Saturday, December 10, 2011


Remeber when Mao got the Cultural Revolution rolling and expanded it to tear down his own country and refashion it according to some deranged, Commie model? I see some parallels between that period and our own mulatto Mao supporting the Occupy Wall Street rabble in order to facilitate his wealth-redistribution dreams and force his own deranged, Commie model on us. Isn't that the purpose of the unwashed, flag-desecrating ciphers' wanting to destroy American business? B.O. would be ecstatic if there were no provate business and only GOVERNMENT, and what a vipers' tangle that already is.

Did you notice that lately a baseball player signed a contract for over A QUARTER BILLION DOLLARS???!!! Talk about Carl Sagan salaries!

Just imagine how many welfare babies that sum would allow to be conceived, be born and raised, fed, clothed, and sent out to mother and father generations like them.

Just imagine how many gallons of booze and packs of cigarettes a quarter of a billion $ of food stamps would fetch after suitable exchanges.

Just imagine how many doomed solar projects could kick back money into Democrat campaign slush funds.

Just imagine how many cheap home loans and loans to students for getting degrees in vital disciplines like Psychology, Physical Education, and African-American and Women's Studies could be defaulted.

Enough is enough! I say OCCUPY THE DUGOUTS!!!!

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