Thursday, December 24, 2009


The Lord himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14

That's right, friends; tomorrow we celebrate the coming of God among the people he created.

Please don't allow courts, craven school administrators, lunatic, left-wing organizations, the excuse for a congress we have, or the crew presently squatting in the White House dilute the fact of CHRISTMAS for you.

I'm happy to live in a town where the courthouse illuminates a big star - 5 points - during this season and nearly every business runs a MERRY CHRISTMAS message in the newspaper. America has not entirely vanished, you see, and each person has a duty to preserve his corner of it as it was when it was great or to revive that spirit.

God bless you all!

Yves Chauvire'

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Did you know that the Ft. Hood murderer

1. for more than a year had carried on correspondence with an Al Qaeda operative?

2. had often expressed the view that Muslim soldiers should not be required to fight Muslims?

The ARMY KNEW THIS, but sat with its finger up its collective anus so as not to appear prejudiced against a member of a - yes, the deadly, modern password again - MINORITY.

Pity that poor minority, which, after a few years of leporine breeding, will not BE a minority. How many of our lives equal an offense to a minority group?

Do you recall how on September 11, 2001 a ticket agent thought it unusual that FIVE obvious Arabs had ONE-WAY TICKETS to the same destination? She didn't raise an alarm for fear of being accused of discrimination. How many lives did that cost?


Tuesday, December 22, 2009



Most every day we get to see ILLinois economics in action, but consider this.

Some years back far-sighted ILLinois paid over $100M to build a prison, but, despite all the criminals there, it's empty! (Wonder who pocketed that "douceur" from the taxpayers.)

Luckily for the state that's fighting it out with Louisiana for MOST CORRUPT, though, brilliant B.O. the Neighborhood Organizer, wants to ship the Guantanamo rates there. Makes sense, right? They're to be tried in New York City, so why not house them in western ILLinois?

It's not just a question of using the building, however; the U.S., meaning U and I, will buy the damned place! Yes, other thieves - or possible the same ones - will get this particular "stimulus."

Shucks, it ain't the Olympics, but B.O.'s in there pitching for ILLinois every chance he gets. You've got to hand it to him, and, as usual, you WILL hand it - $, I mean - to him.

Enjoy becoming a bankrupt, third-world country? OK, keep voting Demo, saps.

Monday, December 21, 2009


I know just enough climate science to realize that the experts cannot even measure the effect of water vapor (clouds) on temperature changes, let alone of hydrocarbons and other things people produce and that there is irrefutable scientific proof that Earth has undergone enormous warming and cooling trends long before there were people on it.

Thus, I thought the Al Gorp/B.O. & Co. climate flap was a lot of nonsense, although I was impressed by the data they spouted, things like "8 of the last 10 years have been the warmest in recorded history."

Now, it seems that the leaked emails from "researchers" at the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit - and this is the basis for the the U.N.'s panic - PROVE that the data that captured my attention, along with that of a jillion or two others, were falsified, selectively and intentionally lost, and incompetently managed to the point of discrediting the whole movement, which is the correct word for crap, right? Even some of their own group criticized the head cheaters.

Why would supposedly objective scientists lower themselves to the level of vulgar liars? Here are several easy answers.

1. Being arrogant, liberal misologists, they would do anything to validate their "a priori" political prejudices. This is S.O.P. for liberals.

2. To garner for themselves windfalls of research money, with which they would deepen and propagate their dishonesty, publish bushels of new "research," and become tenured, famous and respected, if not rich.

3. To become rich, like Al Gorp, from championing and starting companies set up to solve non-existing problems with unnecessary technology.

Read and weep over, "Scientists Behaving Badly," by Steven Hayward, The Weekly Standard, Dec. 14, 2009, p.16. Then tell your legislative representatives to stop throwing away our money.

Saturday, December 19, 2009




Despite a clear majority of citizens OPPOSED to the health "care" disaster, B.O.'s korrupt krewe has bribed passage of it. The little backdoor entries to abortions are still there, as are funding for illegal aliens, and the destruction of the good care many of us worked a lifetime to earn.

"Work" and "earn" are foreign concepts to those that will benefit most by this travesty, as the United States, going out of its way to emulate unsuccessful systems all over the world, takes another step in its decline.

Another sad day for us. B.O and his puppeteers come up with a new one most every day.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Did you know that the Demo's health "care" plan encourages racial discrimination in medical schools? Yes, indeed, and favoring incompetents is supposed to improve health care for minorities. Apparently the oath these guys take can't guarantee equal treatment for "minorities," the password of our era.

Perhaps, though, that pledge can't guarantee anything, for, after swearing to preserve life, quite a few of the liars trot out and start murdering unborn babies. What a crew!

Do be aware, though, that affirmative action is still alive and well and undermining the quality of our country. Happy about that?

Monday, December 14, 2009


On the 3rd of November I mailed a first class envelope to a domestic location a bit less than 2000 miles distant, and it was delivered on the 16th, by which time I had paid the charge to send a second copy certified, since I feared the loss of the first.

On the 27th of November a fellow that lives 400 miles away paid $5 to priority-mail me a small package that arrived on the 11th of December.

Now, the same crew that administers the postal "service" wants to design our system of medical care! What is wrong with this picture? The loonies are running the mental hospital!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


On 7 December I promised a longer post on the subject above; this is it.

If you read a biographical sketch of young Charles Darwin, you'll find he was about as much a scientist as the average defensive tackle at a college football factory like Alabama. Following several flubbed attempts at careers he got taken aboard ship as a naturalist, a position arranged by an influential acquaintance. e noted some observations and said, "If evolution were true, it would explain these phenomena." Thus, it was left to scientists to attempt to adduce the veracity of evolution, an endeavor still unachieved. (In 2009, Charlie might have said, "Alien intervention would explain all this," and crazies would be scrabbling to find evidence that Earth had been visited by representatives of the planet Zontar.)

One of these was Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919), a man said to have been "more Darwinian than Darwin." Ernst was so anxious to substantiate Charlie's guess that his zeal triumphed over ethics, and in sketching family trees of organism to show what had descended from what, he invented and freely interpolated missing links and branches. In other words, Ernie lied in order to concoct "science" that would make Chuck's guess appear plausible.

In 1912 England were found the startling fossils of a primitive man, named Piltdown for the local eponomy. It took 40 years, but these were proven to be fake constructs of entirely contemporary species.

Anthropologist, eventually celebrated as a savant and expert in nearly everything, Margaret Mead (1901-1978) made her biggest splash with a study of Polynesian culture that showed how cool and OK nonchalant sex was for young girls there. The inference just waiting to be drawn, of course, was that the same would be cool and OK anywhere. She became a popular lecturer on all sorts of social issues, sat on government commissions, and had numerous publications, including one with James Baldwin, the titan of literature, called Rap on Race. (This was before "rap" became the designation for another brilliant and indispensable Afro-American contribution to our "culture.") Some years following her demise other anthropologists discovered that Maggie had been "misled" by her Polynesian informants; polite translation, she had lied about what she had found out there in the islands.

More recently, I reiterate, it occurred that some data meant to shock and panic us into bankruptcy to avoid what a "news" source called "calamitous global warming" were falsified.

Must I tell you again what a rational person's reaction to the FACT of fraudulent science should be? Idiots that ready to emulate lemmings because of global warming should proceed to jump in.

