Monday, November 30, 2009


A couple of years ago a friend and her husband, tourists in Germany, weer befriended by a man and his wife, who kept in touch subsequently by email. On the dismal day when the Neighborhood Organizer, the "present" voter, and general know-nothing was inaugurated, the German fellow phoned her to ask what she was doing.

"Why, I'm at work; what else?"

The guy was astounded that she, unlike him, was not glued to the tube and ogling what he erroneously - unless the preface to the downfall of a great country counts - construed as a momentous event.

Poor, stupid, deluded Euro man! Had he got his opinions from ABC, CNN, and their ilk, or are German "news" sources equally biased, benighted, and offensive?

Apparently B.O.'s whistle stop pause, following his overnight mastery of the Iraq situation - tee hee, had wowed the Teutonics almost as much as John Kennedy's "Ich bin eine Berliner" sweet nothing some years back.

Well, they were duped by Adolph Hitler, so perhaps that explains the gentleman's gullibility. On the other hand, perhaps its smugness at seeing the failure of a country that bested them in every way, or, as others have suggested, glee at B.O.'s apologizing for everything we've done. Another option is unwarranted joy at seeing a mulatto elected. Take your pick from among this set of bad reasons.

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