There are so many things to do at Christmastime - that's what I celebrate in December, not some generic "holiday" - so I've been a littl ederelict in posting my wisdom here. Nevertheless, I'd like to comment on three tragic and related events and offer easy resoliutions of that class of problems.
1. In Washington, D.C., a veritable breeding ground of murderous felons, something called the Dept. of Youth Rehabilitation Services has realized some setbacks. A couple of those in the process of rehabilitation (and naturally free to roam at will) murdered citizens.
2. Accompanying the Chicago (another such Model City in the D.C. mold), trial of a 14-year-old murderer, the "news" media are running up the usual flags, "pity these poor specimens," "waste more money on them," blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, lets release and rehabilitate that one, too.
3. Even more recentkly in the Toddlin' Town, a 19-year-old parole violator - sentenced to 9, out in 2 - that suffered the additional, excruciating punishment of an ankle bracelet - WOW! - murdered two policemen. Returing to the scene of his burglary attempt, he decoyed them with the lie of having information to offer and shot them while they stood unsuspectingly.
The answer to the subject question is known to any sentient person; one doesn't try to rehabiliotate rabid curs. It is imjpossible; one merely shoots them, and that ends their rampages.
I'm not so bloodthirsty as to demand the murder of all these incurable murederers, but I sure as hell want them penned up FOREVER! Perhaps B.O. the N.O. hasn't hit upon this scheme for generating jobs, but just think for a moment what a double blessing this would be.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The "news" media are all agog over what the Wikileaks affair will do to journalism, whether what the crimninals did constitutes journalism, etc. The laughable part of these quaestions is to what extent journalism survives in this country. Some drivel banged out by a bigoted moron, ignorant of history, that conceals, distorts, or invents facts is not journalism, yet that's mainly what we get in the U.S.A. See my other post today, "The Usual "News" Nausea - B.O. etc"
Rather than "Good Morning, America," we need more programs of the nature "Wake Up, America."
Rather than "Good Morning, America," we need more programs of the nature "Wake Up, America."
Regular readers will recognize the quotes around the word "news" to signify a title not generally deserved by most of what trash is presented as such today.
This morning I noticed a "news"paper piece about a senate vote on "B.O.'s tax cuts!" Imagine that; the clown that wants only more and higher taxes is getting journalistic applause for his TAX CUTS! The bill to be voted, of course, was only a consequence of Republicans' twisting his crooked arm.
Does anyone believe what these liars in ink propagate? Maybe it's a blessing that so many of our population are illiterate.
This morning I noticed a "news"paper piece about a senate vote on "B.O.'s tax cuts!" Imagine that; the clown that wants only more and higher taxes is getting journalistic applause for his TAX CUTS! The bill to be voted, of course, was only a consequence of Republicans' twisting his crooked arm.
Does anyone believe what these liars in ink propagate? Maybe it's a blessing that so many of our population are illiterate.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Have I been away a long time or what? Yes, even incisive, clever bloggers require vacations. At any rate ...
The former Miss Affirmative Action (she flunked Princeton's entrance exam but was nonetheless admitted, then later crowned her academic career by submitting the shortest senior thesis on record there), now Worst lady, has a bifurcated nutrition project; she wants simultaneously to combat child hunger and child obesity.
I would have added "in America," except that would be a tautology, for only in the U.S.A. are most of the "hungry" at once the recipients of so many calories as to become fat slobs.
Previously I've advocated here the exportation to countries where the hungry get very little to eat and are no more than poorly flweshed skeletons, America's secret food formula that permits the starvings' transformation into people that resemble Okra Windfree in a candid shot. Or is that the BADministration gets good deals on pizza and potato chips and candy, items that I find so expensive as consequently to wonder how the "poor" are able to stuff themselves with it.
Now, I admit that in a BADmiinistration where all of a sudden TRILLIONS of dollars are printed and flushed away unaccountably and ineffectually, wasting a few niggling BILLIONS of dollars is hardly notweworthy. Congress, true to expectations, snapped up the Worst Lady's gage to sacrifice that sum with the usual zero probabliity of improving anything. Yes, indeed, schools that presently waste money only on breakfasts and lunches for the indigent fatsos will begin serving more nutritious and healthy foods even for dinner!
Yessirree, parents (probably only one per child) too stupid or inconsiderate to feed their welfare kiddies sensible breakfasts or lunches will now be spared dinner failures as well. They can lounge on their pinguid backs, produce more welfare income, and enjoy Okra Windfree while your "education" dollars absolve them of another degree of responsibility.
