Saturday, October 3, 2009


In scholastic parlance a letterman is an individual (maybe today "letterperson" is proper, or is that a job at the post office?) that has done well enough in some sport to be awarded a fuzzy letter that represents his school and which may be worn on a jacket; e.g., a "B" for Brown or a "C" for Centerville High School. (Believe it or not, there are educational institutions that give letters for academic performance, but primarily this is reserved for athlete-students, another component in this country's inexorable decline.)

However, the letterman named David, "The Dentist's Delight," is quite another matter. If there were a letter granted for proficiency in sniping at decent people from a position unassailable to the snipees and for broadcasting sleaze, particularly of the east coast variety, he (or his writers) would get one. Possibly - probably, even, since this is a sub-community of Horrywood - there is an Emmy for that aptitude, but I don't know.

At any rate the cowardly - back home we used to say chicken-shit - sniper done been sniped! He done been caught in the act of screwing - pardon a colloquialism - some of his employees! It is a sign of our obscene times that the "news" source, Yahoo (see J. Swift), in this case, found it informative to apply the adjective "female" to those violated.

I would guess a subservient's job would be the only explanation for a woman's willingly submitting to "Fang," but there it is.

Who, among Letterperson's Republican targets of the last election are guilty of any demonstrable moral wrong-doing? None that I know; they were all decent people. Here we have Letterperson, however, with his out-of-wedlock child and employee conquests, prattling on and railing against decent people.

It is a further sign of our declension that this particular "news" source said nary a critical word about Letterperson's adventures and immorality; just about the informer that sought to blackmail the creep.

Did Letterperson influence you to vote for B.O.? Careful now; I hope your vote was more substantial than to be influenced by an immoral, funny-looking, two-faced clown.

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