining and circumventing the Constitution, a document he pledged to defend?

Wasn't what he engineered an illegal, scrofulous charade to hoodwink America and the world? Isn't it grinning-like-an-ape B.O. and the Harvard puppeteers that hand him his orders?

Best of all, impeach the whole, lousy lot of them, including the tax-evaders in the Cabinet.

Primarily, however, affirmative action hire Holder has engineered the deaths of numerous Mexican nationals and at least one u.S. border guard.

Let's kick his semi-African ass out of government and into the nearest, uncomfortable jail.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Naturally, he's a Democrat, which is a strong reason for my claim, but here's something he said that labels him a born loser. Regarding B.O., I heard his him begin a sentence, "Well, he's a nice guy, but ..."

This is precisely why B.O. must be defeated; HE IS ***NOT*** A NICE GUY. He's rampantly in favor of murdering babies, he despises his own country (Well, maybe he's not a real citizen, but pretend), he has been proven a liar about his connections in Corruptville on Lake Michigan, he hangs out with admitted domestic terrorists and other America-haters, he attacks the Constitution about twice daily, he's out to ruin medical care, and he'd love to plunge us into a Socialist/Communist pit.

Are those sufficient proofs? HE IS ***NOT*** A NICE GUY, and if the Republicans have not outgrown the stupid notion that by being congenial and friendly, that lunatic liberals will vote for them, they will certainly lose. They must come out slugging day and night and blast Curious George on all the grounds where he is conspicuously NOT NICE!!!!. Being incapable and unqualified are additional points.


I mean as far as this electorate is concerned. I deplore his infidelities, but surely American voters would not care less. After all, knowing that he engaged actively in extra-marital games, the American people elected Klintoon, not once, but TWICE! Rememebr, too, that despite his scrofulous life, how overwhelmingly popular was Toad Kennedy with his eelctorate.

Our country is fast losing any sort of standards of decency and is well-known for electing former criminals and moral decadents.

C'mon back, Herman; they won't mind.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Check out this quotation I just saw in some web sports news. The guy is a former student-athlete on some campus that should be blown sky-high.

It will also be an incisive commentary as to how athletic scholarships "give a boy a chance for a college education." My ***!

"We're undisciplined. Undisciplined. Undisciplined,” Lions center Dominic Raiola(notes) said, according to Anwar Richardson of “We (expletive) it up. It's very disheartening to do this (expletive) in big games. We got to clean it up. We ain't going to win (expletive) games like this if you play like that.”

I'm happy that the regular amateur :-) college football season is over, so that the student-athletes can hustle back to their student unions and hit those books in time for the finals in Playground Management, Organizing Your Checkbook, African-American Scientists (a short course), and the like.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


When Lyndon Johnson was President he fought various domestic wars, one of them The War on Poverty. "War" meant spending huge (by B.O.'s standards, actually modest)sums of money to eradicate it. Apparently it wasn't a victory, for the U.S. government, the largest and lately the least reliable source of info in the world, tells us that 16% of our population is in poverty. By their definition, owning Blackberries, cars, affording cigarettes, booze, and illegal drugs, and being grossly overweight doesn't disqualify a person, but, according to them, the War on Poverty was flubbed. Johnson also fought, with our money, a War on Crime, and we can all confirm how well that went.

Not to be outdone, B.O. also fights domestic wars, though he doesn't name them. I've noticed the War on Arizona, the War of Alabama, the War on the Border Patrol, the War on Secure Borders, the War on the Constitution, the War on Health Care, the War on Education, and the War on the Second Amendment.

I'm hoping he succeeds as well as Johnson.


The Costco Corporation publishes The Costco Connection, a magazine for its members. On the cover of vol. 26, no. 10, October, 2011 are a trio of Kennedys: a blurred John F. in the background, a youthful Jacqueline, also in black and white in the middle, and billionaire daughter Caroline in color in the foreground.

The issue is ballyhooing a book by the billionaire about the Camelot family adapted from Jacqueline’s own observations. The caption beneath semi-beautiful Caroline’s picture says “Caroline Kennedy – keeping the flame.” In large letters above her one reads “A gift of history - Jacqueline Kennedy in her own word.”

Liberals – Costco is HQ’d in Seattle, so draw your own conclusions – never tire of cramming this family up and down our alimentary canals as some sort of archetypal group to be venerated, better, worshipped. It’s a rallying point for liberals, especially those that rely on the likes of the New Dorker and the New Dork Times for (distorted, concealed) information.

During his reign (He sought to certify his nobility by paying to have his own royal, Irish arms invented, so “reign” is not inappropriate.) John, the womanizing son of a womanizing bootlegger – how’s that for royalty – ran sluts in through the White House back door, while Queen Jackie was tooling around with Onassis on one or another of his yachts. The press did its best to royalize her, too, but among the truths it concealed was that her step-father’s main achievement was amassing a huge collection of pornography.

These are flames worth preserving, all right, and the queen’s words are a valuable gift.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I can't understand how a guy can be a candidate for something over several months, but it's only when he shows signs of popularity that a chick or chicks come forward with reports of sexual congress (what an appropriate word!). Almost persuades one that the news is fictitious, certainly fishy. At any rate, the Dummycrats are ardent over these damaging accusations, but, say, ...


Cain and others are also faulted for lack of experience, but say,


Get serious, Dummycrats.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Here in the U.S. what passes for journalists have yet to ask B.O. a tough or embarrassing question, such as the inside dope on Traitor Holder's Mexican weapon maneuver or just what the hell he did at Columbia U.

It was refreshing, therefore, how a Russian newscaster flashed a Russian peace sign at the mere mention of his African American/Muslim name!

What are the chances that news reporting in this country will ever reach such altitudes of truth and objectivity?

Friday, November 25, 2011


B.O. or person or persons related – Harvard U., George Soros, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the Most Holy Reverend Wright, who knows – dispatched the Worst Lady on a NEIGHBORHOOD MISSION to Chicago, venue of her outrageously-paid, duty-free jobs.

Now we know what a NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZER, her husband’s sole work experience, does; he or she foments unrest in neighborhoods. The Worst Lady was on Chicago’s South Side decrying that the po’ folks thereabouts lack places to buy fresh food. That area is a downright FOOD DESERT, the Affirmative Action, Princeton U. grad (after failing the entrance exam) declared. This city has one of the most efficient – not claiming to be safe – public transportation systems in the world, but apparently the deprived can’t afford bus or el fare.

One might wonder, though, why high-end food stores would be reluctant to establish themselves in these neighborhoods the Worst Lady was organizing. By an inexplicable coincidence, they are ones of VERY high crime. Could these firms possibly be fearful of theft in their stores; of holdups in one of the highest crime zones in the known universe?

Clearly, several actions have priority. One is new research on the connection between crime and African-American neighborhoods. Explanations for this ancient, baffling connection are still lacking. Another is the delivery, at tax-payer expense, naturally, of fresh food – pizzas, Whoppers, Popeye Chicken, doughnuts, cigarettes, and liquor – directly to the doors of the disadvantaged.

Thanks to you, Michelle, for bringing this new inequity to public attention.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Israel’s bellicose P.M., Nathan the Yahoo, waxed effusive over the Chemistry Nobel; it was a monumental triumph for Israel and Jews everywhere in the cosmos. I don’t know if he intended religion-practicing Jews or just ethnic Jews, apparently far from equivalent groups.

The fact of the matter is, however, that for any technical Nobel Prize received by an Israeli, the research and work were primarily accomplished in the United States and certainly nearly entirely funded by us; this is an axiom. The latest winner, in fact, continues to flit merrily between the two countries and enjoy the advantages of citizenship in both. As for most Israeli achievements, the invoice is paid by U.S. welfare. (You ought to ask your Congresspersons why that is.)