The former Miss Affirmative Action (she flunked Princeton's entrance exam but was nonetheless admitted, then later crowned her academic career by submitting the shortest senior thesis on record there), now Worst lady, has a bifurcated nutrition project; she wants simultaneously to combat child hunger and child obesity.
I would have added "in America," except that would be a tautology, for only in the U.S.A. are most of the "hungry" at once the recipients of so many calories as to become fat slobs.
Previously I've advocated here the exportation to countries where the hungry get very little to eat and are no more than poorly flweshed skeletons, America's secret food formula that permits the starvings' transformation into people that resemble Okra Windfree in a candid shot. Or is that the BADministration gets good deals on pizza and potato chips and candy, items that I find so expensive as consequently to wonder how the "poor" are able to stuff themselves with it.
Now, I admit that in a BADmiinistration where all of a sudden TRILLIONS of dollars are printed and flushed away unaccountably and ineffectually, wasting a few niggling BILLIONS of dollars is hardly notweworthy. Congress, true to expectations, snapped up the Worst Lady's gage to sacrifice that sum with the usual zero probabliity of improving anything. Yes, indeed, schools that presently waste money only on breakfasts and lunches for the indigent fatsos will begin serving more nutritious and healthy foods even for dinner!
Yessirree, parents (probably only one per child) too stupid or inconsiderate to feed their welfare kiddies sensible breakfasts or lunches will now be spared dinner failures as well. They can lounge on their pinguid backs, produce more welfare income, and enjoy Okra Windfree while your "education" dollars absolve them of another degree of responsibility.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
In 1926 Dartmouth College was invited to play in the Rose Bowl. In declining, its President said something to the effect of, "As it is, too much of the academic year is wasted on football, and I won't approve wasting more of it."
Consequently, the University of Alabama, unworried, even at this date, about academics (The NCAA recently called Alabama's record of rule compliance "abysmal" and says it is "the very worst" in this aspect.), was then invited, accepted, won, and backed into one of the "national championships" about which it is so proud.
Notice the difference in college presidential thought today; those of Boise State and Ohio State are squabbling about which team plays the tougher football schedule! Another reason our country, like the sun, sinks slowly into the West.
Consequently, the University of Alabama, unworried, even at this date, about academics (The NCAA recently called Alabama's record of rule compliance "abysmal" and says it is "the very worst" in this aspect.), was then invited, accepted, won, and backed into one of the "national championships" about which it is so proud.
Notice the difference in college presidential thought today; those of Boise State and Ohio State are squabbling about which team plays the tougher football schedule! Another reason our country, like the sun, sinks slowly into the West.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
"We don't got none," say the economic lights, some of whom even may have paid taxes, of the BADministration. Yet, a friend in Minnesota tells me he has notice of an election to decide whether or not to increase the property tax gouge. The issue is schools, you know, and the county-administering geniuses want to increase the per-student expenditure by SIXTY (60) PERCENT!
Wow! What will he be subsidizing; new sports buses. a golf coach, hot dinners served to students in the after-school day care center, pregnancy counseling to the A+ girls in the sex education classes? The sky's the limit in U.S.A. "education," of course.
However they waste the dough, though, observe the reason for the notice
But we don't got none - witness the denial of a C.O.L.A. to social security recipients for that very reason - so who be lyin' this time?
Wow! What will he be subsidizing; new sports buses. a golf coach, hot dinners served to students in the after-school day care center, pregnancy counseling to the A+ girls in the sex education classes? The sky's the limit in U.S.A. "education," of course.
However they waste the dough, though, observe the reason for the notice
But we don't got none - witness the denial of a C.O.L.A. to social security recipients for that very reason - so who be lyin' this time?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I’m speaking of myself, though in the past tense. Yes, in elementary school I was fat, consequently not very fast, and in kid games and running races, I was often a child left behind. This bothered me, but, of course, no one else repined.
Inside the school, on the other hand, the tables were turned, and I could think circles around those that ran circles around me. No one paid much attention to that, either; just as some could run faster, others could think faster – there were individual differences.
People would have laughed at the idea of spending extra school budget to teach me to run faster, just as they would have at the notion of trying to improve slow thinking via extra expenditure. (Incidentally, in those days there WERE children left behind in the contemporary connotation of the phrase; they failed grades and to go through them again.)
Some things don’t change in time; today, my natural lack of velocity would attract neither attention nor investment. When it comes to groups, however, there is COSMIC concern over inferior academic performance. That’s all today’s program, No Child Left Behind, is, a massive money throw-away to be damned sure that everyone in any of 40-odd groups, defined according to race, nationality, who knows what-all, perhaps blood type, gets money, money, and more money spent on him or her to guarantee factitious sense of equality.
