Sunday, January 23, 2011


Ordinarily I avoid every McDonald's establishment - restaurants they are not - like the plague and avert my eyes whenever I spot one of those yellow points of ugliness. One reason is that I see them as mighty disintegrators of family life, via their seduction of children with built-in plastic playgrounds, garbage-quality plastic Chinese toys mimicking the latest Horrywood craze, and other gimmicks. Another reason is the unbelieveable quantities of fat and cholesterol these little pits pump into American arteries from before sunup with Eggs McMaggot until well into night with Crappy Meals.

Neverytheless, lately in charge of a small child, thoroughly seduced by the latest Chinese plastic, that had parental license to dine where he chose, I found myself beneath the golden arches. While I lobbied to abscond with the lipids and watch him consume them at home, I got to observe him poison himself in-house, so to speak.

It was about 9 p.m., and when the order-taker, a woman of fifty-five or so, came by to investigate the dysfunction of a string of colored lights, I spoke to her. She disclosed that this McJob was her second employment. Four days each week she works demonstrating food products at Sam's, Wal-Mart, and other supermarkets. Living alone, she finds that income insufficient and must supplement it.

Another employee, armed with a mop and clearly charged with, at least, keeping the winter floor clean, invited attention. She was elderly, not very mobile, and coiffed with a ridiculos cap, part of her McUniform. I spoke to her, too, and, when she mentioned a recent birthday, asked how old she was. SHE IS EIGHTY-ONE!

"Why aren't yopu retired?" I wanted to know.
She said she couldn't live on that income.
"Social security?" I asked
"I have my husband's death benefit pension."

Her own work in life had been as an assistant in nursing homes, and she had been terminated sans benefits.


My first question is why doesn't she have benefits beyond Medicare? If a job is worth doing, it's deserving of health and retirement benefits, and if that means that nursing homes and cardboard tacos are more expensive, VOILA!

Next, why are there women 1/3 the age of the McJob order-taker and 1/6 the age of the McJob floor-sweeper that have never worked, are not now working, and, unless an access of sanity seizes government policy-makers, will NEVER work - assuming one doesn't count lying on their fat backs to watch Okra Winfree with legs wide-spread to procreate the next generation of welfare ruination?

What's the secret here? Is it purely race? Is it the fertility necessary to breed future generations of indigent ciphers, all guaranteed to vote Democrat? I say that people that WORK and can't make ends meet should be the ones given priority for welfare.

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