Saturday, November 14, 2009


Yes, I know I rant regularly against college football, when the concept is abused, which is nearly always, but I mean the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, which is the institution that awarded the Ft. Hood murderer with an M.D. in Psychiatry.
Most of the places from which students would like to have an M.D. degree - such as Johns Hopkins, University of Illinois, Stanford, and Harvard - have football teams, so this was merely my whimsical way of asking myself if USUHS is a mainline school or a get-an-M.D.-by-Internet college.
Directly following the tragedy I looked for it on the web, but its site was "unavailable," said my browser, for a day or two. Following that absence their page featured a statement of regret. I think if colleges routinely apologized for the wrongdoings of their graduates, they'd be doing more of that than of playing football; insofar as reasonable inference is valid, USUHS should be free of suspicion of misconduct.
I completed the web page inquiry form and asked for a list of its medical faculty. Since I'm still awaiting a reply, I have no idea if it's a get-an-M.D.-by-Internet school, let alone whether it has a football team.

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