Wouldn’t it be helpful and economical to quit playing Let’s Pretend? No one doubts, by massive evidence of observation, that, on average, African types run faster and jump higher than whites; it seems to be a natural difference. At the same time, no sane observer would dispute, on the massive evidence of observation, that whites, on average, outperform African types intellectually. If standardized tests aren’t enough for you, just look around – not at the fantasy world Horrywood seeks to fabricate, but as to whom is doing what and how well in the 3-D world you experience.
I’m not in the least humiliated that the average African of my age and sex can outrun and outjump me, nor that the result applies across the general population, so why should any African in my category feel disgraced that I can outthink him? They are natural differences, SO STOP BANKRUPTING US IN CHASING YOUR UNREALIZABLE PIPE DREAMS!!!!!
Inside the school, on the other hand, the tables were turned, and I could think circles around those that ran circles around me. No one paid much attention to that, either; just as some could run faster, others could think faster – there were individual differences.
People would have laughed at the idea of spending extra school budget to teach me to run faster, just as they would have at the notion of trying to improve slow thinking via extra expenditure. (Incidentally, in those days there WERE children left behind in the contemporary connotation of the phrase; they failed grades and to go through them again.)
Some things don’t change in time; today, my natural lack of velocity would attract neither attention nor investment. When it comes to groups, however, there is COSMIC concern over inferior academic performance. That’s all today’s program, No Child Left Behind, is, a massive money throw-away to be damned sure that everyone in any of 40-odd groups, defined according to race, nationality, who knows what-all, perhaps blood type, gets money, money, and more money spent on him or her to guarantee factitious sense of equality.
Wouldn’t it be helpful and economical to quit playing Let’s Pretend? No one doubts, by massive evidence of observation, that, on average, African types run faster and jump higher than whites; it seems to be a natural difference. At the same time, no sane observer would dispute, on the massive evidence of observation, that whites, on average, outperform African types intellectually. If standardized tests aren’t enough for you, just look around – not at the fantasy world Horrywood seeks to fabricate, but as to whom is doing what and how well in the 3-D world you experience.
I’m not in the least humiliated that the average African of my age and sex can outrun and outjump me, nor that the result applies across the general population, so why should any African in my category feel disgraced that I can outthink him? They are natural differences, SO STOP BANKRUPTING US IN CHASING YOUR UNREALIZABLE PIPE DREAMS!!!!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
In the second letter St. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, chapter 3, verse 11, he said,
Now, why on Earth don't we apply this simple rule to the welfare slobs, by whom I mmean the able-bodied that lie aronud like parasites and live off people that work for a living.
St. Paul always had the common good in mind, so let's remember his advice. I am sure there would be a great whirlwind of ambition and industry among the crowd I addressed.
What do you think?
In the second letter St. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, chapter 3, verse 11, he said,
Now, why on Earth don't we apply this simple rule to the welfare slobs, by whom I mmean the able-bodied that lie aronud like parasites and live off people that work for a living.
St. Paul always had the common good in mind, so let's remember his advice. I am sure there would be a great whirlwind of ambition and industry among the crowd I addressed.
What do you think?
Yes, it's occurred again. Rangel, Harlem's Corruption and Cheating Champion not only won perpetual re-election but did it by a MUDslide - I mean landslide.
Whjt is it about partial black ( < or = 100% African) voters that makes the obviouly guilty and the conspicuously deplorable so popular with them? Anyone so old as to remember Adam Clayton Powell, jr.? Are they congenitally degenerate?
Alternatively, the magic formula may be showing or saying loudly "Hey, Man, I stuck it to Whitey!" If that's the secret would that be called racist voting, as they displayed overwhelmingly in 2008, or what?
Whjt is it about partial black ( < or = 100% African) voters that makes the obviouly guilty and the conspicuously deplorable so popular with them? Anyone so old as to remember Adam Clayton Powell, jr.? Are they congenitally degenerate?
Alternatively, the magic formula may be showing or saying loudly "Hey, Man, I stuck it to Whitey!" If that's the secret would that be called racist voting, as they displayed overwhelmingly in 2008, or what?
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Mirror, mirror, give a nod,
To the most detested broad.
Perhaps it's an unfair competition, because the BADministration, at least those that pull B.O.'s strings, muzzled and rather dematerialized Michelle the Mouth, the Worst Lady, whereas Pelosi has no such team of coaches.
