Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I hadn't been in one for some time so had to rely upon Horrywood representations as preparation, and was I taken aback!

First of all, I expected the Chief Administrator to be, to some extent, an African American. I felt the same would be true of the surgeon that operated on me, not to mention anyone on the nursing staff that knew anything valuable. It's a bloody wonder I survived! All those people were honkies! Even the other people in the surgical group respionsible for me. One of the leeches that came around in the dark of morning to suck my blood looked to be a mulatto, and one of the nursing assistants and two people that cleaned the room had Spanish surnames. The movers and shakers, though, were all lily white. Can you imagine?

I don't know about you, but the quality of care one gets - or, indeed, of any service - is not nearly as important as the diversity of the people offering it. My government has taught me that, and Horrywood reinforces that priority every day.

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