Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Naturally, he's a Democrat, which is a strong reason for my claim, but here's something he said that labels him a born loser. Regarding B.O., I heard his him begin a sentence, "Well, he's a nice guy, but ..."

This is precisely why B.O. must be defeated; HE IS ***NOT*** A NICE GUY. He's rampantly in favor of murdering babies, he despises his own country (Well, maybe he's not a real citizen, but pretend), he has been proven a liar about his connections in Corruptville on Lake Michigan, he hangs out with admitted domestic terrorists and other America-haters, he attacks the Constitution about twice daily, he's out to ruin medical care, and he'd love to plunge us into a Socialist/Communist pit.

Are those sufficient proofs? HE IS ***NOT*** A NICE GUY, and if the Republicans have not outgrown the stupid notion that by being congenial and friendly, that lunatic liberals will vote for them, they will certainly lose. They must come out slugging day and night and blast Curious George on all the grounds where he is conspicuously NOT NICE!!!!. Being incapable and unqualified are additional points.

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