Friday, November 25, 2011


B.O. or person or persons related – Harvard U., George Soros, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the Most Holy Reverend Wright, who knows – dispatched the Worst Lady on a NEIGHBORHOOD MISSION to Chicago, venue of her outrageously-paid, duty-free jobs.

Now we know what a NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZER, her husband’s sole work experience, does; he or she foments unrest in neighborhoods. The Worst Lady was on Chicago’s South Side decrying that the po’ folks thereabouts lack places to buy fresh food. That area is a downright FOOD DESERT, the Affirmative Action, Princeton U. grad (after failing the entrance exam) declared. This city has one of the most efficient – not claiming to be safe – public transportation systems in the world, but apparently the deprived can’t afford bus or el fare.

One might wonder, though, why high-end food stores would be reluctant to establish themselves in these neighborhoods the Worst Lady was organizing. By an inexplicable coincidence, they are ones of VERY high crime. Could these firms possibly be fearful of theft in their stores; of holdups in one of the highest crime zones in the known universe?

Clearly, several actions have priority. One is new research on the connection between crime and African-American neighborhoods. Explanations for this ancient, baffling connection are still lacking. Another is the delivery, at tax-payer expense, naturally, of fresh food – pizzas, Whoppers, Popeye Chicken, doughnuts, cigarettes, and liquor – directly to the doors of the disadvantaged.

Thanks to you, Michelle, for bringing this new inequity to public attention.

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