Saturday, June 25, 2011


I mean two A states, Arizona and Alabama, and the "it" is a strong, fully sensible, anti-illegal alien law. Perhaps low temperatures and a high distance from Mexico makes one unnecessary in Alaska (or are Russian Jews sneaking in there to avoid "religious persecution?"), but I wish to congratulate AL and AZ for moving to protect themselves and, consequently, the Union.

Dummycrats and B.O.'s BADministration dislike these laws, because they see millions more votes from the illegals they are dying to legalize. Hmm. Why would the essentially illegal vote Dummycrat? That's obvious - because of all the give-aways the Donkey party is prepared to award in return for votes.

Neither are all the Elephant politicians in other states vociferously in favor of such laws and decrying the ruination of the country. Why? That's obvious - because they are stupid Pollyanna's that believe that relatives of the illegals will vote for them if they do not oppose illegal immigrants. They are so stupid that they believe goodwill will overpower handouts. What? In this country of panhandlers? Republicans are always defeating themselves as a result of the unfounded belief that being friendly to louts will cause louts to change their minds and vote for them.

At any rate, HURRAH! for states with gumption, guts, and the best interests of the nation at heart. They **are** A states!

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