It reminds me of the situation in certain branches of athletics. Abu Simbel, track star from the Cayman Islands, lives, trains, and perhaps studies in the U.S., all at U.S. expense. When he wins an Olympic gold medal, he ports it broadly back to the C.I., where the nation is agog with nationalistic zeal over his feat.

This stimulates another good question; if achievement is entirely due to genetics, shouldn’t America’s internal policies and spending be drastically changed?


Oh, I don't have any new ones to report, but I have a question.

With the strike, lockout, whatever it is, the players are out on the streets instead of the basketball courts. There are so many criminals among this group, I wonder if the crime rates in NBA cities has escalated.


"I beg you, child, to look at the heavens and the earth and see all that is in them; then you will know that God did not make them out of existing things; and in the same way the human race came into existence."

Friday, November 11, 2011



All men were by nature foolish who were in ignorance of God,
and who from the good things seen did not succeed in knowing him who is,
and from studying the works did not discern the artisan


For from the greatness and the beauty of created things,
their original author, by analogy, is seen

Tuesday, November 8, 2011



The other day I noticed a web piece on Clarence Thomas and, having read parts of some of his opinions, realized the reason I like the way he votes over there at the Supremes; he reads the Constitution and interprets it as would any literate person that cares about preserving the sort of government it DEMANDS. ** I'll get back to Mr. Cain in a few lines ***

Allow me to illustrate with an example; the Second Amendment says the right to bear arms shal not be abridged.

Clarence Thomas says, "OK, the Constitution's authors wrote that we don't abridge that right, so we don't."

From somewhere in deep LEFT field, Breyer says, "They may have written that, but they meant something else, and I know what that is; it's OK to abridge, in fact, to abrogate, that right."

Thank heaven Thomas survvied the WILD ASS LIBERAL defamation program and sits on the S. Court as an upholder of the Constitution. Unfortunately, no one tried to keep Breyer off, and the anti-Constitution weasel slipped into a seat. Equally unfortunately, neither did anyone fabricate tales to defame Constitution-ignorant Sotowhatshername and wannabe Constitution-destroyer, never ANY sort of judge, whatshername from good old Harvard. I have digressed, however.


Yes, months after he announced his candidacy - and notice, only when his numbers began to escalate - the wildass liberals (always adoring African-Americans, except when one is sane) have begun the attempted smear of Mr. Cain.

As with Thomas, it's SEX again. They are lies, of course, unlike the Kennedy and Klintoon SEX FACTS, but it's Clarence Thomas all over again.

Pay no attention.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Yes, folks, just 3 agonizing years ago today, the majority of voters in this country went totally bonkers and put an ACORN-HAPPY, consorting with domestic terrorists and America-hating "ministers," neighborhood organizer into the White House.

What an unqualified, worse-by-the-day disaster! Where once we had a leadership that wished to preserve the exceptional nature of this country, we have a coterie that would rip the Constitution to shreds, send us into a two-bit Soviet-style dictatorship, and bury us with the other low grade countries. We're now a country of panhandlers, debtors, give-aways, and valueless currency.

If we can limp through another year, will the morons have got the picture?

Thursday, October 20, 2011


If you haven't read my wisdom previously, "Horrywood" is my term for the American entertainment empire, and it comes from the film, "1941."

I find it laughable to scorn that the Horrywood millionaires are protesting over the Wall Street millionaires. This, however, is entirely consistent with the tortile reasoning of brain-challenged, wild-ass liberals.

Not laughable, but disgusting and worthy of enmity, is that a Horrywood slut like Susan Sarandon flings undeserved epithets at the Pope, of all people.

If that cesspool of behavior has to exist, I guess California is the best place for it. Hopefully it's not too late for the LaBrea Tar Pit to swallow it.


Nancy, the Catholic, Pelosi, arbiter of Church teaching as regards abortion, is out again on her baby-murdering mission. When the House voted against funding baby-murder, Nancy decided that Republicans would have “women dying on the floor.”

The ex- (thank goodness for that favor)- speaker of the house is too stupid, apparently, to be aware of abortion laws in the various states. Did you know that in Montana, at least, the legal geniuses on the state’s supreme court determined that an abortionist need not even be a medical doctor?! Thus, in that state, a woman might die on the floor from a legal abortion performed by a plumber.

What a corrupt, ignorant, horse’s ass is that woman. She suits her congressional district

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



I learned the answer from Mr. Teleprompter, B.O. the Neighborhood Organizer – on the job, affirmative action training, you know – and implicitly, then, from the Harvard loonies that write his scripts. Yes, believe it or not, I did, and here are the causes.

Retired people that worked a lifetime contributing to Social Security and are now withdrawing some benefits.

People that presently work, contribute to SS, and – inimical to BADministration counting – hope to withdraw a benefit before rigor mortis sets in.

Retired people that worked a lifetime to contribute to Medicare, the program boundary with SS now blurred, because of the governments’ free-wheeling expenditures, and presently receive benefits.

People that presently work, contribute to Medicare, and hope someday to withdraw benefits, that wish now receding so far into the future as to become negligible.

Thus spake B.O. and the BADministration. Note some groups and abuses of money that apparently are NOT economically destroying us.

Medicaid. This is what non-working welfare slobs use when they trot into Emergency Rooms for alleviation of the hangovers they picked up via devious exchanges of food stamps for cash or sale of the commodities they received by that medium followed by purchase of booze. Medicaid also covers a ration of free gold teeth per annum, did you know that? Designer specials, if one wants.

Social Security $ doled out by the billions to people, plenty of them malingers, that have NEVER worked.

Billions and trillions of throw-aways on welfare pigs that have never turned a fat hand in any sort of labor, excluding prostitution, that help their female children to become pregnant so as to prolong the welfare throw-aways generation after generation after generation – thanks to SUCKER TAXPAYERS and SHITHEAD members of Congress.

Billions and trillions of throw-aways on illegal aliens and their trash descendants.

None of these scandalous wastes is contributing to our budget catastrophes – naturally, printing new Monopoly money by the train car loads isn’t either; it’s you working people, past and present.

What a disgusting country of panhandlers and panderers to panhandlers this has become.

This is an accurate good way to classify many members of the federal legislature; panderers to panhandlers.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

GREEN ENERGY DEFINED - under the wire waste

I've been very ill, readers, and not solely from what's becoming of our country. Good to be back.

If you've had to do with governments, you'll know that if you give an agency some budget, if the fiscal year ends with a portion unspent, that is lost by the agency. Next year, then, it may not get all that it requests. Hence, towards the end of a F.Y. there is a great flurry of throwing money in all directions, for saving money, doing what was promised for less money, is clearly not a virtue in that realm.

The DoE (probably pronounced "dough") was lately in the vanguard of chucking billions away, when, towards the end of September, it said goodbye to some new loans to California, solar energy boondoggles. They're failing left and right, but that's no reason to refrain from tossing good money after bad, no sirree, not for the BADministration. What have to show for three years of this fantasy? Air, perhaps, and hot air, at that.

The term "green" is appropriate for only two reasons; the boondoggling companies get bundles of green, and anyone that expects some payoff from these spending sprees (how much finds its way back into B.O.'s campaign and bribery chest?)is very, very GREEN.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


All told, I suppose the Kennedys take the prize with druggies, drunks, bootleggers, adulterers, rapists, possibly even a murderer, but they're such a huge tribe, they have an advantage in numbers.

Carter had a crappy family, too. but lately B.O., for a rather small group, is making a good show with two illegal aliens - BTW, why haven't they been deported? Possibly even an impostor, an alien faking his citizenship.