Based on these lies and the general ignorance about what is occurring with the climate and why, B.O.'s view is still that we should print even more Monopoly money, further devalue our currency, and throw $ at Africa (of course) and elsewhere in order to elude postulated catastrophes.

Since Dumbocrats control both houses, the odds are good that your senators and representative won't listen to reason, but it's time for you to make pleas for sanity and actions based upon HONEST AND OBJECTIVE SCIENCE.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I just read an idiotic statement that I shall paraphrase; "Why, yes, I rant and rave about illegal aliens, but what irritates me is government policy, not the fact that the scum are here."

Once again, as they say along the Nile, "That's a crock!"

Yes, I'm furious that our excuse for government DOESN'T ENFORCE THE LAWS, BUT THE ONES THAT ARE HERE SHOULD BE ROUNDED UP AND DEPORTED. If they gave birth to citizens here, tough; the citizens stay, the parents get kicked out.

My opening statement above is that of a poltroon and makes the same sense as "I deplore rape, but I don't have anything against rapists; it's God's fault for giving all the males penises."


The subject, naturally, refers to our country.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Just days ago, SSNL, Sleazy Saturday Night Live, took a swipe at Ti "Forsaking All Others/Till Death Us Do Part" Woods, and I saw among West Coast, West (If you're facing South)-Wing Yahoo's "news" headlines that SSNL was being criticized for this.

Observe the IMMEDIATE, A PRIORI bias - not that they had done it, but that they had been criticized for it. Dumbbell readers, most of what they have, are supposed to conclude, "Yo, bro, SSNL done wronged Bro Woods."

SSNL, to the exuberant applause of West-Wingers, routinely satirizes the private lives of decent Americans such as Sarah Palin, but on this occasion they switched classes of targets and lampooned Ti, whose infidelity count has reached 9, I just read.

So why the West- (Left) Wing uproar; because Straight Arrow Woods has some fraction of Negro blood in those busy, busy veins? We're not supposed to criticize or question Negro blood are we? That even accounts for the free ride B.O. seems to get from the spineless.

Monday, December 7, 2009


By these I mean instances where groups hostile to the welfare of the United States perpetrated on us large-scale acts of villainy. We should not forget who these people are and be wary of them in future.

Along with 7 December 1941, I include

11 September 2001 and
4 November 2008.



Al "Oscar" Gorp, for best performance by an actor based on ***falsified data***. Supporting actor/actress winners in the same category are B.O. and the entire Sky Is Falling Let's Bankrupt Ourselves Another Way Chicken Little Crew.

Lying about or falsifying the data in order to make a "scientific" point is not a new stratagem, and soon I'll post a blog about some of the more blatant, historical cases. While it's not Science, B.O. and Crew lied like hell about numbers of jobs saved and created by turning our currency into Monopoly money and throwing it to the four winds, so they have a poor track record on veracity with numbers.

Therefore, don't believe every number some blowhard tosses your way. A truly onager, energumen liberal feels entitled to any dishonesty that supports his pre-destined view of what is good and right - we already KNOW the climate data was faked - so beware; otherwise

The LOSER is ... YOU!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Lately I determined to watch a recording of a 2001 sci fi tv program. Purportedly it concerned time travel, and the initial setting - which was as far as I stayed with it - was - where else? - Auschwitz!!!!!

Everyone sentient recognizes that, except for sports, Jews control most everything in the entertainment world, but MUST they infiltrate the tragedies of World War II and Jewishness, in general, into EVERYTHING they produce? Of course, there is method in that focus, but show us a little variety, OK? I'm waiting for an obscene, scrofulous sitcom to be set in a death camp.

Ever hear of Father, now saint, Maxilmilian Kolbe or Father, now blessed, Pius Bartosik? I doubt you've seen their stories told, but how's this? Both Polish priests were arrested by the Nazi's and sent to - where else? - Auschwitz!!!!! There, Father Kolbe voluntarily died to save the life of another prisoner, and Father Bartosik was tortured to death. Think they were rare? Why don't we see their stories, or how about Edith Stein's?

I've had a belly full of Jewish prejudice, Semitism, in what's filmed and printed; haven't you?

P.S. Why doesn't this spell-checker understand "Semitism?"


Yet again, a high-profile star of the sports world has been found seriously deficient in the dimension of morality.

So far as is presently known, and happily, Mr. Woods has not beaten or decapitated a wife or mistress; raped, shot, robbed, or otherwise molested another citizen; while drunk, murdered a person with his car; cheated on exams; accepted bribes; been a junkie; or otherwise emulated too many ESPN Heroes.

Still, it's disheartening when a person one has admired, perhaps idolized, proves to be just another character - pig, rooster, you name it - from the barnyard. I'm happy it never happened to me and attribute the phenomenon to the deterioration in this country of character and of standards. I'm pleased, though, that there are lots of good people in Sportsworld, as Howard Cosell called it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Several times previously I've given here the opinion that the people responsibility for prematurely freeing criminals that proceed to perpetrate violent crimes should also share in the responsibility for those outcomes.

I have not modified that view, but I found it fascinating that when I read the first "news" report of the lunatic police-murderer in Seattle, Republican Huckabee was prominent for releasing the mad dog. It's true, and he should answer for it, but it was the first time I'd seen an elected official fingered, so to speak, in that way, whereas the story did not mention that the murderer was out on bail for a recent rape.

This startling bias in favor of liberals is why I write "news" so often here, but don't you agree that judges, psychiatrists, governors, psychologists, presidents - what have you - should be held accountable for permitting vicious predators that still should be incarcerated to roam among us? If they were, don't you suppose they'd be considerably more conservative and circumspect in their decisions?

Monday, November 30, 2009


A couple of years ago a friend and her husband, tourists in Germany, weer befriended by a man and his wife, who kept in touch subsequently by email. On the dismal day when the Neighborhood Organizer, the "present" voter, and general know-nothing was inaugurated, the German fellow phoned her to ask what she was doing.

"Why, I'm at work; what else?"

The guy was astounded that she, unlike him, was not glued to the tube and ogling what he erroneously - unless the preface to the downfall of a great country counts - construed as a momentous event.

Poor, stupid, deluded Euro man! Had he got his opinions from ABC, CNN, and their ilk, or are German "news" sources equally biased, benighted, and offensive?

Apparently B.O.'s whistle stop pause, following his overnight mastery of the Iraq situation - tee hee, had wowed the Teutonics almost as much as John Kennedy's "Ich bin eine Berliner" sweet nothing some years back.

Well, they were duped by Adolph Hitler, so perhaps that explains the gentleman's gullibility. On the other hand, perhaps its smugness at seeing the failure of a country that bested them in every way, or, as others have suggested, glee at B.O.'s apologizing for everything we've done. Another option is unwarranted joy at seeing a mulatto elected. Take your pick from among this set of bad reasons.


No country that ever materialized on this Earth was so blessed as the U.S. in the company of selfless, courageous sages on hand to forge it. They generated two precious, unique documents, the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.

For over 200 years this nation was born and throve under those compositions and rose to a position of pre-eminence. We should NEVER, EVER sacrifice a micro-inch of what the Constitution and Bill of Rights GUARANTEE.

Yet, today, people like Sotowhat'shername, newly infiltrated into the Supreme Court, and many of B.O.'s Harvard puppeteers want you to believe that that our sacred Constitution is some sort variable code to be interpreted according to the direction the wind is blowing. Folks, that's a crock!

