Sunday, December 13, 2009


On 7 December I promised a longer post on the subject above; this is it.

If you read a biographical sketch of young Charles Darwin, you'll find he was about as much a scientist as the average defensive tackle at a college football factory like Alabama. Following several flubbed attempts at careers he got taken aboard ship as a naturalist, a position arranged by an influential acquaintance. e noted some observations and said, "If evolution were true, it would explain these phenomena." Thus, it was left to scientists to attempt to adduce the veracity of evolution, an endeavor still unachieved. (In 2009, Charlie might have said, "Alien intervention would explain all this," and crazies would be scrabbling to find evidence that Earth had been visited by representatives of the planet Zontar.)

One of these was Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919), a man said to have been "more Darwinian than Darwin." Ernst was so anxious to substantiate Charlie's guess that his zeal triumphed over ethics, and in sketching family trees of organism to show what had descended from what, he invented and freely interpolated missing links and branches. In other words, Ernie lied in order to concoct "science" that would make Chuck's guess appear plausible.

In 1912 England were found the startling fossils of a primitive man, named Piltdown for the local eponomy. It took 40 years, but these were proven to be fake constructs of entirely contemporary species.

Anthropologist, eventually celebrated as a savant and expert in nearly everything, Margaret Mead (1901-1978) made her biggest splash with a study of Polynesian culture that showed how cool and OK nonchalant sex was for young girls there. The inference just waiting to be drawn, of course, was that the same would be cool and OK anywhere. She became a popular lecturer on all sorts of social issues, sat on government commissions, and had numerous publications, including one with James Baldwin, the titan of literature, called Rap on Race. (This was before "rap" became the designation for another brilliant and indispensable Afro-American contribution to our "culture.") Some years following her demise other anthropologists discovered that Maggie had been "misled" by her Polynesian informants; polite translation, she had lied about what she had found out there in the islands.

More recently, I reiterate, it occurred that some data meant to shock and panic us into bankruptcy to avoid what a "news" source called "calamitous global warming" were falsified.

Must I tell you again what a rational person's reaction to the FACT of fraudulent science should be? Idiots that ready to emulate lemmings because of global warming should proceed to jump in.

Based on these lies and the general ignorance about what is occurring with the climate and why, B.O.'s view is still that we should print even more Monopoly money, further devalue our currency, and throw $ at Africa (of course) and elsewhere in order to elude postulated catastrophes.

Since Dumbocrats control both houses, the odds are good that your senators and representative won't listen to reason, but it's time for you to make pleas for sanity and actions based upon HONEST AND OBJECTIVE SCIENCE.

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