Sunday, May 29, 2011


My East Coast Internet service just informed me, via its "news" headlines, that B.O. is off on a "healing" junket to Joplin, Missouri. Every day it finds some reason to gazette, amplify, aggrandize, and applaud his activities.

Well, he's always off somewhere, which beats the hell, I suppose, out of staying at home and failing to make tangible contributions to the country's multifarious ills, but I wasn't aware of his curative powers. NBC, PBS, CNN, and that tribe failed to ballyhoo them previously, but I believe that he may be at least in the ballpark of his professional experience - neighborhood organizing.

Poor, tragic Joplin has had neighborhoods destroyed, so maybe a neighborhood organizer can give some advice about re-organizing those neighborhoods - WHILE HE'S OUT ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL, I mean.

Yes, I don't believe anyone that ever occupied that office was so adept at funding campaign travel expenses with tax $. And talk about fuel consumption! When that man travels, he takes the kitchen sink and hasn't yet learned how to power the vehicles with wind, though he blows plenty of it all round.

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