How many of you have read the Constitution? GO DO THAT. That's language understandable to a secondary schooler - or was, at least, back when secondary schoolers received educations in competent English. A person doesn't need a law degree and years on a judicial bench, for example, to understand that "Congress shall pass no law respecting the establishment of religion" pertains to Congress' passing laws, NOT to prohibiting children from praying in school.

You ought to let your senators know that you know that the Constitution was NOT written by Frank Baum or the Brothers Grimm and that they should refrain from appointing judges that feel otherwise.

Monday, November 23, 2009


As often happens I feel constrained to correct something I saw in a "news" headline.

This one read, "Kennedy dispute reveals divide among Catholics," which is entirely incorrect; Catholics are not in favor of abortion, any more than they are of the murder of those outside the womb. It violates a commandment; hence, also Catholic teaching.

No, there is no divide among Catholics on the issue, but just as RINO, Republicans In Name Only, is informative, perhaps Catholics In Name Only deserve their own tag.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


The something is FEAR, that's for certain.

Haven't you noticed the vicious, gratuitous attacks, the enurectic whining and plaints, the scurrying into holes like frightened mice that the syllables, "Sarah Palin," cause the Democrats?

No sooner was her book out than the Hughes Internet Service Provider, which didn't know she existed - except for her daughter's error - during the campaign, pounced on her with assorted charges of mendacity. They're headquartered, I discovered, around Baltimore, a lunatic liberal infestation if ever there was one. (Been there lately? I wouldn't bother, but if you're daring, exercise you Second Amendment Rights - while you still have them.)

A military base - yes, blockheads, you made him Commander-in-Chief, too, and if you forgot that, as you did everything sensible, you should correct that at your earliest opportunity - attempted to deny her the visibility other authors take for granted.

B.O., the N.O., wants to raise a $500,000 save-my-ruinous-plans-for-health-care fund, because of dangerous Sarah's adverse effect on it. Calling George Soros, calling George Soros.

Baby-murderers loathe and fear her because, like a good, Christian mother, she delivered a child she knew was retarded.

When the forces of WRONG oppose anything so strenuously, be assured that something is RIGHT.

John McCain was either too stupid or too vain to realize what an asset had been dropped upon him, misused her egregiously, and paid the price. No, come to think of it, WE paid the price; McCain is still sitting prettily as one of the few moderate Democrats in this excuse for a senate.

Mrs. Palin and those close to her should be vigilant in her protection. A lunatic liberal feels that any excess, lie, or crime is justified when it may lead to what he KNOWS with immense confidence and arrogance to be right. He is just as fanatical as a lunatic Muslim, who stands willing to murder scores of the innocent every day. By the way, B.O. is demanding that authority, too, isn't he?


I mean the LACLU = Lousy ACLU.

Who pops for the legal bills when the jerks sue some institution for injecting a note of Christianity into its proceedings, or is it just pro bono work by rabidly anti-Christian attorneys?

Who's behind them: Jews, Muslims, non-denominational atheists?

Whoever the scrofulous pigs and the sources of their bankrolls, it's great to see them slapped down so often, as lately in Florida.


Saturday, November 14, 2009


Yes, I know I rant regularly against college football, when the concept is abused, which is nearly always, but I mean the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, which is the institution that awarded the Ft. Hood murderer with an M.D. in Psychiatry.
Most of the places from which students would like to have an M.D. degree - such as Johns Hopkins, University of Illinois, Stanford, and Harvard - have football teams, so this was merely my whimsical way of asking myself if USUHS is a mainline school or a get-an-M.D.-by-Internet college.
Directly following the tragedy I looked for it on the web, but its site was "unavailable," said my browser, for a day or two. Following that absence their page featured a statement of regret. I think if colleges routinely apologized for the wrongdoings of their graduates, they'd be doing more of that than of playing football; insofar as reasonable inference is valid, USUHS should be free of suspicion of misconduct.
I completed the web page inquiry form and asked for a list of its medical faculty. Since I'm still awaiting a reply, I have no idea if it's a get-an-M.D.-by-Internet school, let alone whether it has a football team.

Friday, November 6, 2009


No, I didn't miss the anniversary of Black (meaning bad, ominous, frightening) Tuesday - just had other things to do.

Here's a capsule assessment of our progress in a year.

1. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan about the same.

2. Second-rate Supreme Court appointee that flagrantly flaunts her bigoted notions over those of the U.S. Constitution.

3. Vigorous war on unborn lives advancing as never before.

4. Nationalization of some industries and banks.

5. Record unemployment.

6. Government's being run by an assortment of anti-American tsars and tsarina's accountable to no one but B.O.

7. Debt with so many zeroes that even Carl Sagan couldn't have named the quantity.

8. Vigorous war on decent health care that hard-working, responsible people have earned for themselves.

Well, that's enough; contemplating our deterioration makes me ill and angry.


Bravo and brava, Virginia and New Jersey! You did the RIGHT THING and don't ever forget it! At the very least you have saved the lives of many, unborn children, and saving lives earns people medals. I have none of those to award you, unless prayers of gratitude count. If so, consider yourselves rewarded in much better than metal and fabric.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I read that in Montana several days ago a fellow was arrested for murdering a 69-year-old and 62-year-old couple when they surprised him in the act of burgling their home. It was gruesome - throats cut, multiple stab wounds, etc. (Is there a knife-control faction among the legislators? Perhaps there should be background checks and waiting periods for purchasing kitchen knives and corkscrews.)

While this is an everyday event in violence-riddled America, it struck me even more tragic that just ONE WEEK before, the murderer had been freed on $50,000 bail after being charged with intent to commit homicide by bludgeoning a man on the head! (See parenthetical expression above as regarding rocks and heavy objects.)

My direction here is not weapons control; no, not by a long shot. I believe judges, physicians, and others, on whose authority dangerous criminals are released among us, must bear criminal responsibility for the subsequent acts of those they liberate. The Constitution affords us the right to bail, and I do not oppose the concept, but how many rapes, murders, and other crimes are perpetrated upon us by maniacs that are foraging the streets while awaiting trial or who have been pronounced harmless by psychiatrists? These should be charged the same as the criminals they set loose, and bearing the responsibility for one's actions would make him immensely more circumspect.


No, I don't reference the disputed number of killings of Jews by Germans in WW II, I intend the exorbitant number of jobs B.O. & Co. claim to have created/saved by printing and spreading (mainly wasting) several trillion once-respected dollars hither and yon.

Each month the number of unemployed are reported to have increased despite the legerdemain of the Neighborhood Organizer and his anti-American advisers. As throughout his campaign and this disastrous first year, the magic is all in the lips, folks. He done created nothin'.

In the novel, 1984, when the chocolate ration was decreased, the corrupt dictatorship said it had been increased, and all the spineless, cringing saps swallowed the lie. Are you not reminded of Stalin's Soviet Union? It's the same with B.O. and his attempts at a dictatorship; lie upon lie upon lie. Don't be a spineless sap; don't swallow the fantasies ABC, CBS, NPR, and most of the others propagate. Look at the data, look around you, and use your bloody heads!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Nancy "the Catholic" Pelosi is determined to ram federally funded abortion through the House of Reps. She wants a "closed rule" vote, which would obviate amendments to her health "care" plan. Straight out of the Soviet Union, right?

