Monday, October 5, 2009


Whoever would have believed that a career as a neighborhood organizer and voting "present" in the Illinois senate fostered such expertise in a guy? Hardly a day passes that Curious George doesn't poke his nose - at least his tongue - into some new corner of his knowledge deficit.

Now he's decided that the remedy for declining test scores and the production of dumbbells in our public schools is MORE school days and LONGER ones! This is about as brilliant as the usual federal approach to "improving" education, which is to spend MORE money on doing the wrong things. The feds know all about MORE, but they don't know beans about BETTER.

For openers, it wouldn't cost any more or require longer periods of schooling to cease this "feel well about yourselves, self-esteem" crap and DEMAND certain levels of achievement. Don't achieve? Well, then maybe you're a child left behind - at least for a year or two - until you get yourself motivated to work, and just maybe for some of you, your best is not good enough - you don't have what it takes. Stop making excuses for blockheads! SINK OR SWIM! Believe it or not, once upon a time, that's the way schools worked, and look at them now.

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