Saturday, August 29, 2009


Greetings, friends,

The other day I was in a state that voted for Bush but in an area where B.O. flags and bumper stickers were much in evidence in the good ole days before 4 November 2008, the latest DAY OF INFAMY.

In the newspaper of that state's capital I read the nearly uncountable string of zeroes describing our country's deficit and the exciting news that, in a few years, the NATIONAL DEBT WILL CONSUME THE GNP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The article continued, "Before President Obama can do anything about this ..." WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? This is the trillionnaire debtor that, with the concurrence of the Dummycrat legislature, has plunged us into an inescapable, fiscal abyss. This dangerous clown must be defied. If he hasn't already achieved that objective, he will RUIN US FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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