Friday, March 4, 2011


A friend lives rurally and must transport his refuse to the County Dump. He has two important observations that have derived from that inglorious destination.

1. In addition to the supervisor the only other permanent employee is a retarded man, probably sixty-years-old. He helps people lug their trash to the disposal locations, operates the cardboard box compactor, sorts cans for recycling, greets everyone warmly, and generally makes himself useful. He lives in subsidized housing about a half-mile from the dump, which commute and others around the town he completes by bicycle. He lives alone and apparently takes care of himself.

What impresses my friend and me is that he does useful work in return for the welfare benefits he receives. We wonder why NOT **ALL** ABLE BODIED WELFARE RECIPIENTS ARE REQUIRED TO EARN THEIR BENEFITS WITH USEFUL WORK. Why is it something for nothing instead of something for something, as in this example? Make this novel suggestion to your legislative representatives.

2. The little town also operates a juvenile court, meaning that youthful offenders of minor laws are judged and sentenced by their peers. The dump, particularly odious in warm weather, is frequently specified as the place of penance, and young folks working there are NOT just those whose mothers found them abominable part-time jobs.They also pick up trash from the town streets, rake leaves around public places, and, once again, contribute useful WORK to discharge their responsibility.

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