What I notice is that the low class of the family is always reflected the caliber of governance foisted off on us, the people.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I intended to mention 11 September 2001 but it occurs to me that a person justifiably could believe it to be 4 November 2008, when the wholesale ruination of the U.S. was set in motion by a dim-witted electorate.

No, I want to confine comment to September 11, and I have to do it following a rich crop of very eloquent words; words about acts of heroism that day, of pity for several thousand murder victims, and, as difficult as they are to follow, exhortations for forgiveness. Consider those said.

I wish to return to the subject of the colossal unpreparedness of whatever passed then as our national resources of security, intelligence, and investigation and the criminal negligence of business organizations that, through stupidity and carelessness, actually abetted the vicious criminals in their heinous plans and execution. Also useless were our systems for reacting to attacks, for after the Trade Center disasters, there was still time to shoot down the plane that struck the nerve center of our defenses, a place virtually surrounded by fighter aircraft, not one of which came close to destroying it.

For a moderate Democrat - remember those? When did they all turn rabid? - I thought George W. Bush was a decent president, but what I still have difficulty in forgiving him is that by the afternoon of that hellish day or, at the latest, the first thing the next morning he had NOT cleaned house in all the offices and bureaus and agencies that were supposed to guard us against such atrocities. Wholesale firings and accusations of ineptitude were in order. Furthermore, he immediately should have set the country's legal apparatus against certain airline companies and other firms that made it all possible.

Militarily our defenses were deplorable, so when budget-hunting politicians want to cripple defense expenditures, at the expense of titanic welfare waste, land on them like angry falcons.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Yesterday we celebrated work and the people that accomplish it. Consider several historical observations about this human endeavor.

In the 13th century, Clare of Assisi, later St. Clare, composed the Rule to be followed by her order of sequestered nuns, the Poor Clares and, in it, devoted a chapter to work

“Chapter VII
The Manner of Working

The Sisters to whom the Lord has given the grace of working should labor faithfully and devotedly after the hour of Terce (about 8 a.m.) at work which contributes to integrity and the common good; and this in such a way that idleness, the enemy of the soul, being banished …

And the Abbess of her Vicaress is bound to assign to each one … in the presence of all, those things to be done by the work of her hands.”

Your first assignment, reader, is to deduce the importance of work to this Saint, whose paradigm of service to God had cornerstones of celibacy, obedience, poverty, and enclosure and devoted one of her few, defining chapters to the necessity of physical labor. Work was a GRACE from the Lord!

Next, examine these lines of Father Bede Jarrett (d. 1934), a Dominican priest in England.

“Life is incompatible with inactivity, for if we stagnate, we die. … every known power of man is subject to the same law of development – namely, to preserve a faculty, it must be exercised.”

“Labor, therefore, is the origin of all true greatness and dignity, the badge of intelligence.”

“The development, then, of the faculties is essential to their preservation, is a condition of life, since life itself must be always dynamic.”

In the U.S. today the value of work and the necessity of work to a healthy, dynamic, developing society appear to be losing recognition. More and more people are content to live by public welfare, a large contingent of the population has sunk to expect, even demand, it, and another huge subset have generations-long histories of never having attempted to work and merely subsist as indolent, detrimental slugs.

This is becoming a nation of panhandlers. Has it any justification – aside from an official day of no work – for a Labor Day?

Saturday, August 27, 2011


That prophet asked,

"Can a woman forget her infant,
be without tenderness for the child of her womb?"

I guess we've shown him, haven't we?


Today I looked at a web page's "news" headlines. Under "Sports" were four items, one about the hurricane and these three

Bonds' Conviction Upheld by Judge
Former NBA Player Crittenton Charged with Murder
LSU's QB, Teammate Booked in Bar Fight and Released

What does one notice about these diverse incidents? Two are characters known by the laughable term, student-athlete, while a third is an ex - s.a. I don't know if Barry Bonds ever went to college; a degree's not required to handle a syringe.

All four named are African-Americans.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


1. Let's not crucify Michelle Bachmann (This is the Michelle that has sense and capability, not the Affirmative Action Queen). Who on earth pays attention to when a junkie, especially one exalted merely by clever marketing and generally without talent, was born and when he died?

2. Investigations have revealed that the death threats against David Letterperson, originally thought to be simply base publicity shenanigans to elevate his ratings, were, in fact, honest. They were made by the American Dental Association, who would like such a bad example of teeth removed from the public view.

3. Tim, The Taxpayer, Geithner has pledged the country to continuing, hypogean interest rates. Thanks, Tim, from milions of people whose livelihoods, in the form of retirement incomes, will remain artificially depressed in favor of cheap loans to people that don't repay. Where's AARP on that one? If you're a senior and subsidize AARP, better have yourself checked for Alzheimer's.

4. I saw just one snapshot and didn't hear the blow-by-blow, but I'll bet Georgetown U's athlete students defeated the Chinese guys in the basketball fistfight. The reason is that for basketball players, American universities tend to recruit thugs, and the District of Columbia is one of the thuggier parts of the country.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


It means “poor Norway,” not in the sense of impoverished, for this is a VERY, VERY, VERY wealthy nation, but to mean pitiable. I intend, of course, the recent atrocity that took place in Oslo and environs, and any country where such a thing occurred would be pitiable.

The unbelievable ineptitude of the Keystone Kops’ response to the tragedy is, however, utterly disgusting. They were unable to muster a police helicopter because ALL the pilots were vacationing??!! That’s what I read, and, in several ways, I wasn’t surprised.

Even in the days before the oil windfall, it was a land of vacations, and the work ethic was considered unethical. Then, as now, if a person were not taking a vacation, he was planning the next one.

As for the police, their best capability is laying booze traps to catch drivers with a drop of alcohol in their blood. This is not a bad thing to do, for take a look at drunk driving in our poor country. They are also highly keen when it comes to apprehending the smuggling in of commodities the government taxes into oblivion, alcohol and tobacco. An American woman that lived there told me she came home one day and remarked that the Salvation Army certainly maintained a prominent presence in Bergen. Her husband asked how she could tell that, and she proceeded to describe the peaceful men strolling the streets in those long, black cassocks, and those were the police!

It’s a beautiful, prosperous, happy nation with a government that tells everyone every move to make. Friends there complain about being controlled by a pack of Socialist farmers, which was their impression of the Storting (Parliament). The admirable lack of crime – it used to be that a rape made the national news, and nearly every violent crime is committed by one of the aliens the generous country encourages – explains, naturally, its unpreparedness for the mass murderer.

Stakkars Norge, to be sure, but all the police pilots on vacation at one time? The maniac had an hour and a half to shoot the poor victims. Wake up, Norge; start working a little and believe that no one, anywhere in this world, is completely safe.

How many lives is a vacation day worth, anyway?

Friday, August 19, 2011


I mean the surname of Montana's millionnaire, million-term senator. Generally, it's written "Baucus," but strong evidence indicates "Bacchus" is correct. He's a professional, Washington, D.C. politician who doesn't even own, in his name alone, a home in his "home" state and rarely bothers to go there.

Do a web search on his name, though, and see a YouTube segment of him drunk on the floor of the Senate and trying to make a speech.

This is the guy whom B.O. decided should head up his cure-the-economic woes-into-which-I've-plunged-us committee. Whoopee! The drinks are on the Senate!

What an excuse for a government!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Although families of the latest Afghan helicopter crash victims asked for no publicity, B.O., the perpetual campaigner, staged the arrival of the remains into a misleading photo. There was the terrific patriot, unable to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at times in the past giving a solemn salute to the dead. Even in silhouette, the Neighborhood Organizer, never as much as a Boy Scout, posed himself as a wartime leader. What an incredible phony! Thanks, majority of Americans for putting a putz in the White House. He's certainly piloting the Ship of State over the falls.