If you're opposed to dictatorships or to the murder of the unborn, call your congressperson today. I did, and he's voting my way.

Don't they excommunicate heretics anymore? Someone ought to drop kick that louse out of the faith the liar purports to follow.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


A few years back it was a line in a modern-made folk song, but, here, I mean the Republican party.

The way they present candidates I can ALMOST understand why morons voted for a dictatorship when our country was defined and defended in blood.

For two examples consider the RINO senators in the Northeast - likely territory - that have thrown in with baby-murder, euthanasia, free medical rides for illegal scum, and the destruction of Medicare and medical insurance, hard-one by by responsible, working people.

Then, too, we have Scozzafava, a New York - another likely locale - lunatic liberal, supporting abortion and faggot unions, whom Republican congressmen are ballyhooing for the coming election! Vote for Hoffman, a Conservative and a good man, instead.

Wake up, RNC! Your days as a party, especially shot through with Democrats only slightly less rabid than B.O., Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Rangel, Feinstein, and that scurrilous crowd, may be numbered.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Not long ago B.O. and his BADministration assured us there was no sweat about Swine Flu, H1N1. Now, they say it's damned near a national emergency! Where's the vaccine? We don't have enough, etc.!

A European friend just wrote me that her country has purchased 2 inoculations per capita and has started a massive vaccination program.

So what are we in the U.S., chopped liver? B.O and his sycophantic press want to credit him every time there's fair weather someplace, so I guess they should discredit him for another, COLOSSAL SLIP-UP! Hmmm; or is this merely strategy? He wants to murder the unborn and the elderly, so perhaps his Harvard Commie buddies have calculated that letting us die via flu will help accomplish those goal.

To answer an earlier question, yes, we, recently the premiere nation on Earth, are becoming chopped liver. Thanks. again, voters.


Saturday, October 24, 2009


Harvey Milk was a garden variety queer, common as weeds around San Francisco, that got himself in the way of a bullet intened for someone else. Since then, organized queerdom has sought to add him to its martyrology and succeeded to the point where Horrywood made a useless movie about him and then awarded it an Oscar.

Lately, though, I read that California - where else?; well, maybe Massachusetts or another pit - schools will observe a queer day for dear, departed Harv. Take a look at

I would not let a child of mine even approach such an excuse for a school with its program of deviate indoctrination. In fact, I would be parading outside it with a poster of protest.

Parents, how can you be so negligent of your children or so bloody STUPID?


No, no, I don't mean "Wrangler Charlie;" that would be a dude that argues a good deal, a cowboy type, or one that won first in the math tripos over at Cambridge U.

I mean Charlie Rangel, the guy that runs the House Ways 'n Means Committee, Taxation Central, you know, but, who, like most of the B.O. government doesn't pay any taxes himself, hee hee. Keep it up, Charlie, your constituents just LOVE voting for felons - you must feel like Harold Washington or Adam Clayton Powell, right?

Let's just keep electing cheating, low-down creeps like this, OK? We're on the right trail, are we not? I mean, to ruin this country, which appears to be the primary Democratic objective.

Go, Charlie, go and slam dunk the ball of America's ruination every chance you get. Don't you even THINK about resigning over criminal charges; your party NEEDS scrofulous rats like you!

Friday, October 23, 2009


I notice that B.O. and fellow partial black and crackerjack attorney general, Holder, are off to safeguard the users and dispensers of "medical marijuana."

The only ailment mentioned for which the illicit drug was recommended was a stress-related, probably factitious, disorder.

If it's only about feeling nervous and agitated, why not give sufferers a daily pint of booze. This would mitigate, probably eliminate, the effects of stress with a drug that is NOT illegal.

Just one more concession to the liberal loonies, many of them junkies, that voted the destructive clown into office.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


About a month ago I saw an ISP news item about two U of Alabama football players' being cleared to play in some game or other.

The final three sentences in the article addressed a different player on the same team. "Brandon Deaderick probably won't play Saturday. Deaderick was shot in the arm during a robbery attempt. He was released from the hospital Tuesday night."

I believe it is less a commentary on my perception of college team thugs than on the frequency of such reports, that my initial reaction was, "What the heck was he trying to steal?" Later it occurred to me that perhaps the victim was not the felon in the case but had been a bystander. Hanging around the venue of a robbery, a person may not qualify for the adjective "innocent," but who knows?

The main issue was that a "businessman" named Curtis Anderson had given the pair a Gulf Coast fishing trip. What? Is it illegal to give athlete-students gifts? If so, what do their loved ones do at birthdays and Christmas, e.g.? Clearly the NCAA view was that this gift had been a bonus for playing football, an illegal perk, a component of the invisible pay athlete-students earn at professional football factories like Alabama.

The primary focus of the piece was that a highly tolerant NCAA had reinstated them. This absolution was contingent upon the pair's repaying the cost of the excursions. Repayment had been made to charity, and, naturally, we suppose the $ came from their own pockets. :-)

In 25 lines, including report of the shooting, the laughable term "student-athlete" appeared 5 times!

We also read, "The institution reported the violation and declared the s-a's ineligible," and that "the institution required the s-a's to make repayment ... to charity ..." This translates as follows; "Word of the impermissible benefits got out, so the school did a CYA maneuver to try and avoid punishment."

Another interesting bit of information was that the Alabama athletic empire has a "compliance department," meaning that it takes some bureaucrats to make sure no one gets caught. We have also the football coach's own, unimpeachable assurance that "the institution has handled the situation with tremendous professional [one correct word, anyway] integrity."

Get serious, Saban. Does anyone know a school that has been in trouble more often than Alabama? See the P.S. below

Years and years ago I recall they were caught with a 35-year-old guy with NO college eligibility playing for them! More recently, in the Stallings years, they played a guy that had already signed with an agent, and when the NCAA got wind of that, they put a 0-11 record into their books for them for that year, though this data never filtered down to the school's and local newspaper's respective archives. That was another time when, at the breaking of the damaging news, the school immediately convened the faculty athletic committee (the PREMIERE committee, whose members have all been loyalty-tested over the years, whose appointments are made by telephone invitations from the university president, himself, and who are guaranteed to rubber-stamp anything the athletic department wants), tried to broadcast the impression that that group had some control, and said, "Handle this, faculty."

Later than that "flagrante delicto" event there was another slip that got them bowl-ineligible for a number of years. This is cruel punishment, for it cuts into the slush fund resources out of which they pay players and make other invisible arrangements. At Alabama it seems to be fairly accessible knowledge that each of the army of coaches is provided a new car annually by one of the slavering dealers, and rumors are rife that girls from the Dept. of Criminal Justice - a sham major but appropriate in this instance - are regularly hired as whores for the football players. One can only suppose that these little information leaks address only the tip of the iceberg.

Certainly, everyone knows that this institution is far from isolated in malpractice, but I can't think of another place that has been apprehended so frequently. Can you imagine the cheating that goes unnoticed?

The word "university" is derived from "universe." So tragic it is that a noble concept is trampled underfoot by thugs, dissemblers, cheats, and liars. Watching the U.S. star set in the constellation of nations, I wish people of influence would remember what "higher education" is supposed to mean.