Therefore, I must vote for Nancy. It seems that even many of the Dummmycrats recognize what a burden she is to the image of decent government. The only group still overwhelmingly in favor of her are the San Fran queers, junkies, and other depraved that constitute her constituency.
Recently I saw a women's magazine article in which Pelosi attributed her executive abilities to her "Catholic training." Whatever could she have meant; "catholic" to mean "universal?" As far as Roman Catholicism is concerned she's about as much a Catholic as were Jack, Bobby, and Toad Kennedy.
To the most detested broad.
Perhaps it's an unfair competition, because the BADministration, at least those that pull B.O.'s strings, muzzled and rather dematerialized Michelle the Mouth, the Worst Lady, whereas Pelosi has no such team of coaches.
Therefore, I must vote for Nancy. It seems that even many of the Dummmycrats recognize what a burden she is to the image of decent government. The only group still overwhelmingly in favor of her are the San Fran queers, junkies, and other depraved that constitute her constituency.
Recently I saw a women's magazine article in which Pelosi attributed her executive abilities to her "Catholic training." Whatever could she have meant; "catholic" to mean "universal?" As far as Roman Catholicism is concerned she's about as much a Catholic as were Jack, Bobby, and Toad Kennedy.
So far as I can tell, a Neighborhood Organizer's chief work is getting able-bodied loafers on all sorts of welfare, and, relying upon his only professional work experience and his Harvard puppeteers, B.O. spent money not even yet printed on every foolhardy whim in sight. This was supposed to stimulate the economy, remember, but I haven't noticed any stimulation - just money frittered away and stolen.
Now, Curious George wants to "cut the deficit," and organized some crew of his adherents to make recommendations. Not surprisingly, it wants to cripple Medicare (not Medicaid - that might impact some welfare slobs), zap a new tax on good old gasoline, further weaken our national defense, and other stupidity.
I say take ALL that revenue out of ineffective, catastrophically wasteful welfare give-aways to the able-bodied.
Now, Curious George wants to "cut the deficit," and organized some crew of his adherents to make recommendations. Not surprisingly, it wants to cripple Medicare (not Medicaid - that might impact some welfare slobs), zap a new tax on good old gasoline, further weaken our national defense, and other stupidity.
I say take ALL that revenue out of ineffective, catastrophically wasteful welfare give-aways to the able-bodied.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
If one wants to strike a blow impervious to retaliation, he’s safest in choosing something or someone deceased. Horrywood is quite adept at slanders and low-blows of this kind, and it doesn’t a bit to be the only agency with the power to propagandize on a such a grand scale; what other force commands so much attention? What other group can launch a return barrage of comparable magnitude?
Lately I watched a portion of a movie entitled “Shutter Island.” And, for a time, I was convinced I’d rented a winner. Deep, sinister machinations and intriguing, inexplicable behavior were afoot, and I was interested to see what all might be in the stew.
Not many minutes into it, however, and without apparent relevance to the plot, Leonardo DiCaprio, trying to get to the bottom of whatever it was, was having flashbacks of – what would you guess? Well, it was Dacha, and there were literally piles of pitiable, frozen corpses heaped up to shock the entering U.S. military, Lenny one of them.
I correctly recognized this and succeeding, similar interruptions as Horrywood’s assuring that if a viewer had gone one or two weeks without a dose of bulletins pertaining to “the six million,” it would provide a booster shot.. “It’s an empire controlled by Jews,” I said to myself with a surfeit of evidence, “so accept that and watch the damned movie.”
Not many minutes later, however, one of the sinister forces in charge of the eldritch mental hospital turned out to be German! (Actually, Max von Sydow is a Swede, I believe, but that accent is close enough to fool an American audience.) “I’ll just bet he’s an ex-Nazi,” I said to myself, and I’m so confident I don’t regret missing most of the extravaganza.
What clinched the deal and caused the disk, unfinished, to go spinning out into the dark and weeds was the revelation that the insidious mental facility was funded by – no, not Nazis, at least not of the classical type, but the next most dreadful thing, the HOUSE UNAMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE!!!!
Yes, indeed, I kid you not. Somehow this mind-altering house of horrors had escaped the G.A.O.’s notice, and the witch-hunters, with and like “the six million”-causing Nazis, were perpetrating atrocities on – I can’t say for certain, for I jettisoned the garbage to avoid puking – but I would guess on bucolic, peace-loving Communists.