Monday, August 8, 2011


I believe it's one that has the disadvantage of being full of losers, possibly criminals.

For example, I just read of a neighborhood in London where a complaint was expressed via the tried and true tactic of looting. This seems often to be the case in neighborhoods that are described as "disadvantaged," doesn't it? Why didn't the article continue to tell us who these criminals are?

Friday, August 5, 2011



As Rush Limbaugh asked, "Why have a debt limit if, whenever we reach it, we just increase it? Why not stop having one?" It's another manifestation of our country's lack of standards; if we set a standard, such as school test scores, that we fail to meeet, why just lower the standards and preserve self-estemm or something. In the debt case, lowering the standard means elevating the debt limit.

The idea of a debt limit that's enforced, however, is a healthy thing. Individuals and busineses MUST abide by limits on indebtedness, else they succumb. In the House of Reps there was considerable good sense in approving a budget that reduced spending and did not exceed the routinely escalated debt limit. B.O. and the Dummycrat Senate, where most of the pork and thievery take place, however, wanted no part of that.

What we have is a green light for for more money-printing and borrowing and supposed spending reductions "over the next decade." Tee hee; in a decade, that will be only a memory.

What a BADministration; what a once-great country.

Monday, July 25, 2011


It's the one the Brits have, right? While the BADministration was bribing, lying, and cheating through the mess that passed, we were told how great was the system in England. People that knew anything at all knew that was horse shit, but, anyway ...

According to the London Daily Mail, England's National Health service is so rotten in places that medical doctors are having to write prescriptions for drinking water so that elderly patients don't succumb of thirst while in hospitals!!!!!

There is a Care Quality Commission there that reports over 800 annual deaths by dehydration and 300 from malnutrition every year!!!!! With "care" like this, who needs diseases?

As I recall, AARP was all for this abomination of a law, which is evidence of the worth of that outfit. With advocacy like that, who needs death?

Friday, July 22, 2011


There was lots of news about the end of the Space Shuttle Program but I saw none the day before about the 42nd anniversary of the first moon landing. Perhaps people are embarrassed to report evidence that comparatively little progress has been made in 42years.

Do we still have a space program? Any event along that front comes from something done years and years ago. Has there been a new idea since B.O. sneaked into the White House? One hears vague rumors about getting to Mars some day in the future, but have we moved an inch towards the goal?


Recently there was what has become a rare burst of fiscal sense emanating from the District of Columbia; the House approved a budget calling for a few trillion dollars of REDUCTIONS! Believe it or not, REDUCTIONS!

Soon after, B.O., who fights like a rabid chimpanzee to spend money that hasn't been printed yet, called a press conference to attempt to snag credit for what the sane House majority had willed.

The man is a liar and a sneak, and his utterances should be regarded as always coming from such.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011



Yes, indeed, the Senate will vote on a bill to cut, cap, and balance. Could it possibly prevail against the concentrated lunacy of Reid and nutty gang of bankruptcy mongers?

Say a prayer.


Our country is presently involved in wars in three different countries. (I still haven't decided what the hell we are supposed to be doing in Libya; if you know, please put me au fait.)I call this being spread thinly, yet recent announcements by the armed services describe **reductions** in their manpower!

Removing a few million federal employees - or at least giving them healthy pay cuts -is the thing to do, all right, but the action should take place in Housing, Education, Human "Services," and other agencies where the bulk of the employees generate reports no one reads and plan new ways to flush money down the toilet that is federal spending. Let's cut this chaff and have a proper military.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


B.O. blames Bush for all the country's woes, which is reminiscent of how many partial blacks are wont to blame long-dead whites for their inability and ineptitude.

Astronomical federal spending has plagued us since at least the LBJ regime: The Great Society, Model Cities, War on Crime, War on Poverty, ... Every dollar absolutely wasted, and every administration outdoing its predecessor in prodigality.

Presently, however, we seem to have achieved the pinnacle of spending with more give-aways, buy-ups, and bail-outs than even Lyndon Johnson could have conceived as ways of making himself loved.

Get B.O. out of office while we still have one nostril above water.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Queers everywhere are ebullient over New York State's deplorable decision to accord faggot unions the title of "marriage," an institution that is sacred to many and should be sacred to all. Caving in to the whines and bleats of a noisome, tiny minority, though, politicians gave them their sordid way.

Many happy returns.

Monday, July 4, 2011


When giving thanks for this nation - and I hope everyone joins me in doing so (By the way, I haven't seen any patriotic messages from the White House today.)- my first thought is always of the set of people on hand to pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors to create it.

Take a moment to try and picture the U.S. if it were to be defined and defended by the likes of Boxer, Feinstein, Pelosi, Frank, B.O., J. Jackson, Collins, Snowe, Lugar, the Klintoons, ... ah, it's too painful to envision. I'd rather we remain a colony if that's the only alternative.

We were fantastically fortunate to have the ones that we had, and now the test is whether what they created can survive the assaults of the crew above.

Friday, July 1, 2011


B.O. reminds me of one of this society's several million black holes of welfare; they blow every dollar wrung from the tax-paying population, then complain that they haven't enough and thrash about and protest and beg and bay and wheedle for more.

B.O., hopefully the LAST of the truly COSMIC, large spenders, day by day throws money away by the trillions, yet waxes angry when Republicans chastise him about his debt. The BADministration solution, expectedly, is to tax us more heavily.

"Well, brothers, we be fixin' dis yere debt problem by taxin' de hell out ob dem what works, so at we's able to spend mo' on dem what don't, you see."

Why can't the morons that voted for this clown pick up his astronomical tabs? Leave us intelligent voters alone, OK?

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I mean two A states, Arizona and Alabama, and the "it" is a strong, fully sensible, anti-illegal alien law. Perhaps low temperatures and a high distance from Mexico makes one unnecessary in Alaska (or are Russian Jews sneaking in there to avoid "religious persecution?"), but I wish to congratulate AL and AZ for moving to protect themselves and, consequently, the Union.

Dummycrats and B.O.'s BADministration dislike these laws, because they see millions more votes from the illegals they are dying to legalize. Hmm. Why would the essentially illegal vote Dummycrat? That's obvious - because of all the give-aways the Donkey party is prepared to award in return for votes.

Neither are all the Elephant politicians in other states vociferously in favor of such laws and decrying the ruination of the country. Why? That's obvious - because they are stupid Pollyanna's that believe that relatives of the illegals will vote for them if they do not oppose illegal immigrants. They are so stupid that they believe goodwill will overpower handouts. What? In this country of panhandlers? Republicans are always defeating themselves as a result of the unfounded belief that being friendly to louts will cause louts to change their minds and vote for them.

At any rate, HURRAH! for states with gumption, guts, and the best interests of the nation at heart. They **are** A states!

Saturday, June 18, 2011



Aside from his deplorable actions, two other things trouble me about this affair.

1. that such a moral wretch could have been re-elected so many, many times.

2. that if his party hadn't pressured him and he had not resigned, his constituents would have been quite happy to elect him many, many MORE times.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


About the only aspect of B.O.'s BADministration that I approve is that he doesn't appear, at least, to be obsequious and fawning over Israel. Of course, he's achieved a quick and deserved reputation for ambivalence, but the appearance is better than that usually seen in our governments.

I can't believe the cataclysmic reaction in some quarters over his hint that just possibly Israel's borders bear scrutiny. There are some lamentations circulating that this practically seals Israel's destruction, whereas thanks to having bled the U.S. for decades and being the continuous recipient of our bottomless welfare, it is far and away the mightiest military nation in its part of the world. Thanks to our official carelessness in allowing our uranium stocks to be pilfered, it has NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Given the country's "this land is my land for eternity if not longer" that is a very frightening circumstance.