P.S. In late-breaking, related news 21 of their coveted victories have been removed by the NCAA for new indiscretions. 201 athletes in 16 sports obtained textbooks disallowed under their scholarships. 22 violaters, 7 footballers among them, obtained supplies for other students. The NCAA described Alabama as having "an abysmal history of infractions" and an "extensive recent history of infraction cases unmatched by any other member institutions in the NCAA." This is quite a testament to an educational institution, isn't it? It must give Criminal Justice lots of material for case studies. Why don't you roll right off the scene, Tide?

Saturday, October 17, 2009


My Internet Service Provider has its HQ's around Baltimore. Been there lately? I wouldn't bother, and is there a more energumen liberal state in the confederation? I can't think of one, but you decide.

At any rate the other day one of the "news" headlines they popped up at me reported that annually 70,000 lives are lost by illegal abortions! This must have addressed, I decided, the murderous, potential mothers, for abortionists would not count the aborted babies as lost lives, would they? No, part of that "culture" is to cajole oneself into construing those lives to be in the class of cysts, warts, and tumors, right?

Looking beyond the headline, I discovered that most of these purported - who believes statistics, nowadays, given the sources of many of them - lost lives are in Africa!

While a life is a life, regardless of the continent, the clear intent of the devious, misleading headline was to persuade nonchalant readers that the B.O./Baucus/other bloodthirsty health care deformers' plans are beneficent!


Friday, October 9, 2009



From Neighborhood Organizer to Peace Prize recipient in a matter of months! Is that meteoric or what?

Personally, I think it was either another case of Affirmative Action welfare or a Socialist committee's seeking to reward one of its own.

I can derive some consolation from the fact that Al Gorp and Smilin' Jimmy Carter were previous winners, but I can't avoid the impression that if B.O. played catch with one of his kids, the baseball writers would name him Most Valuable Player. What a bloody laugh!


Quite recently I looked through the Encyclopedia Britannica to recall the year in which Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, convicted spies and traitors were executed. (If you've also forgotten, it was in 1953 at Sing Sing.)

On the same page - and this highlights a glaring defect, the inability to browse locationally similar items of interest, with research that considers only the web - was an article about another Rosenberg, Alfred. He was born in 1893 in Tallinn, or Reval, Estonia. He, I read, was the ideologist of Nazism, and permit me to quote a passage.

"According to Rosenberg, the Germans descended from a Nordic race that derived its character from its environment: a pure, cold, semi-Arctic continent, now disappeared. The Germans, as representatives of this race, were entitled to dominate Europe. Their enemies were 'Russian Tartars' and 'Semites.' The latter included Jews, the Latin peoples, and Christianity, particularly the Catholic Church. Rosenberg's anti-Semitism and 'Nordic' expansionism gave a certain order and direction to Hitler's own violent prejudices."

Thus, we see that the Nazi concept of "Semitic" embraced far more people than the Jews. They were unable to get their hands on Latinos, so they made do with Jews, Catholics, and, as noted here previously, Gypsies.

It's a fact that they murdered more Catholics than they did Jews, but you're forgiven for not knowing that; the former sub-population has not gazetted that news for 60+ years, constructed monuments and museums in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere to their people so victimized, and bombarded you with Horrywood presenting versions of the tragic events.

Still, that's the way it was folks - believe it.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Whoever would have believed that a career as a neighborhood organizer and voting "present" in the Illinois senate fostered such expertise in a guy? Hardly a day passes that Curious George doesn't poke his nose - at least his tongue - into some new corner of his knowledge deficit.

Now he's decided that the remedy for declining test scores and the production of dumbbells in our public schools is MORE school days and LONGER ones! This is about as brilliant as the usual federal approach to "improving" education, which is to spend MORE money on doing the wrong things. The feds know all about MORE, but they don't know beans about BETTER.

For openers, it wouldn't cost any more or require longer periods of schooling to cease this "feel well about yourselves, self-esteem" crap and DEMAND certain levels of achievement. Don't achieve? Well, then maybe you're a child left behind - at least for a year or two - until you get yourself motivated to work, and just maybe for some of you, your best is not good enough - you don't have what it takes. Stop making excuses for blockheads! SINK OR SWIM! Believe it or not, once upon a time, that's the way schools worked, and look at them now.


If you were a voter so deluded or stupid to believe B.O.'s patent, campaign lies about not wanting federal $ to fund baby-murder, check out the National Right to Life Committee's newsletter, "Democrat leaders keep abortion in health care bills," of 30 September at

You needed accept what that message says; just follow its links to learn from official, objective sources what's happening in Congress.

The energumen Democrats fight tooth and nail for the federally - meaning our tax money - subsidized murder of the unborn. When did Democrats become so bloodthirsty? They would also vote to try and FORCE institutions and individuals to participate in the bloodbath.

No great exemplar of righteousness, I nevertheless certainly would NOT like to die with those credentials on my soul. Would you like to die as someone that helped elect a mass murderer? Lots of people will.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


In scholastic parlance a letterman is an individual (maybe today "letterperson" is proper, or is that a job at the post office?) that has done well enough in some sport to be awarded a fuzzy letter that represents his school and which may be worn on a jacket; e.g., a "B" for Brown or a "C" for Centerville High School. (Believe it or not, there are educational institutions that give letters for academic performance, but primarily this is reserved for athlete-students, another component in this country's inexorable decline.)

However, the letterman named David, "The Dentist's Delight," is quite another matter. If there were a letter granted for proficiency in sniping at decent people from a position unassailable to the snipees and for broadcasting sleaze, particularly of the east coast variety, he (or his writers) would get one. Possibly - probably, even, since this is a sub-community of Horrywood - there is an Emmy for that aptitude, but I don't know.

At any rate the cowardly - back home we used to say chicken-shit - sniper done been sniped! He done been caught in the act of screwing - pardon a colloquialism - some of his employees! It is a sign of our obscene times that the "news" source, Yahoo (see J. Swift), in this case, found it informative to apply the adjective "female" to those violated.

I would guess a subservient's job would be the only explanation for a woman's willingly submitting to "Fang," but there it is.

Who, among Letterperson's Republican targets of the last election are guilty of any demonstrable moral wrong-doing? None that I know; they were all decent people. Here we have Letterperson, however, with his out-of-wedlock child and employee conquests, prattling on and railing against decent people.

It is a further sign of our declension that this particular "news" source said nary a critical word about Letterperson's adventures and immorality; just about the informer that sought to blackmail the creep.

Did Letterperson influence you to vote for B.O.? Careful now; I hope your vote was more substantial than to be influenced by an immoral, funny-looking, two-faced clown.


I selected that subject line at the risk of connecting something religious to government (especially this BADministration), the prohibition of which relationship is a popular misinterpretation of the Bill of Rights.

What I mean, though, is that B.O. and crew are making desperate bids to sell their abortion/health rationing/illegal alien care/destruction of Medicare/ruination of our hard-earned, good benefits plans on us.

The latest claim attributed to the Neighborhood Organizer is that job growth is linked to the adoption of the above scheme! What next? Perhaps the salvation of our souls is also dependent upon his rotten plan - oops, there I did it again.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Low-down Polanski is back in the news. Set to receive an award at the Zurich Film Festival, he was arrested for a sex crime involving a 13-year-old girl.
Naturally, his lack of character and moral decency has been well publicized, but the notable fact here is that those credentials are meaningless to Horrywood, which seeks to reward him, anyway. This is reminiscent of the French Minister of Culture presenting a medal to Eastwood at the Cannes Film Festival not so long after his film, High Plains Drifter. in it, raping a troublesome woman was treated as, not only entirely justified, but humorous.
I suppose, though, it is unreasonable to expect their organizations to have standards when so many of the individual units lack them.