It was a splendid vindication for Lillian Hellman, Dashielle Hammett, Clifford Odettes, Zero Mostel, Sterling Hayden, and other peace-loving, Horrywood Communists that suffered a little discomfiture from the witch hunts but didn’t truly mean any harm – aside, in some cases, of plotting the violent overthrow of the U.S. government.
Say, if the violent overthrow of the U.S. government was justifiable in the 1950’s. just think how more appropriate it would be for today’s dictatorship!.
Anyway, that’s today’s entertainment report.
Lately I watched a portion of a movie entitled “Shutter Island.” And, for a time, I was convinced I’d rented a winner. Deep, sinister machinations and intriguing, inexplicable behavior were afoot, and I was interested to see what all might be in the stew.
Not many minutes into it, however, and without apparent relevance to the plot, Leonardo DiCaprio, trying to get to the bottom of whatever it was, was having flashbacks of – what would you guess? Well, it was Dacha, and there were literally piles of pitiable, frozen corpses heaped up to shock the entering U.S. military, Lenny one of them.
I correctly recognized this and succeeding, similar interruptions as Horrywood’s assuring that if a viewer had gone one or two weeks without a dose of bulletins pertaining to “the six million,” it would provide a booster shot.. “It’s an empire controlled by Jews,” I said to myself with a surfeit of evidence, “so accept that and watch the damned movie.”
Not many minutes later, however, one of the sinister forces in charge of the eldritch mental hospital turned out to be German! (Actually, Max von Sydow is a Swede, I believe, but that accent is close enough to fool an American audience.) “I’ll just bet he’s an ex-Nazi,” I said to myself, and I’m so confident I don’t regret missing most of the extravaganza.
What clinched the deal and caused the disk, unfinished, to go spinning out into the dark and weeds was the revelation that the insidious mental facility was funded by – no, not Nazis, at least not of the classical type, but the next most dreadful thing, the HOUSE UNAMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE!!!!
Yes, indeed, I kid you not. Somehow this mind-altering house of horrors had escaped the G.A.O.’s notice, and the witch-hunters, with and like “the six million”-causing Nazis, were perpetrating atrocities on – I can’t say for certain, for I jettisoned the garbage to avoid puking – but I would guess on bucolic, peace-loving Communists.
It was a splendid vindication for Lillian Hellman, Dashielle Hammett, Clifford Odettes, Zero Mostel, Sterling Hayden, and other peace-loving, Horrywood Communists that suffered a little discomfiture from the witch hunts but didn’t truly mean any harm – aside, in some cases, of plotting the violent overthrow of the U.S. government.
Say, if the violent overthrow of the U.S. government was justifiable in the 1950’s. just think how more appropriate it would be for today’s dictatorship!.
Anyway, that’s today’s entertainment report.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Certainly the elections could have been worse, but they could have been better, too. At least if B.O. and Biden snuff out, a Republican, semi-Republican ?, would become president. That's a bonus.
I wrote off California years and years ago; it's got Horrywood, queers all over the place, conspicuous quantities of illegal aliens, an exploding prison population, egregious pollution, junkies - you name it - so I wasn't surprised that a collection of sleazies like that would prefer a destructive loony for senator. It's similar to the Massachusetts effect with Toad Kennedy.
California has Boxer, Feinstein, retread Brown, another left-wing nut, Catholic Pelosi - what a lineup. I'm rooting for one or more of its various faults, geologic ones in this context, to blow it off into the Pacific somewhere, thus making it more difficult for that Petri dish of disease to infect the other states.
Nevada, though, is more difficult for me to understand. I didn't think that population was categorically pixilated, yet it preferred to elect for the umpteenth time a guy that is so stupid, it's laughable to watch him speak; a guy that sneaks around like a secret germ to pass laws behind the country's back and dismantle equitable, Constitutional government practice. Perhaps Nevada's geographic position explains its demise - Kalifornia Kontagion. The state also seems to be falling apart economically, but it decided that SIX more years of Mr. I.Q. was just the ticket. The stupidity of his state rivals Reid's, so perhaps it's just another case of deserving each other, but the tragic thing is that the majority of the population, undeserving of Reid, is still stuck with the rat.
I wrote off California years and years ago; it's got Horrywood, queers all over the place, conspicuous quantities of illegal aliens, an exploding prison population, egregious pollution, junkies - you name it - so I wasn't surprised that a collection of sleazies like that would prefer a destructive loony for senator. It's similar to the Massachusetts effect with Toad Kennedy.
California has Boxer, Feinstein, retread Brown, another left-wing nut, Catholic Pelosi - what a lineup. I'm rooting for one or more of its various faults, geologic ones in this context, to blow it off into the Pacific somewhere, thus making it more difficult for that Petri dish of disease to infect the other states.