NO country around it could stand against it, probably not all its enemies COMBINED could do that, and bet your last shekel that if any conflict over there ever seemed in doubt, the U.S. would sacrifice itself before seeing Israel dash its heel against a stone. That is the extent to which the Israel tail wags the American dog.

Some commentators bleat that the U.S. has abandoned or offended a great ally. No, in the first place, "abandoned" is what we did to South Vietnam, and "offended" counts for no more than sticks and stones, when simultaneously we shower the object with billions of $ of give-aways. You may also bet your last shekel that Nathan the Yahoo, in highest dudgeon presently, will be mollified by more money than you could count in ten lifetimes.

By the way, aren't allies countries that help each other? Except for accepting our cash, credits, and materiel, I can't think of one thing Israel ever did for us. People tell me what a stabilizing force it is in the mid-east, but how about in the Iran-Iraq war, Syria, Egypt, etc. If that's stability, give me chaos. When all of a country's neighbors detest it, the only stability lies in their having a common ground.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


My East Coast Internet service just informed me, via its "news" headlines, that B.O. is off on a "healing" junket to Joplin, Missouri. Every day it finds some reason to gazette, amplify, aggrandize, and applaud his activities.

Well, he's always off somewhere, which beats the hell, I suppose, out of staying at home and failing to make tangible contributions to the country's multifarious ills, but I wasn't aware of his curative powers. NBC, PBS, CNN, and that tribe failed to ballyhoo them previously, but I believe that he may be at least in the ballpark of his professional experience - neighborhood organizing.

Poor, tragic Joplin has had neighborhoods destroyed, so maybe a neighborhood organizer can give some advice about re-organizing those neighborhoods - WHILE HE'S OUT ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL, I mean.

Yes, I don't believe anyone that ever occupied that office was so adept at funding campaign travel expenses with tax $. And talk about fuel consumption! When that man travels, he takes the kitchen sink and hasn't yet learned how to power the vehicles with wind, though he blows plenty of it all round.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


During the Scopes trial, Clarence Darrow cited these sentiments from historian George Bancroft (1800-1891).

"It is all right to preserve freedom in constitutions, but when the spirit of freedom has fled from the hearts of the people, then its matter is easily sacrificed under law."

Better watch your congresses, courts, and executive branches when they seek to vitiate the Constitution and usurp power that was given to the people. It's happening every day.


It was too bad that the Affirmative Action press and the Affirmative Action population conferred it on B.O. for saying "OK, get this guy that someone else's search found," but that's life in the old U.S.A.; no standards and no sense to discriminate truth from fiction. Lotsa luck Country; you need it.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Affirmative Action meant hiring people that were unqualified for the jobs they were given. There were then a couple of equally nonsensical consequences to the nonsensical plan. First, since they couldn't accomplish the jobs, the standards had to be lowered in order that their performances were tolerable. Of course, even then, those people might realize that they fell short of the mark, so their self-esteem neeeded to be bolstered, so they had to be congratulated and applauded for pedestrian levels of work.

Most of this country's "news" media have the same philosophy towards B.O., the Neighborhood Organizer and "present" voter that became our first Affirmative Action White House resident. If he'd fall down a flight of stairs, CBS, ABC, ... especially PBS would all hail his accomplishment.

Thus, for the obvious decision, "Yes, go get that scurvy rat," meaning bin Laden, B.O.'s being cheered for his "brave decision." Given the choice, he should have said, "Hell, yes, and get 50-60 of the others on the same day."

Affirmative Action, another declining step in the ruination of America.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


The Latin phrase means "produce the body," not a cadaver, but the body of evidence in a case of law. However, I believe it has literal meaning when applied to the reported bin Laden killing.

"Well, we did all these DNA tests and had members of Congress watching vids of it, but we thought that exhibiting the body would be controversial and that pictures are too gruesome, so we gave it a good Muslim preparation and dumped it into the ocean, but it really was he, honest."

If they want Yves Chauvire' to believe, treat him like Didymus; show him the wounds. In these times, government, especially this BADministration, is not to be believed without rock solid proof, so Habeas Corpus, pals. Further, have you watched the sickening stuff that gets regularly into TV news? We can take it, guys.

I don't believe that the mass-murdering creep is still living; that would be too simple to refute, but it's certainly possible that he died of natural causes, perhaps years ago - he needed dialysis, right, through all this time - so we stage a little show, and voila! If bin Laden had been there, why no heavy guard? There are elements here as fishy as the water where the remains were supposedly dumped.

Habeas Corpus.

Finally, why would anyone worry about religious etiquette for that villainous bastard? Feed him to the dogs.

Monday, May 2, 2011


On 7 December 1986 Pope John Paul II, lately beatified, had this to say.

"As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live."

How has the institution of family been going in this country?

How has the nation been going?

Did the Pope see into the heart of the matter?

Saturday, April 30, 2011


I notice B.O. was in Alabama and wonder if he suppressed the urge to join in the looting. Compare ours to Japanese disaster behavior. When did we lose decency? Actually, it's just another aspect of losing standards, isn't it?

He was ballyhooing about how he'll run out and print up a new batch of money (thus making what we've got worth less and everything else, such as gasoline, cost more) so that anyone whose insurance doesn't cover his losses can get a loan or probably a handout. Say, a few years ago my home incurred $30,000 in tornado damage. The insurance company did just as it was contracted, and no one came around to offer me more.

Have you noticed Affirmative Action hire Attorney General Holder's (nee Affirmative Action hire Asst. Attorney General and Klintoon criminal pardoner) botch that caused us to ship thousands of weapons to Mexican outlaws? Nice going, Eric, and I see you're right on top of the price-fixing, price-gouging, windfall profit oil companies, too. You're a bright star in the BADministration, all right.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


In its Best Picture nominations and awards quite often the glitterworld of gutterviews waxes didactic in its films and seeks to proselytize us. For examples, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, just after MLKJr’s murder, was to teach us that miscegenation is wonderful, and Chariots of Fire, the piety and general goodness of Jews. (Since Jews control the film section of Horrywood, works on the goodness and suffering of the group are time-worn themes out there.)

So as not to bury the lead TOO MUCH, what Horrywood was promulgating in the Black Swan, which, incidentally, is the term for a pas de deux in Swan Lake, were
1. the therapeutic benefits of masturbation
2. that ballet is thoroughly sleazy and scrofulous (Horrywood seeks to drag everything down to its own level), and MOSTLY
3. the joys and acceptability of woman-on-woman sex

The premise of the film was invalidated by its content. The foul-mouthed, danseuse-screwing choreographer purportedly sought to create a new take on Swan Lake, which is what led to the competition among soloists to gain the main role. When the ballet was performed, however, it was no more innovative than any production in the last 100 years, so why not have a principal dance the part and scotch the bogus competition idea? (The queer version some years ago was no less disgusting, but it was different.)

Black Swan seeks to teach you that ballet is all dark and umbrageous. Don’t believe that rot and don’t waste your shekels on this negligible film.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Very much so, I guess, for many of them voted for Bill Klintoon, the impeached womanizer, and B.O., the - whatever he is.

I have in mind the self-destructive act of marrying a Muslim. Do they imagine the profuse tales of abuse are fables? Do they suppose that if they have chidren that get into papa's country, the kids will ever be allowed to exit? American women, better to spend your lives alone than beaten up.

Hmm. I just got to speculating whether B.O., a crypto-Muslim, abuses the Worst Lady; she's not so smart, we know.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Following in a long queue of Horrywood's (my term for the world's aggregate entertainment industry) multifaceted geniuses, Michael Douglas continues to shine.
In addition to his brilliant dramatic career, he impregnated, then purchased Zeta Jones and now has turned diplomat, self-appointed, anyway.