Mother Elvira Petrozzi, an Italian nun, founded Comunita Cenacolo, a set of homes in 15 countries where 900 lost and troubled young people receive the care they were unable to find in the outside world. Following are her words.

"A world that does not love or respect little ones, that does not defend those who are weakest in this life is a world of the dead, a world of truly desperate people. A world that rejects life, which does violence to the life of children, cannot even be called a world. Yet God calls us specifically to love this world, to be carriers of hope and sparks of light and kindness that resurrect humanity."

It would be wonderful if each of use would follow this prescription, and, for openers, stop abusing children both before and after they are born.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


If you wish not to read all this, do, at least, see the last two paragraphs, especially the quote that ends the post.

For a topic above I tried to put as simply as possible the primary thing, in my opinion, that Horrywood does. (See previous posts for an explanation of that designation for our entertainment industry. In fact, if you've not read every one of these, you've missed a store of wit, wisdom, and inspired use of our language, by which I mean English)

Yes, of course, in one way or another not a few of Horrywood's citizens sell their bodies, some literally, for fame and fortune, but what I mean is that it seeks to sell you and me on the concept that sex is the "non pareil" of the universe.

A textbook example of that view is the film, "Pleasantville," amusing and humorous on some planes, disgusting and malevolent on those of its primary thrust. Via electronic, television mischief, teenage brother and sister are transported from the present into the gray scale, sitcom world of the 1950's.

Their new mother, a primly-dressed home-maker, and dad, who comes home in a suit and tie and calls, "Honey, I'm home," sleep in twin beds, as do all married couples. The school basketball team, boys, is perfect and has never lost a game. The girls are cute, modestly dressed, and when pairs drive down to Lovers' Lane, they sit in the cars, hold hands, and kiss. In this land, though, no one is truly happens, which deprivation is symbolized by the black and white existence.

The visitors from the future, however, agents of change surpassing even B.O. & Co., revolutionize life in Pleasantville, and their principal instrument is sex. Sister is the leading exponent, and before long the parked L.L. cars, each now rocking violently to and fro, reveal only feet, not heads and shoulders. When Mother tells Sister that Father wouldn't be interested in anything like that, Sister teaches her to masturbate! Is this progressive or not?

As life is transformed in these inguinal ways, improvement and joy are signalled by patches of color's creeping into the film of the stultified, Philistine 1950's. Mother's liberation is complete when she abandons home - Father is left announcing "Honey, I'm home" and whining "I want my dinner" to an empty house - to become a contuberal with the soda fountain proprietor. Brother, who works there, has encouraged him to allow his business to go completely to hell and to take up art, all abstract and riotously pigmented. Naturally, pursuing his self-esteem and gratification has outstripped any tendencies towards utility and capability.

Pleasantvillians opposed and resistant to these advances, (Pleasantvillains?) - people dissatisfied with their now losing basketball team, color, double beds, and the like - are portrayed as an angry mob of Nazi's, destructive reactionaries.

In such fashion does Horrywood purvey its favorite idol, sex, and you must have noticed it everyday that you have turned to an amusement created by that industry.

I wish to conclude this communication with a quote from a remarkable little book, A Right to be Merry, by Sister Mary Francis. She was a brilliant, poetic, and loving member of the Poor Clare Colettines, an order of enclosed nuns. The title suffices to dispel any suspicion that a life of penance, poverty, seclusion, obedience, and chastity is bleak and colorless, but consider this passage.

"The motive of the religious [for remaiining celibate] is unique: she wishes to give herself, body and soul, to God. This positive aspect of holy virginity is far too often entirely ignored. Virginity is thought to be a mere abstention. Many, dazzled by the coruscating, if specious, logic of psychologists of the Freudian school, think it is a blight on the development of the personality. One cannot experience the fullness of happiness in the virginal state, they maintain. It needs only one long look at the faces of nuns, one long listen to their laughter, to blow the proposition sky-high - or better, earth-low."

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Lately I was in a small city that supported B.O. in the disastrous election, though its state voted, as did the majority of them, with sanity.

In its newspaper I read that national S.A.T. scores have again declined; Congrats to No Child Left Behind and other federal toilet flushes of our hard-earned bucks.

The headline said that race and gender gaps in scores had widened, but the article said NOTHING, not one word, about what races and what genders had done better or worse than others, so naturally no quantitative comparison of differences.
Why wouldn't a "news" source even take the trouble to support its headline claim? Was it concealing something, do you suppose? qv my recent post on "news" media reliability and dirty tricks.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Those that have not read 1984 should, if for no other reason than to appreciate the disparity possible between truth and what a government tells its people and the remainder of the world. Of course, we have watched Communist countries, which were the motivation for the novel, do the same for decades, but, still, its difficult to believe that it's happening here every day.
In 1984 the government directly controlled the news media, whereas, in our case, the control is rather a voluntary, prejudicial enrapturement with our BADministration. It commenced with B.O.'s candidacy and, if anything, has worsened. Most of our "news" sources omit facts and events that are injurious to the BADministration, broadcast conspicuous untruths, and emphasize trivialities that they hope will cast shadows over the opposition.
On 13 September I noticed a compelling example of a matched pair of such dirty tricks. When I reached my computer's home page, the news briefs contained a line on some Horrywood clown's winning a prize for imitating Sarah Palin, while several tens of thousands of anti-BADministration protesters in D.C. the previous day went totally unreported!
Fox News and the Washington Times have the sense and responsibility to expose and criticize the wrongs of B.O. and his crew. I wouldn't credit anything I saw or read elsewhere without first consulting such sources as those. I also find email newsletters from the American Family Association and the National Right to Life Committee to be honest and highly informative.



The talking head presently occupying the White House is doing his best to indoctrinate the children in his government-controlled classrooms.

Stand up on your feet and shout, "NO!!" Take command of your schools - they're your children, right? Don't let them be corrupted by a talking head, especially one with unrepentant terrorists; America-damning, lunatic preachers for pals; Harvard Commies as his string-pullers; and law-breakers on his Cabinet.

The Neighborhood Organizer knows nothing. He's a corrupt, teleprompter-run, puppet, and his programmers are bent on the ruination of this country.

Keep your children immune to these viruses - no one will do it for you, certainly not the schools.


Sorry to have been absent for a spell, and it's terrific to be back.

Monday, September 7, 2009


It seems to me that only a misologist could dislike this plan, and rather than 600 pages of garbage and maleficence, it takes fewer than that number of letters to describe.

Any employee with a full-time job must be given medical benefits - from a PRIVATE insurance company. If your egg McMaggot suddenly costs $10, so what? That fast food crap is probably killing you, anyway. Just as happens at present, the government provides health care to the unemployed.

Problem solved. Kennedy's office, Baucus, and the rest of the loonies can go wreck something else.


With all the quite justifiable furor over medical costs, why doesn't anyone address some obvious questions?

Why are so many physicians multi-millionaires?

Why are they so elite that social contact with non-physicians is rare?

Why do hospital conglomerate corporations, many owned by physicians, as they do many nursing homes, rake in profits of a magnitude that our "news" sources only ascribe to other industries?

