Monday, December 21, 2009


I know just enough climate science to realize that the experts cannot even measure the effect of water vapor (clouds) on temperature changes, let alone of hydrocarbons and other things people produce and that there is irrefutable scientific proof that Earth has undergone enormous warming and cooling trends long before there were people on it.

Thus, I thought the Al Gorp/B.O. & Co. climate flap was a lot of nonsense, although I was impressed by the data they spouted, things like "8 of the last 10 years have been the warmest in recorded history."

Now, it seems that the leaked emails from "researchers" at the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit - and this is the basis for the the U.N.'s panic - PROVE that the data that captured my attention, along with that of a jillion or two others, were falsified, selectively and intentionally lost, and incompetently managed to the point of discrediting the whole movement, which is the correct word for crap, right? Even some of their own group criticized the head cheaters.

Why would supposedly objective scientists lower themselves to the level of vulgar liars? Here are several easy answers.

1. Being arrogant, liberal misologists, they would do anything to validate their "a priori" political prejudices. This is S.O.P. for liberals.

2. To garner for themselves windfalls of research money, with which they would deepen and propagate their dishonesty, publish bushels of new "research," and become tenured, famous and respected, if not rich.

3. To become rich, like Al Gorp, from championing and starting companies set up to solve non-existing problems with unnecessary technology.

Read and weep over, "Scientists Behaving Badly," by Steven Hayward, The Weekly Standard, Dec. 14, 2009, p.16. Then tell your legislative representatives to stop throwing away our money.

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