Lately he popped up at the U.N. with a petition for nuclear disarmament he said had been signed by a million people. Must have been quite a piece of paper.

I just wonder what Mike, probably a military strategist, as well, would recommend we do if, say, the Chinese came at us with about a billion soldiers, and we had only conventional weapons. Add to this the fact that we have a BADministration determined to reduce and undermine the defensive power we have. Tell us, General Douglas.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I paraphrase the legedary line uttered to him by a kid after reading of Joe Jackson's helping to throw the 1919 World Series.

In my case, though, it's not incredulity at what a revered idol had done but, rather, incredulity at what the putz in the White House said.

B.O., the Neighborhood Organizer, "present" voter - except for baby murder, stranger to his U.S. senate seat, and probable foreign national, has just pled for more than a 20% increase in the "education" budget!!!!!!

Tell him it ain't so, Congress; tell him it ain't so. (Written to conform to contemporary eduucation standards in the U.S.)

If anything we should DECREASE the education budget if not annihilate the laughable, prodigal, mess of a department altogether and reduce the throw-aways on unaccountable, pixilated tangents to education.

I know one urban study that showed the ranking on achievement tests in parts of the city to be exactly the inverse of the amount of $ wasted in them; that is, the greatest expenditure was in the lowest-ranked district, and the least $ corresponded to the best performance.

Don't be hoodwinked by B.O.'s blather. We've had DECADES to disprove that higher spending increases performance. Look at out lamentable ranking compared to other countries in various subjects. STOP WASTING MY INCOME, already decreased by BADministration policies.

We need FEWER college students, too. Raise the standards to where they once were and stop subsidizing incompetents to get degrees in Sociology, Black Studies, Women's Studies, and comparable boondoggles.

Monday, April 11, 2011


(Sorry, I don't know Arabic, but I know I must have some bilingual appeal.)

I read that the WHITE HOUSE is producing a NEW BOOK! This by Michelle, the Worst Lady. My first question is, "Who is writing it?"

The Worst Lady, you know, she that hates the U.S. for discriminating against her all her life and keeping her from doing what she wanted, flunked the entrance exam at Princeton but was admitted, anyway. This Affirmative Action Queen later turned in the shortest undergraduate thesis in the history of the school, so I'm wondering who's the ghost writer.

Apparently the book deals with her crusade for good nutrition - in schools. Remember, this is where a big chunk of the "education" budget goes to buy dinners - lunches and breakfasts already included - for obese children whose slob parents, with their welfare windfalls, are too stupid to know how to feed their kids anything but Big Mucks, Frozen Pizzas, and Cheetos. (These create minimal disturbance to the contuberal relations of single "mothers" busily creating the next generation of undernourished, but fat, welfare recipients.

I can't wait for a copy!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Barry is a high school senior, a mulatto, and a football player. He was given a conditional offer of a football scholarship at a university in his state, and the fact of the condition shows he is not entirely phenomenal; if he were, of course, there would have been no strings attached and "Come to us, Barry, Baby."

The condition was that he complete the school year with no grades lower than "C." Soon after, Barry inexplicably took rather a nose-dive in the ambition department, neglected to submit a number of English assignments, and was given a "D" in it!

End of scholarship, right? Wrong. Barry's mum hied herself to the English teacher, pled the case of the invaluable, freebie education to be lost, and VOILA! the teacher elevated the grade to a "C." Another American success story.

To me there are three explanations possible here
1. We have no standards.
2. What we call "education" revolves about football, basketball, or whatever is the regional craze: lacrosse, crew, hockey, or what have you.
3. Affirmative Action still dominates the treatment and appraisal of African Americans or partial ones.

You decide. The bottom line is that an inferior student received preferential treatment. Possible conclusions; select any combination.
1. No standards
2. Laughable education
3. Racial discrimination


P.S. Barry's sister, also academically less than stellar, and no sort of athlete received a full scholarship to a border state university 2000 miles from her home. Regional quotas? Racial quotas? Tell me, please.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


In Libya, I mean. As nearly as I can understand "news" reports, we are dropping bombs on people in order to save lives. Qadafy - choose your transliteration; there must be a hundred of them - is admittedly a jerk, but does that suggest we bomb him? We aren't bombing Cuba or Syria, and they're operated by jerks.

I have two hypotheses. One is that B.O. the N.O. & Co. have most everything in a shambles at home, so, taking a page from Klintoon's book, they'll engage us in a little war and then fly all over the world telling everyone how he saved lives.

The other possibility is that we're doing this to make sure our great pals and allies, France and England don't get their oil supply interrupted. These are the same allies, recall, that made handsome profits supplying North Vietnam when its soldiers were invading the South, killing Americans, and brutalizing prisoners of war. So far as I know the only times France did anything for us was in the French and Indians war, and that was only to annoy the Brits, and when they gave us the Statue of Liberty. I can't think of anything the Brits ever did for this country. With friends like these, we might as well be buddies with Qadafy.

Monday, March 28, 2011


We have oil, but B.O., the Neighborhood Organizer, and Co. don't want to drill for it. We have immmeasurable quantities of coal, but B.O. doesn't want to burn it. They want green energy, like nuclear reactors, so called, because when they go amok, people turn green. Thus, we sit around here paying a huge price to foreigners for gasoline we could produce ourselves. For decades every government we've had has steered us on a course predicated on the internal combustion engine. Now, are we supposed to run these 10 zillion cars on wind power? Solar? Get serious. Why don't we use our own oil - yes, plenty of it off California's sacred coasts - concurrent with implementing an efficacious program of CONSERVATION? Another good point would be to STOP wasting money on trains, etc. that NO ONE WILL RIDE! If usable ones can't be invented, then to HELL with them!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Every time a cloud drifts over a coutry with an oil well, the price-fixing cartel rams a higher price up and down our alimentary canals. Libya, e.g., has zero impact on us, so why did pump prices escalate again? Several reasons

1. The cartel zapped a high price on crude oil - because it wanted to, you dummy!

2. The refiners saw an opportunity to whine about the price of crude and then to gouge the consumers disproportionately. When Exxon, Shell, and the others report quarterly profits TRIPLE what they were a year ago, doesn't anyone suspect foul play? Whatever became of anti-price-fixing and anti-trust laws? Whatever happened to government's protecting its people? "Government FOR the people;" does that ring a bell?

Naturally, at least one other force is at work. The oil world uses the dollar as a currency, and we have a clown government, an inexperienced set of morons, a BADministration, that throws away trillions at a time nowadays. They crank up the presses and print it, see? With more dollars being wasted all over the world, the worth of a dollar drops, and it takes more of them to purchase a unit of anything.

The sky's the limit you think? No, the depths are the limit, and we're approaching them.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


National Pubic Radio has always been my conception of this voice of the Democratic National Committee. (Read that sentence carefully if at first it seems odd.) It's another case of my tax money's being used to promulgate lunatic liberal ideals.

I was amazed when the Repubs controlled both houses of congress for 12 YEARS and failed to de-fund that most biased and bigoted of "news" sources. I attribute that lapse to the unjustified view that if one is conciliatory towards an enemy, he'll return the favor. Ho ho. This is like supposing that if one tries to pet a rabid dog it won't bite.

At any rate the House of Reps. at last has shown good sense in depriving Radio Moscow West of subsidies it doesn't merit.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


VIOLENT CITIES, what else? I read that dubious distinction awarded to Camden, New Jersey. Now, what is there about Camden that makes it so? Why have DECADES of work by dedicated individuals and who can count the $ made NO DIFFERENCE? Why is that place, along with other many other of our cities, a violent, crime-ridden cesspool.

