Monday, December 7, 2009


Al "Oscar" Gorp, for best performance by an actor based on ***falsified data***. Supporting actor/actress winners in the same category are B.O. and the entire Sky Is Falling Let's Bankrupt Ourselves Another Way Chicken Little Crew.

Lying about or falsifying the data in order to make a "scientific" point is not a new stratagem, and soon I'll post a blog about some of the more blatant, historical cases. While it's not Science, B.O. and Crew lied like hell about numbers of jobs saved and created by turning our currency into Monopoly money and throwing it to the four winds, so they have a poor track record on veracity with numbers.

Therefore, don't believe every number some blowhard tosses your way. A truly onager, energumen liberal feels entitled to any dishonesty that supports his pre-destined view of what is good and right - we already KNOW the climate data was faked - so beware; otherwise

The LOSER is ... YOU!

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