When did you last look at a hospital or physician's bill? Is there price-fixing in the medical industry or not?

Believe me, folks, in no other country are medical doctors exalted as they are here nor, by the mere implication of the letters after their names, wealthy.

Ph.D.'s spend as long, or longer, getting educated, and most of them are NOT paid in astronomical units. Pharmacist training now is 6 university years, yet they live next to you and me, ordinary sublunary wretches.

Under our new Communist government, why don't we set reasonable limits on the salaries and profits flowing into that sector of the economy?

Thursday, September 3, 2009


When I was in elementary school the Superintendent visited every class every year. On one visit he told us, "Go home and tell your parents you DON'T WANT federal aid to education."

I probably didn't, but, had I, they probably would have paid no attention to me. They had what would be today a Pollyanna, egregiously unjustified confidence that my school always acted in the best interests of the students.

Nowadays we have not only federal expenditure - if not aid - to education, but the feds RUN the damned show, and look at the morass! My Supt. of Schools and probably hoards of others must be looking down, up, or whatever in utter disbelief.

At any rate in the usurped role of Supreme Educational Authority, the feds in 1995, 98, and 2003 issued guidelines on freedom of religious expression in public schools, and I forward these from the August, 2009 American Family Association Journal. School administrators have been requested to make these known to everyone, but when do administrators do what they are supposed to do; especially as it has become less controversial for them to yield religious rights than to uphold them?

Observe, our Federal Masters of Education have permitted us these.

1.Students may pray, read religious material, and talk about their faith at school.

2.Students may organize and announce religious clubs at school.

3. Students may express their faith in class work and homework.

4. Teachers may organize prayer groups with other teachers.

5. Schools may allow students to go off campus for religious studies during school hours.

6. Students may express their faith at school events.

7. Students may express their faith at graduation ceremonies.

Clearly, these are insufficient, but they are YOURS. USE THEM!

To order the "free to speak" pamphlets and designate schools to receive the rights-defining letter, see or call 800.929.1163.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Greetings, friends,

The other day I was in a state that voted for Bush but in an area where B.O. flags and bumper stickers were much in evidence in the good ole days before 4 November 2008, the latest DAY OF INFAMY.

In the newspaper of that state's capital I read the nearly uncountable string of zeroes describing our country's deficit and the exciting news that, in a few years, the NATIONAL DEBT WILL CONSUME THE GNP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The article continued, "Before President Obama can do anything about this ..." WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? This is the trillionnaire debtor that, with the concurrence of the Dummycrat legislature, has plunged us into an inescapable, fiscal abyss. This dangerous clown must be defied. If he hasn't already achieved that objective, he will RUIN US FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I'd been separated several days from most "news" sources, and I use the quotes to signify that most U.S. agencies embracing that appellation are too biased to be heeded. Driving back into town I noticed a flag at half staff and remarked upon this to my wife.
"It's for Kennedy," she said and added that B.O. would deliver the funereal panegyric.
I've remarked more than once here that when a despicable person or group admires something or someone, the target of the approval is implicitly despicable. Thus, if one didn't know that Edward M. Kennedy had been a common cheat, a drunk, a hypocrite, a philanderer, a rabid advocate of the murder of the unborn, and - if not a murderer - at least an obstructer of justice, then B.O.'s praise for him would suffice.
Yahoo operates such a "news" service, and yesterday it called him "a quiet Catholic." His Catholicism was anything but quiet - it was a roaringly false and malignant denial of Catholic virtues. A Catholic that not only favors abortions but works tirelessly to promote that brand of murder; a literally bloody contradiction in terms. How he had a Mass said for his burial is considerably beyond me - another instance of a total absence of standards.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Sorry to have to describe our country in such terms, but there's new proof.
I just read that in his initial exhibition game appearance, dog-fighting Vick was accorded a standing ovation. Of course, that has become a cheap tribute among audiences of all sorts, and I don't council hatred for a person that has erred and paid a penalty for it, but, once again, our pathetic lack of standards and vanishing values are conspicuous.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Personally, I believe that individuals convicted of vicious, heinous crimes should serve the last seconds of their sentences, which were likely too lenient in the first place.Still, how can one condemn Christ's and the Christian God's plea for mercy and clemency? Thus, the freeing by Scotland of its mass murdering Muslim invokes conflicting sentiments.

What did you think, though, of the hero's welcome Libyans accorded one of their terrorist, murderous, bastard excuses for citizens? It looks to me as if the killer is a member of a majority there. Lately there have been news notices of moves towards normalization of relationships between Qadafy's Qingdom and the U.S., as, for example, as to that country's assets held here. What nonsense; they should continue to be regarded as the scrofulous outlaws they are.

I noticed, also, that Scotland's government used laughable words like "wrong" for the orgiastic celebration that greeted the criminal. Politicians should cease the use of treacle adjectives and expressions and speak truth. This was a bestial expression of a murderous wish that should be bombed out of existence.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


In this once-great country, when an unwed, unsupported woman bears a child she is assured of around 18 years flat on her back, even when not infixed by one or another penis, watching Oprah Winfrey or a Spanish equivalent, eating high-fat foods, and, in order to guarantee huge welfare burdens for the future, breeding new editions of herself. You might be interested to learn that welfare mamma's encourage their mature daughters to become pregnant and thus safeguard the family income for another generation. By "encourage" I include the loan of the mother's bedroom for the purpose.

While, as you can observe, I get a profusion of good ideas, once in a while I'm seized with an inspiration so profound, beneficial, and salutary as to defy containment. I could eradicate the subject problem in a single generation. Observe.

When the woman in question rolls into the hospital for the coming-out party, she either proves her ability to support this child or is sterilized during the delivery process. In the unlikely event the father can be run to ground, he, too, is sterilized.

As I've pointed out before, we have terms of embroidery here for a number of sham "rights," one of those being "reproductive rights." Ha ha! Your dog or cat is unable to control its amatory urges, right, so what do you do to spare yourself the expense and bother of unwanted litters? Of course, you spay or neuter it. Your dog or cat has and deserves few rights.

It seems to me that if people act like animals, they should be treated as animals. If someone wants to live at the expense of more capable others, then those others should have everything to say about how that beggar lives. Period.


I just read a description of the film, The Cassandra Crossing (1977), and it concluded "Co-stars Martin Sheen and O.J. Simpson has Father Haley."

Post-1977 there have been, unfortunately, a number of rotten priests, but casting a future wife-abuser/double murderer/armed robber as one would seem to be a casting catastrophe realizable only in the Capital of Catastrophes, Horrywood.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I couldn't decide upon a heading.
Years and years ago, when broadcast television was not entirely garbage, and - can you believe it? - original plays were produced, I saw Canadian Bill Shatner do a good job playing a surgeon. Later, I enjoyed his performance as the prosecuting attorney in "The Andersonville Trial."
I suppose it's somewhat stifling to have one's career then condense to a single role, but he must have made several fortunes with Star Trek television and movies.
Today, though, not even the face lifts and corsets have kept Big Bill Star Trek capable, and his latest triumph was to parody Sarah Palin on the Tonight Show, which shows on one of the several elements of the DNC network.
As I have related several times in previous posts, Horrywood, the world epicenter for degradation, immorality, and trash, affords an easy test of good and evil; if Horrywood touts or espouses something - such as B.O. - we know it sucks. On the other hand, when Horrywood - maybe Whoreywood would have been a better choice - attacks a person or quality, rest assured that article is to be embraced.
The way our home-grown Communists, degenerates, and other scum snipe at Ms. Palin, one can also perceive the extent of fear of her they harbor. This is another proof that she is a valuable person and good for a nation being driven to decline.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Do you know who are teaching your children?