Is it the latitude? The longitude? The average summer temperature? What begets such violence and crime? Does it have anything to do with the inhabitants?

As the Germans would advise, Denken Daran.

Sorry to have been absent for a time, but a little travel was necessary.


Friday, March 4, 2011


A friend lives rurally and must transport his refuse to the County Dump. He has two important observations that have derived from that inglorious destination.

1. In addition to the supervisor the only other permanent employee is a retarded man, probably sixty-years-old. He helps people lug their trash to the disposal locations, operates the cardboard box compactor, sorts cans for recycling, greets everyone warmly, and generally makes himself useful. He lives in subsidized housing about a half-mile from the dump, which commute and others around the town he completes by bicycle. He lives alone and apparently takes care of himself.

What impresses my friend and me is that he does useful work in return for the welfare benefits he receives. We wonder why NOT **ALL** ABLE BODIED WELFARE RECIPIENTS ARE REQUIRED TO EARN THEIR BENEFITS WITH USEFUL WORK. Why is it something for nothing instead of something for something, as in this example? Make this novel suggestion to your legislative representatives.

2. The little town also operates a juvenile court, meaning that youthful offenders of minor laws are judged and sentenced by their peers. The dump, particularly odious in warm weather, is frequently specified as the place of penance, and young folks working there are NOT just those whose mothers found them abominable part-time jobs.They also pick up trash from the town streets, rake leaves around public places, and, once again, contribute useful WORK to discharge their responsibility.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This Breyer that helps vitiate the Supreme Court must be one, or a combination, of the types below.

1. an illiterate

2. a medium

3. a supremely arrogant son-of-a-bitch

4. hell bent to ruin the country

How else would anyone with even a 2-digit IQ manage to read James Madison's 2nd amendment to the Constitution, written for the common man and woman, and fail totally to understand what it says?

Now, he may have penned a simple guarantee of the right to bear arms, but never mind what he said, pontifical Breyer knows what he meant. Yes, indeed, and perhaps it had to do with a whisky tax or prostitution, who knows?

How can a person be so nescient and get the the S.C.? I'll tell you; it takes a President and a Senate dominated by items 1 - 4 above.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Say, what are we doing about the murder of four of our citizens by these scum bag Somali pirates? Why haven't we destroyed a good part of that country? Why haven't we been blasting out of the water anything that even resembles a boat leaving its shores?

Maybe the problem is that these victims were handing out Bibles. Had they been Korans, maybe we'd have taken action, what?


We were taught that the executive branch of government's purpose is to enforce laws, so I'm wondering how B.O. can decide that he's not enforcing one; viz, the Defense of Marriage Act, which simply says what any literate person can learn from the Oxford English Dictionary, which is that marriage involves one man and one woman.

If B.O doesn't enforce this law, it seems obvious to me that he's breaking his oath of office and should clearly be impeached. What do you think?

Yves Chauvire

P.S. We were also taught that the judicial branch interpreted laws, but it seems to have confused its charge with that of the legislative branch, which is supposed to be the place where laws are MADE. Hmm, now that I considerate it, I believe B.O. has wandered into that domain, too. IMPEACH THE JERK! There are all sorts of grounds.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I mean in certain of our public schools, ones where the children's parents (almost always one visible per child) are too stupid or negligent to care for them. In these schools presently the African-American kids, already served breakfast and lunch, are now getting dinner!

This is a program championed by Michelle, The Worst Lady, and seeks to provide better nutrition while simultaneously combating obesity. Yes, once again there's that American antilogy where the hungry are fat. We also see where large sums of the country's "educational" spending goes.

Here, then, is the explanation of my subject line; why not circumvent the single, unmarried, stupid, careless parents and let the children LIVE at the damned schools. In this way the stupid, negligent parents would be freed altogether of the annoying, cramping responsibilities of caring for their progeny. (It makes sense, too, doesn't it, that if a "parent" is too stupid or negligent to feed her children properly, she is probably also too stupid or negligent to know how to get them bathed and to sleep?)In the absence of any sensible policy to prevent it, the welfare mamas can forget those litters and concentrate on birthing NEW ONES!

Yea! Welfare-absorbing dependents "ad infinitum," and a stupid, ruinous government to subsidize it.

One caution, however. In the beds and showers schools, PLEASE segregate (there's that wicked word) the sexes; else, we'll be getting a premature welfare generation!

Monday, February 14, 2011


James Madison was the principle author of the Constitution, and he wrote this

"We have staked the whole future of America's civilization ... upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments."

Hard to believe, isn't it, that subversive blockheads seek to ban the Deecalogue from courtrooms?

Jurists go on and on about the intentions of "the framers of the Constitution." As with most of that precious document, it's really patently clear, isn't it?

Is America going down the tubes or not? Look around you and tell me.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I mean the Roman spectacle we know as the Super Bowl. This is the greatest feat of marketing ever performed; that is, to take a simple-minded game between two gangs and turn it into a National Holiday, with parties, catered delicatessen trays, and billions of dollars in tedious advertising. Where else would morons pay $200 to stand outside the stadium and watch the proceeedings on a television screen? Probbaly they had to tolerate the storm of commercials, too.

Here's a comment that puts this annual orgy into perspective. A sportswriter expressed his sympathy that Fran Tarkenton, the Vikings' great quarterback, had never won a super bowl game. Fran's answer was "So what?"

Did I say the greatest marketing sham ever achieved; taking an inferior product and convincing people that there's someting meritorious about it? Hmm, for a moment I forgot the occupancy of the White House.


It's here! In the U.S. of A.!

Just three examples.

1. When China rolled out a prototype fighter plane claimed to be superior to our F-22, Gates (not the gazillionnaire philathropist that made his bundle off other people's ideas and wants to transform the third world into our more powerful enemies, but the Defense Dept. guy) said, "Our intelligence didn't show they were that far along."

A foreign country develops - thanks mainly to our firms' outsourcing work to them over the years- a major weapon system, and we don't know it? Come on! Call that intelligence? Are we too preoccupied with giving Congress and other civilians of B.O.'s BADministration oversight over the CIA that it knows nothing?

2. Related to this, I read that China wants to become a DEFENSE CONTRACTOR to us. Wow! I suppose they do, at that. Maybe we could just outsource our entire defense to our buddies over there in the East. They make all our teddy bears, so I suppose they'd be just as objective about making all our weapons.

3. With all the turmoil in Egypt it's significant that when B.O. the N.O. & Co. "reaches out" to a potential new government, it's a set of Islamic wackoes. Is this because B.O. IS an Islamic wacko himself or that his Harvard puppeteers are bent on destroying this country?

Couldn't this BADministration just go away before America is in total ruins? Maybe we could trade B.O. for Mubarak.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Ordinarily I avoid every McDonald's establishment - restaurants they are not - like the plague and avert my eyes whenever I spot one of those yellow points of ugliness. One reason is that I see them as mighty disintegrators of family life, via their seduction of children with built-in plastic playgrounds, garbage-quality plastic Chinese toys mimicking the latest Horrywood craze, and other gimmicks. Another reason is the unbelieveable quantities of fat and cholesterol these little pits pump into American arteries from before sunup with Eggs McMaggot until well into night with Crappy Meals.

Neverytheless, lately in charge of a small child, thoroughly seduced by the latest Chinese plastic, that had parental license to dine where he chose, I found myself beneath the golden arches. While I lobbied to abscond with the lipids and watch him consume them at home, I got to observe him poison himself in-house, so to speak.

It was about 9 p.m., and when the order-taker, a woman of fifty-five or so, came by to investigate the dysfunction of a string of colored lights, I spoke to her. She disclosed that this McJob was her second employment. Four days each week she works demonstrating food products at Sam's, Wal-Mart, and other supermarkets. Living alone, she finds that income insufficient and must supplement it.

