Monday, September 7, 2009


With all the quite justifiable furor over medical costs, why doesn't anyone address some obvious questions?

Why are so many physicians multi-millionaires?

Why are they so elite that social contact with non-physicians is rare?

Why do hospital conglomerate corporations, many owned by physicians, as they do many nursing homes, rake in profits of a magnitude that our "news" sources only ascribe to other industries?

When did you last look at a hospital or physician's bill? Is there price-fixing in the medical industry or not?

Believe me, folks, in no other country are medical doctors exalted as they are here nor, by the mere implication of the letters after their names, wealthy.

Ph.D.'s spend as long, or longer, getting educated, and most of them are NOT paid in astronomical units. Pharmacist training now is 6 university years, yet they live next to you and me, ordinary sublunary wretches.

Under our new Communist government, why don't we set reasonable limits on the salaries and profits flowing into that sector of the economy?

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