Thursday, March 31, 2011


Barry is a high school senior, a mulatto, and a football player. He was given a conditional offer of a football scholarship at a university in his state, and the fact of the condition shows he is not entirely phenomenal; if he were, of course, there would have been no strings attached and "Come to us, Barry, Baby."

The condition was that he complete the school year with no grades lower than "C." Soon after, Barry inexplicably took rather a nose-dive in the ambition department, neglected to submit a number of English assignments, and was given a "D" in it!

End of scholarship, right? Wrong. Barry's mum hied herself to the English teacher, pled the case of the invaluable, freebie education to be lost, and VOILA! the teacher elevated the grade to a "C." Another American success story.

To me there are three explanations possible here
1. We have no standards.
2. What we call "education" revolves about football, basketball, or whatever is the regional craze: lacrosse, crew, hockey, or what have you.
3. Affirmative Action still dominates the treatment and appraisal of African Americans or partial ones.

You decide. The bottom line is that an inferior student received preferential treatment. Possible conclusions; select any combination.
1. No standards
2. Laughable education
3. Racial discrimination


P.S. Barry's sister, also academically less than stellar, and no sort of athlete received a full scholarship to a border state university 2000 miles from her home. Regional quotas? Racial quotas? Tell me, please.

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