Friday, October 9, 2009


Quite recently I looked through the Encyclopedia Britannica to recall the year in which Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, convicted spies and traitors were executed. (If you've also forgotten, it was in 1953 at Sing Sing.)

On the same page - and this highlights a glaring defect, the inability to browse locationally similar items of interest, with research that considers only the web - was an article about another Rosenberg, Alfred. He was born in 1893 in Tallinn, or Reval, Estonia. He, I read, was the ideologist of Nazism, and permit me to quote a passage.

"According to Rosenberg, the Germans descended from a Nordic race that derived its character from its environment: a pure, cold, semi-Arctic continent, now disappeared. The Germans, as representatives of this race, were entitled to dominate Europe. Their enemies were 'Russian Tartars' and 'Semites.' The latter included Jews, the Latin peoples, and Christianity, particularly the Catholic Church. Rosenberg's anti-Semitism and 'Nordic' expansionism gave a certain order and direction to Hitler's own violent prejudices."

Thus, we see that the Nazi concept of "Semitic" embraced far more people than the Jews. They were unable to get their hands on Latinos, so they made do with Jews, Catholics, and, as noted here previously, Gypsies.

It's a fact that they murdered more Catholics than they did Jews, but you're forgiven for not knowing that; the former sub-population has not gazetted that news for 60+ years, constructed monuments and museums in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere to their people so victimized, and bombarded you with Horrywood presenting versions of the tragic events.

Still, that's the way it was folks - believe it.

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