Nevada, though, is more difficult for me to understand. I didn't think that population was categorically pixilated, yet it preferred to elect for the umpteenth time a guy that is so stupid, it's laughable to watch him speak; a guy that sneaks around like a secret germ to pass laws behind the country's back and dismantle equitable, Constitutional government practice. Perhaps Nevada's geographic position explains its demise - Kalifornia Kontagion. The state also seems to be falling apart economically, but it decided that SIX more years of Mr. I.Q. was just the ticket. The stupidity of his state rivals Reid's, so perhaps it's just another case of deserving each other, but the tragic thing is that the majority of the population, undeserving of Reid, is still stuck with the rat.
55 % ??!!
I read that Exxon-Mobil's 3rd quarter profit increased 55 BLOODY percent!!
Whatever happened to anti-trust laws and to those prohibiting price-fixing, which the oil octopi violate daily on every street corner in the country?
It was also the case that, despite the mammoth costs of its disastros spill, BP racked up over a billion in profit for the same period. Why does our excuse for a government, our BADministration stand for that?
No inflation? Up my exhaust pipe!
Whatever happened to anti-trust laws and to those prohibiting price-fixing, which the oil octopi violate daily on every street corner in the country?
It was also the case that, despite the mammoth costs of its disastros spill, BP racked up over a billion in profit for the same period. Why does our excuse for a government, our BADministration stand for that?
No inflation? Up my exhaust pipe!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Remember Frank, the 15-term queer in the House of Reps.?
Remember how the banking industry collapsed while he and his House Banking Committee had their fingers up their noses and other orifices?
A left-wing web news page the other day said Barney was facing a tough re-election (Dear Lord, let it be so tough that he vanishes into that great lobbying industry) and called the jerk the "Wall Street Reform Architect." Absolutely amazing 1984 talk; "less is more," "bad is good," and what have you.
Folks, that's truth in news in the good old U.S.A., which it was before the likes of Frank commenced ruining it.
Remember how the banking industry collapsed while he and his House Banking Committee had their fingers up their noses and other orifices?
A left-wing web news page the other day said Barney was facing a tough re-election (Dear Lord, let it be so tough that he vanishes into that great lobbying industry) and called the jerk the "Wall Street Reform Architect." Absolutely amazing 1984 talk; "less is more," "bad is good," and what have you.
Folks, that's truth in news in the good old U.S.A., which it was before the likes of Frank commenced ruining it.
A modern analog to "See what a scourge is laid against your hate, that Heaven finds means to kill your joys with love,"
" ... what a scourge is laid against your ineffable stupidity, that the Muslims have greater freedom to murder your people because of your tortile notions of equality."
Now, a guy loses his job over the very reasonable pronouncement that someone resembling a Muslim on his plane makes him feel insecure!
The truly idiotic, I'll-do-anything-to-help-destroy-my-country liberals, of which there seems to be an amplitude, want us to believe another axiom of paraphrase
"All murderous terrorists are created equal."
Why, sure, bigots (do you know what the word means?), the pale, 85-year-old woman from South Dakota is just as likely to vaporize your plane as a 22-year-old man that looks as if his job is a salesman on a used camel lot. (He, in fact, despite never having seen a classroom is probably here on a "student" visa and works as a waiter or a cab driver.)
Why do the Lousy Liberals snatch at the foundation of our nation to help ruin us and then turn around and attack it for the same purpose? If you can find that inconsistency reasonable, then you're one of them.
Idiots of this ilk invariably cite Tim McVeigh, a mass-murdering American, but, wait! Idiots, he didn't immolate himself in the glorious sacrifice, did he? On the other hand, Muslims bent on felo-de-se are only as far as your restaurant table or taxi.
If you know a deeper dung heap than NPR, please pass around the name.
" ... what a scourge is laid against your ineffable stupidity, that the Muslims have greater freedom to murder your people because of your tortile notions of equality."
Now, a guy loses his job over the very reasonable pronouncement that someone resembling a Muslim on his plane makes him feel insecure!
The truly idiotic, I'll-do-anything-to-help-destroy-my-country liberals, of which there seems to be an amplitude, want us to believe another axiom of paraphrase
"All murderous terrorists are created equal."
Why, sure, bigots (do you know what the word means?), the pale, 85-year-old woman from South Dakota is just as likely to vaporize your plane as a 22-year-old man that looks as if his job is a salesman on a used camel lot. (He, in fact, despite never having seen a classroom is probably here on a "student" visa and works as a waiter or a cab driver.)
