Saturday, August 29, 2009


I'd been separated several days from most "news" sources, and I use the quotes to signify that most U.S. agencies embracing that appellation are too biased to be heeded. Driving back into town I noticed a flag at half staff and remarked upon this to my wife.
"It's for Kennedy," she said and added that B.O. would deliver the funereal panegyric.
I've remarked more than once here that when a despicable person or group admires something or someone, the target of the approval is implicitly despicable. Thus, if one didn't know that Edward M. Kennedy had been a common cheat, a drunk, a hypocrite, a philanderer, a rabid advocate of the murder of the unborn, and - if not a murderer - at least an obstructer of justice, then B.O.'s praise for him would suffice.
Yahoo operates such a "news" service, and yesterday it called him "a quiet Catholic." His Catholicism was anything but quiet - it was a roaringly false and malignant denial of Catholic virtues. A Catholic that not only favors abortions but works tirelessly to promote that brand of murder; a literally bloody contradiction in terms. How he had a Mass said for his burial is considerably beyond me - another instance of a total absence of standards.

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