Another employee, armed with a mop and clearly charged with, at least, keeping the winter floor clean, invited attention. She was elderly, not very mobile, and coiffed with a ridiculos cap, part of her McUniform. I spoke to her, too, and, when she mentioned a recent birthday, asked how old she was. SHE IS EIGHTY-ONE!

"Why aren't yopu retired?" I wanted to know.
She said she couldn't live on that income.
"Social security?" I asked
"I have my husband's death benefit pension."

Her own work in life had been as an assistant in nursing homes, and she had been terminated sans benefits.


My first question is why doesn't she have benefits beyond Medicare? If a job is worth doing, it's deserving of health and retirement benefits, and if that means that nursing homes and cardboard tacos are more expensive, VOILA!

Next, why are there women 1/3 the age of the McJob order-taker and 1/6 the age of the McJob floor-sweeper that have never worked, are not now working, and, unless an access of sanity seizes government policy-makers, will NEVER work - assuming one doesn't count lying on their fat backs to watch Okra Winfree with legs wide-spread to procreate the next generation of welfare ruination?

What's the secret here? Is it purely race? Is it the fertility necessary to breed future generations of indigent ciphers, all guaranteed to vote Democrat? I say that people that WORK and can't make ends meet should be the ones given priority for welfare.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This tale of a legal alien comes from a friend out west and involves a Mexican national whom I'll call Pancho.

He was the eldest of a house full of children, and, at age 9 or 10, his parents apprised him that they could not raise as many as their bedroom zeal produced, and he was kicked out into the streets.

A grandmother accepted him in her household, but that was not comfortable living, either, so like every other one of his country's dissatisfied, he infiltrated the U.S. As this was some years ago, the Border Patrol were more alert; he was caught and kicked back south of the border.

Undaunted, and with the examples of millions of countrymen to guide him, Pancho sneaked in again. This time, though, once arriving he obtained a green card and became, suddenly, a legal alien. (What, you again? We'll give you a G for effort and forget your law-breaking.)He picked up an American wife, banged her enough to produce 2-3 children neither wanted, and skipped out for greener pastures.

When my friend met him he was a good man, a hard-working man, but not remunerated adequately to cover his habits, which included booze and gambling, and lived in a trailer of his employer's provision. He was polite, generous, and trying to learn passable English - EXCEPT when boozed up. Then the troubles commenced.

There were DWI citations, fights in bars, proceedings to make him pay child support, and, penultimately, a tussle, involving a handgun, in which both him and his paramour of the moment were shot with a single bullet. No one was charged.

Following a particularly good stretch he found himself shacked up with a sweet, gentle woman with whom he worked, and people were happy for them, but little by little he drifted back to the bottle. Inebriated at work one day, with no one else about, they sat in a car, where he put a pistol to her head and mumbled something to the effect that if he must go to hell, he would take her along with him.

Resourcefully, she got him out of the vehicle with a ruse and drove to the police. A search revealed the then-hidden gun with, sure enough, a cartridge in the chamber. Pancho was arrested and spent some weeks in jail awaiting a hearing.

In a land where it's guaranteed by the Constitution, speedy justice was slow in making her blindfolded appearance. After several continuations he was found guilty but was free to work, which he did, though not at his former job. By the time sentencing took place, two years after the death threat, he had just reportedly fractured an arm on the job and appeared in court with it in a cast.

Whether out of pity or for another reason, the judge - there's a winning group in the U.S. - gave him a sentence of 5 years - PROBATION! Inexplicably, the woman whose life he threatened was given exactly one hour's notice of this convocation, which must be an example of speedy injustice.

Thanks to our generous laws, Pancho presently receives compensation checks for his work-preventing injury and has been officially forgiven for threatening with a loaded handgun to murder an innocent and defenseless person.

Looking at this sketch of the man's history in the U.S. are you not pleased that the court didn't deport the dangerous loser, pleased that without a cumbersome, slower than molasses in January (at selective times) legal system he would have spent NO time in jail, pleased that your tax $ are paying him workman's comp and helping to support the U.S. citizens he helped to produce?

It's a great country, all right. Too bad we native-born citizens haven't learned to milk the system as well. Yet, this BADministration fights like a wounded jaguar to keep this and worse scum in the country and to allow them to continue to flood in here. (Illegal today, legalized tomorrow, and think of all the votes for lousy Democrats) Do Russia or China work as diligently to weaken and ruin us? The question is moot; as Pancho's case illustrates, we're doing it ourselves, so what the hell is the difference?

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Perhaps the easier question is "Who isn't?"

Remember Edwin Moses, the 400 meter hurdler that went years without losing a race? He was World, Olympics, you-name-it champion time after time. His reputation was besmirched when he was arrested for soliciting prostitution from a policewoman disguised as a whore - what an unlucky choice for Edwin! Athletes and athlete/students in this country are judged by a different system than are you and I, so Ed wasn't convicted of anything and paid no formal penalty, though one wonders what his wife had to say.

AT ANY RATE, before all that, Ed had something like the following to say about training; "Whenever I'm tempted to take a day off, I remember that somewhere out there a competitor is working hard to beat me."

I've been applying this wisdom to the U.S. We have not just taken a day off nor a week, month, nor even a year. By all appearances we're taking FOUR YEARS OFF! Yes, sir, we're relying on CHANGE to protect us and apparently hoping our adversaries will change, too, in ways favorable to us. :-)tee hee

Years ago, for example, we developed the supreme fighter aircraft in the world, the F-22, but we don't make it anymore; what we've got is enough, right? At least, that's what the Harvard U. defense experts and string-pullers have decided. B.O. the N.O. and the BADministration also have scrapped the Joint Strike Fighter, and following its downing a foreign-made missile in a test, they've reduced the Airborne Laser project to an impotent effort with no manpower to develop it.

Lately the Chinese, soaking up a lot of know-how from out-sourcing and a windfall of money from about every "manufacturing" and sales firm in the U.S. rolled out a plane they claim superior to the F-22. Change for us means falling behind.

Where did all this saved money go, one wonders. Oh, to important projects like those of the Worst Lady, where three meals a day and fed into children whose parent (singular most appropriate) is too stupid, negligent, or lazy to learn how to transform food stamps into health children's diets, as opposed to potato chips and pizza.

B.O. and Co. ought to heed Edwin Moses; take even a day off, and the people that want to annihilate you gain a step or two. THEY don't rest.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I hadn't been in one for some time so had to rely upon Horrywood representations as preparation, and was I taken aback!

First of all, I expected the Chief Administrator to be, to some extent, an African American. I felt the same would be true of the surgeon that operated on me, not to mention anyone on the nursing staff that knew anything valuable. It's a bloody wonder I survived! All those people were honkies! Even the other people in the surgical group respionsible for me. One of the leeches that came around in the dark of morning to suck my blood looked to be a mulatto, and one of the nursing assistants and two people that cleaned the room had Spanish surnames. The movers and shakers, though, were all lily white. Can you imagine?

I don't know about you, but the quality of care one gets - or, indeed, of any service - is not nearly as important as the diversity of the people offering it. My government has taught me that, and Horrywood reinforces that priority every day.

Monday, January 10, 2011


No, not for the rabid, foaming-at-the mouth liberals; conceal, lie, cheat, invent - you name it, and all because of the limitless arrogance that persuades them they are invariably correct and that any means justify their tortile goals.

Lately the wackos want people to believe that the maniac shooter in Arizona is actualy the fault of Sarah Palin and people like James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and others that wrote the Constitution. Look around - this is a country where lunatic, mass murderers thrive, and if you want a simplified explanation, try that these beasts, like lunatic liberals, are convinced that any means justify their distorted ends.