Why do the Lousy Liberals snatch at the foundation of our nation to help ruin us and then turn around and attack it for the same purpose? If you can find that inconsistency reasonable, then you're one of them.
Idiots of this ilk invariably cite Tim McVeigh, a mass-murdering American, but, wait! Idiots, he didn't immolate himself in the glorious sacrifice, did he? On the other hand, Muslims bent on felo-de-se are only as far as your restaurant table or taxi.
If you know a deeper dung heap than NPR, please pass around the name.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
What stupendous leader of the BADministration
1. appoints schlocks that don't believe in the U.S. Constitution to the Supreme Court; people that practically pledged themselves to interpreting it as if it had been written by Walter Lantz?
2. apparently with malice prepense consistently misquotes the Declaration of Independence, which initiated the CREATION of this country?
Stuck? Here are some hints.
1. His only known work experience is as a Neighborhood Organizer and as a voter of "present" on every bill in the Illinois senate except for baby-murder, to which he evinced a terrible fidelity.
2. He's a mulatto, the country of whose birth has never been satisfactorily resolved.
3.He and his wife, an affirmative action and then some admission to Princeton U, benefited highly from Chicago politics = the process of bankrupting that state.
4. His aunt is a known illegal alien, still sponging off this country.
5. Among his chums are an admitted, unrepentant domestic terrorist and a political crook that tried to peddle a senate seat.
At your earliest opportunity PLEASE get rid of the PUTZ!
1. appoints schlocks that don't believe in the U.S. Constitution to the Supreme Court; people that practically pledged themselves to interpreting it as if it had been written by Walter Lantz?
2. apparently with malice prepense consistently misquotes the Declaration of Independence, which initiated the CREATION of this country?
Stuck? Here are some hints.
1. His only known work experience is as a Neighborhood Organizer and as a voter of "present" on every bill in the Illinois senate except for baby-murder, to which he evinced a terrible fidelity.
2. He's a mulatto, the country of whose birth has never been satisfactorily resolved.
3.He and his wife, an affirmative action and then some admission to Princeton U, benefited highly from Chicago politics = the process of bankrupting that state.
4. His aunt is a known illegal alien, still sponging off this country.
5. Among his chums are an admitted, unrepentant domestic terrorist and a political crook that tried to peddle a senate seat.
At your earliest opportunity PLEASE get rid of the PUTZ!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Nothing, in this case, for I have in mind "Obamacare," a journalistic, nonce word for the medical abomination hoped to be crammed down the throats of the majority that DON'T WANT the damned mess by a duplicitous, bribe-ridden congress.
Seriously, now, in terms of health care would B.O. know the difference between blood pressure and measles? What experience has a Neighborhood Organizer, the only experience he ever admitted, know about anything except how to get welfare? In his public career - most of his life is a deep, dark, media-concealed mystery - the only topic about which he was and is fervent is baby-murder, so maybe that's the medical connection.
Otherwise, I'd recommend Harvardcare, for the puppeteers that devised the mess, or Britcare for an inferior system congress intentionally sought to copy.
Whatever one calls it, though, it stinks, and I hope a sane congress dismantles it in future.
Seriously, now, in terms of health care would B.O. know the difference between blood pressure and measles? What experience has a Neighborhood Organizer, the only experience he ever admitted, know about anything except how to get welfare? In his public career - most of his life is a deep, dark, media-concealed mystery - the only topic about which he was and is fervent is baby-murder, so maybe that's the medical connection.
Otherwise, I'd recommend Harvardcare, for the puppeteers that devised the mess, or Britcare for an inferior system congress intentionally sought to copy.
Whatever one calls it, though, it stinks, and I hope a sane congress dismantles it in future.
Friday, October 15, 2010
B.O., the N.O., and Co. (i.e., his coaching staff in the press box - you know the guys and gals calling the plays and writing the teleprompter scripts) are practically foaming at the mouth over some lies they fabricated themselves. (Remember Dan Rather? I do, but I'd rather not.) They're whining that foreigners are making illegal campaign contributions to Republican campaign accounts and have forgotten entirely how China poured more than a handful of yuan into Bill Klintoon's election. This was clearly NOT a fabrication, though Dan Rathernot and his coterie may have neglected to mention it.
Next, some of the truly exegumen, sans culotte liberals are in a lather over some of B.O.'s fauxes pas - in their conception - and are longing for Corona Bill and wishing they'd voted for Hilarity Klintoon.
