Wednesday, March 30, 2011


In Libya, I mean. As nearly as I can understand "news" reports, we are dropping bombs on people in order to save lives. Qadafy - choose your transliteration; there must be a hundred of them - is admittedly a jerk, but does that suggest we bomb him? We aren't bombing Cuba or Syria, and they're operated by jerks.

I have two hypotheses. One is that B.O. the N.O. & Co. have most everything in a shambles at home, so, taking a page from Klintoon's book, they'll engage us in a little war and then fly all over the world telling everyone how he saved lives.

The other possibility is that we're doing this to make sure our great pals and allies, France and England don't get their oil supply interrupted. These are the same allies, recall, that made handsome profits supplying North Vietnam when its soldiers were invading the South, killing Americans, and brutalizing prisoners of war. So far as I know the only times France did anything for us was in the French and Indians war, and that was only to annoy the Brits, and when they gave us the Statue of Liberty. I can't think of anything the Brits ever did for this country. With friends like these, we might as well be buddies with Qadafy.

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