Saturday, December 3, 2011


When Lyndon Johnson was President he fought various domestic wars, one of them The War on Poverty. "War" meant spending huge (by B.O.'s standards, actually modest)sums of money to eradicate it. Apparently it wasn't a victory, for the U.S. government, the largest and lately the least reliable source of info in the world, tells us that 16% of our population is in poverty. By their definition, owning Blackberries, cars, affording cigarettes, booze, and illegal drugs, and being grossly overweight doesn't disqualify a person, but, according to them, the War on Poverty was flubbed. Johnson also fought, with our money, a War on Crime, and we can all confirm how well that went.

Not to be outdone, B.O. also fights domestic wars, though he doesn't name them. I've noticed the War on Arizona, the War of Alabama, the War on the Border Patrol, the War on Secure Borders, the War on the Constitution, the War on Health Care, the War on Education, and the War on the Second Amendment.

I'm hoping he succeeds as well as Johnson.

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