Tuesday, May 31, 2011


About the only aspect of B.O.'s BADministration that I approve is that he doesn't appear, at least, to be obsequious and fawning over Israel. Of course, he's achieved a quick and deserved reputation for ambivalence, but the appearance is better than that usually seen in our governments.

I can't believe the cataclysmic reaction in some quarters over his hint that just possibly Israel's borders bear scrutiny. There are some lamentations circulating that this practically seals Israel's destruction, whereas thanks to having bled the U.S. for decades and being the continuous recipient of our bottomless welfare, it is far and away the mightiest military nation in its part of the world. Thanks to our official carelessness in allowing our uranium stocks to be pilfered, it has NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Given the country's "this land is my land for eternity if not longer" that is a very frightening circumstance.

NO country around it could stand against it, probably not all its enemies COMBINED could do that, and bet your last shekel that if any conflict over there ever seemed in doubt, the U.S. would sacrifice itself before seeing Israel dash its heel against a stone. That is the extent to which the Israel tail wags the American dog.

Some commentators bleat that the U.S. has abandoned or offended a great ally. No, in the first place, "abandoned" is what we did to South Vietnam, and "offended" counts for no more than sticks and stones, when simultaneously we shower the object with billions of $ of give-aways. You may also bet your last shekel that Nathan the Yahoo, in highest dudgeon presently, will be mollified by more money than you could count in ten lifetimes.

By the way, aren't allies countries that help each other? Except for accepting our cash, credits, and materiel, I can't think of one thing Israel ever did for us. People tell me what a stabilizing force it is in the mid-east, but how about in the Iran-Iraq war, Syria, Egypt, etc. If that's stability, give me chaos. When all of a country's neighbors detest it, the only stability lies in their having a common ground.

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