If you have children, grandchildren, or more distant descendants in school, you must know what is the NEA. No? It's the National Education Association, the largest labor union for teachers in the U.S. No one doubts that teachers, sometimes wrongly depreciated, though (hopefully) discharging a responsibility some cultures rank second to parenthood, deserve a strong advocate. On the other hand it's the NEA that keeps seniority a more important attribute than subject matter expertise and pedagogical ability in the treatment and rewards a teacher receives and keeps buried any such wild idea as evaluations of teachers' competency. (An 18-year-old college freshman has this opportunity, though an 18-year-old high school senior does not. Notice that student opinions of teaching are inveterately entrenched in a university faculty member's existence.)
In case you didn't notice, the NEA recently came out four-square in favor of the homosexuals' agenda and very publicly brands as a right-wing extremist anyone that disagrees and subscribes to traditional, family values.
Even prior to this union-wide declaration you may have noticed news reports of queer teachers' inviting their elementary school pupils to the ceremonies of union - stupidly and erroneously called "marriage" by the uneducated themselves - with other queers. You may have observed, too, small children's being encouraged by school personnel to witness the queer pride spectacles. Ever notice what goes on in some of those? If not, WAKE UP DUMMIES! (You should also discover how companies like Home Depot and Pepsi pour big quantities of sponsorship dollars into these extravaganzas and, in some cases, make special efforts to attract children to them.)
It's also the case that as early as 1925 the NEA has been valiantly defending school children from religion. This is very clear from the transcript of the Scopes trial, which occurred that year.
If you let the NEA, along with a liberal dose of televised garbage, bring up your children - well, another generation did that, and look what's running, ruining, the country. Anyone with a child in school should monitor carefully and, where necessary, correct and protest, what he is told there.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Elect convicted felons and name municipal buildings after them; cheer performing rapists; honor deceased, overdosed junkies on our postage stamps; create a national holiday for a womanizing plagiarist; and offer up celestial mourning for a low-down, sleazy pedophile that apparently died the death of a junkie.

Lately I happened to be in a physician's office, where, as often happens, a television set was blaring. That day the entertainment was Michael Jackson's, Jackoff's, funeral, which resembled an interpolation somewhere between a concert in New Orleans and O.J. Simpson's flight from his pair of murders. What was most repellent, however, was the heroic effort of the whole team of commentators to sanctify a man as described above. Why such attention in mid-afternoon? I could only conclude that his popularity lay chiefly among those lacking jobs.

Once again our entertainment media exhibit the U.S. as a zone of no standards, whatsoever, and one can only conjecture how long it will be until that jerk is also on a stamp. In his case, it might not be a success, for many people would be spitting on the wrong sides.

One can judge a country by the stature of those it chooses to elevate. Brethren and Sistern, we done been judged! More and more often we is the bottom of the cistern.


Saturday, August 8, 2009


We notice that Pravda, our mainline, "American" news sources, credit Big Bill Clintoon with rescuing the two women canned in beautiful North Korea. Was this his the first diplomatic mission not accompanied by squandering our money or did their benevolent leader exact some give-aways in recompense? Watch Pravda for late-breaking news.

They say, all he had to do was make a servile, nates-kissing, apology to the lousy, destructive Commies over there. Luckily for that pair, we have a servile, nates-kissing, lousy, destructive, Commie government guiding our downward plunge as a nation. We're like customers at an extreme water park; flushed straight down.



Senior friends,

If, thinking you'd found an advocate, you've been wasting your peso's on AARP, wake up and do what I wish B.O.'s old man had done; viz., pull out. You may as well invest in cyanide tablets.

It was clear in the campaign that AARP approved of B.O., and, now, it's four-square behind this atrocity known as "health care reform."


Saturday, August 1, 2009


Have you ever noticed how much of government that Conservatives deplore has been installed by people calling themselves Conservatives? I speak in particular of the Supreme Court.

There was "Easy Earl" Warren, an inexperienced nothing selected by Eisenhower to run it. He, in concert with his lunacy equal, Douglas, transformed that group into a convex combination of Perrault, the Grimms, and H.C. Andersen.

More recently Bush Sr. appointed Suter, a reliable, sure-fire left-winger on every case, and now B.O. has elevated Sotomayor, who has advertised her unsuitability for the job and was put into position by a Bush, too. She, like the Worst Lady, was an Affirmative Action draft into high-class Ivy League schools (though, unlike the Worst Lady, she may actually have PASSED the entrance exams), and is now ready to punish us for the denials she never suffered. Happily, all Republicans but one RINO had the perception to oppose this incompetent.

AWAKEN, REPUBLICAN POLICY-MAKERS. This is a country crammed with Conservatives - remember those? - fed up with Democrats like the Bushes and McCain! We want SANE candidates to rescue us from the degrading, destructive whirlpool of trash into which the Neighborhood Organizer is leading us.

Friday, July 31, 2009


So why does "paste"suddenly NOT work for copying a document into my post space?


Thursday, July 23, 2009


In Lyndon Baines Johnson's presidency great attention was given to his War on Crime and War on Poverty. According to news reports and the shriek for more and more welfare, neither was very successful.

Our current BADministration has, in the euphemistic cloak of "health care reform," declared a War on American Life, and via unprecedented, maniacal spending, a War on U.S. Solvency, to accompany its Wars on Hydrocarbons, Hate Crimes, Sanity on the Supreme Court, General Decency, and I don't know what all.

I'm hoping and praying that BO - or whoever is pulling that puppet's strings - is no more victorious than LBJ.


Dear Friends,

I hope you didn't think I'd forgotten you. No, far from it; just traveling and recruiting a bit.

Lately I read that 34.3% of Americans are obese, and, whereas I've never gathered any data, mere inspection suggests that, whatever the actual tally, a huge proportion of us are huge.

Relatedly, from news photos and advertisements by charitable organizations, the foreign poor are generally pitiable skeletons covered by a tightly stretched casing of skin, while the poverty-stricken of the U.S. are frequently veritable blimps. The only explanation I can adduce from this disparity is that here fatty and carbohydrate-laden foods must be almost gratis.

It follows then that it would cost us very little to donate stores of these cheap calories to zones of starvation and thereby save lives.

What do you think? Is there a fallacy in that?


Friday, July 10, 2009


I don't know Governor Palin's plans for the future, but I wish her eminent success in them.

Among last fall's four top candidates, she alone had experience in governance. The 141-day senator, the Neighborhood Organizer, N.O. = B.O., made her look, in comparison, like Thomas Jefferson. (Thanks again American, no-brain voters, for letting the likes of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and Oprah Winfrey cast your votes for you.)

I read that McCain ran his own campaign, and, if true, we can thank him for squandering an asset that was the brightest star in the dismal debacle.

Good luck and God bless you, Gov. Palin. More than ever, your country can use a sound, Conservative head with love, compassion, and wisdom all stored in good measure.


P.S. Were I Pope Benedict my sole motivation for lending the Enemy of Life my reflected dignity would have been to excoriate him.