Thursday, September 3, 2009


When I was in elementary school the Superintendent visited every class every year. On one visit he told us, "Go home and tell your parents you DON'T WANT federal aid to education."

I probably didn't, but, had I, they probably would have paid no attention to me. They had what would be today a Pollyanna, egregiously unjustified confidence that my school always acted in the best interests of the students.

Nowadays we have not only federal expenditure - if not aid - to education, but the feds RUN the damned show, and look at the morass! My Supt. of Schools and probably hoards of others must be looking down, up, or whatever in utter disbelief.

At any rate in the usurped role of Supreme Educational Authority, the feds in 1995, 98, and 2003 issued guidelines on freedom of religious expression in public schools, and I forward these from the August, 2009 American Family Association Journal. School administrators have been requested to make these known to everyone, but when do administrators do what they are supposed to do; especially as it has become less controversial for them to yield religious rights than to uphold them?

Observe, our Federal Masters of Education have permitted us these.

1.Students may pray, read religious material, and talk about their faith at school.

2.Students may organize and announce religious clubs at school.

3. Students may express their faith in class work and homework.

4. Teachers may organize prayer groups with other teachers.

5. Schools may allow students to go off campus for religious studies during school hours.

6. Students may express their faith at school events.

7. Students may express their faith at graduation ceremonies.

Clearly, these are insufficient, but they are YOURS. USE THEM!

To order the "free to speak" pamphlets and designate schools to receive the rights-defining letter, see or call 800.929.1163.

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