Saturday, August 1, 2009


Have you ever noticed how much of government that Conservatives deplore has been installed by people calling themselves Conservatives? I speak in particular of the Supreme Court.

There was "Easy Earl" Warren, an inexperienced nothing selected by Eisenhower to run it. He, in concert with his lunacy equal, Douglas, transformed that group into a convex combination of Perrault, the Grimms, and H.C. Andersen.

More recently Bush Sr. appointed Suter, a reliable, sure-fire left-winger on every case, and now B.O. has elevated Sotomayor, who has advertised her unsuitability for the job and was put into position by a Bush, too. She, like the Worst Lady, was an Affirmative Action draft into high-class Ivy League schools (though, unlike the Worst Lady, she may actually have PASSED the entrance exams), and is now ready to punish us for the denials she never suffered. Happily, all Republicans but one RINO had the perception to oppose this incompetent.

AWAKEN, REPUBLICAN POLICY-MAKERS. This is a country crammed with Conservatives - remember those? - fed up with Democrats like the Bushes and McCain! We want SANE candidates to rescue us from the degrading, destructive whirlpool of trash into which the Neighborhood Organizer is leading us.

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