Friday, July 1, 2011


B.O. reminds me of one of this society's several million black holes of welfare; they blow every dollar wrung from the tax-paying population, then complain that they haven't enough and thrash about and protest and beg and bay and wheedle for more.

B.O., hopefully the LAST of the truly COSMIC, large spenders, day by day throws money away by the trillions, yet waxes angry when Republicans chastise him about his debt. The BADministration solution, expectedly, is to tax us more heavily.

"Well, brothers, we be fixin' dis yere debt problem by taxin' de hell out ob dem what works, so at we's able to spend mo' on dem what don't, you see."

Why can't the morons that voted for this clown pick up his astronomical tabs? Leave us intelligent voters alone, OK?

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