Tuesday, August 23, 2011


1. Let's not crucify Michelle Bachmann (This is the Michelle that has sense and capability, not the Affirmative Action Queen). Who on earth pays attention to when a junkie, especially one exalted merely by clever marketing and generally without talent, was born and when he died?

2. Investigations have revealed that the death threats against David Letterperson, originally thought to be simply base publicity shenanigans to elevate his ratings, were, in fact, honest. They were made by the American Dental Association, who would like such a bad example of teeth removed from the public view.

3. Tim, The Taxpayer, Geithner has pledged the country to continuing, hypogean interest rates. Thanks, Tim, from milions of people whose livelihoods, in the form of retirement incomes, will remain artificially depressed in favor of cheap loans to people that don't repay. Where's AARP on that one? If you're a senior and subsidize AARP, better have yourself checked for Alzheimer's.

4. I saw just one snapshot and didn't hear the blow-by-blow, but I'll bet Georgetown U's athlete students defeated the Chinese guys in the basketball fistfight. The reason is that for basketball players, American universities tend to recruit thugs, and the District of Columbia is one of the thuggier parts of the country.

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