She, in common with the rest of the BADministration, has proven absolutely impotent, as in the recent murder by Mexican trash of an American tourist. Like the remainder of her ilk, she's telling us that the U.S. causes the Mex drug inferno and that our gun laws are somehow to blame for the chaos there. Did she pick this up from Billionaire Mayor Boombag?
Here's the one-step Y.C. reaction to that atrocity; scramble several attack planes immediately afterward and strafe, burn, and reduce to rubble the whole area where the execrable murderers were. Rx: repeat that dose regularly as required. Presto! End of problem.
P.S. Further, in total alignment with the rest of the BADministration, we discover only after this murder, and that of the Mexican law enforcement officer attempting to do his duty, that we handed over to the Mexicans millions of dinero for police support but were too bloody stupid or careless to require ANYTHING in the way of an accounting!
Next, some of the truly exegumen, sans culotte liberals are in a lather over some of B.O.'s fauxes pas - in their conception - and are longing for Corona Bill and wishing they'd voted for Hilarity Klintoon.
She, in common with the rest of the BADministration, has proven absolutely impotent, as in the recent murder by Mexican trash of an American tourist. Like the remainder of her ilk, she's telling us that the U.S. causes the Mex drug inferno and that our gun laws are somehow to blame for the chaos there. Did she pick this up from Billionaire Mayor Boombag?
Here's the one-step Y.C. reaction to that atrocity; scramble several attack planes immediately afterward and strafe, burn, and reduce to rubble the whole area where the execrable murderers were. Rx: repeat that dose regularly as required. Presto! End of problem.
P.S. Further, in total alignment with the rest of the BADministration, we discover only after this murder, and that of the Mexican law enforcement officer attempting to do his duty, that we handed over to the Mexicans millions of dinero for police support but were too bloody stupid or careless to require ANYTHING in the way of an accounting!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Lately I bought a book online from When it arrived, the book-size parcel, plastered with the name “Amazon,” was essentially encased in clear tape, and inside was a note from the Postal “Service” – tee hee – informing me that the package had been opened. The purpose was to scrutinize the contents and guarantee that Amazon or someone scurrilous had not sought to defraud the U.S. GOVERNMENT by shipping non-media mail in a media box!
What I wondered was how much it cost for some egregiously overpaid, probably Affirmative Action, probably two-digit IQ’d civil servant with inviolable job security to prove that there was actually a book in there? The postage difference was probably all of $0.25.
Don’t you suppose this moronic waste cost us more than a quarter Perhaps that clown’s was one of B.O.’s BADministration’s created jobs!
Ooo, voters! We done created ten jillion new jobs, just as promised with all this here other glorious CHANGE.
Won't it be great when the same clown transfers to the Bureau of Dummycrat Care and decides whether you get the cancer treatment or not or how much you owe on the last bill? I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I wondered was how much it cost for some egregiously overpaid, probably Affirmative Action, probably two-digit IQ’d civil servant with inviolable job security to prove that there was actually a book in there? The postage difference was probably all of $0.25.
Don’t you suppose this moronic waste cost us more than a quarter Perhaps that clown’s was one of B.O.’s BADministration’s created jobs!
Ooo, voters! We done created ten jillion new jobs, just as promised with all this here other glorious CHANGE.
Won't it be great when the same clown transfers to the Bureau of Dummycrat Care and decides whether you get the cancer treatment or not or how much you owe on the last bill? I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The word I have in mind is "education," and, considering the BADministration view, my short answer is "Most everything except actual teaching and learning."
Yes, B.O. the N.O. (see below) & Co. are maligning the Republicans - and reportedly some election-time running scared for good reason Dummycrats, as well - for blocking some of his funding schemes for "education."
I'm hoping it's just possible that these malicious dissidents have discovered that B.O.'s concept of education, for which his own credentials are a carefully-guarded secret - includes essentials like meals for kids whose mothers are able-bodied welfare pigs that collect welfare while lying on sofas during daytime television; school daycare centers for girls, perhaps with the same type mothers, that have got themselves knocked up and have welfare children to drop there; teaching small children the ins and outs of fornicating, so that they can join the previous group; or wasting it on the overburden of school administration that contributes nothing and functions as a sink for our money.
Stop wasting our money on social crap! Let's see that $ goes to teach children things towards re-establishing a world-class nation here.
"N.O." denoted neighborhood organizer, the only actual occupation anyone has learned about B.O.'s past.
Yes, B.O. the N.O. (see below) & Co. are maligning the Republicans - and reportedly some election-time running scared for good reason Dummycrats, as well - for blocking some of his funding schemes for "education."
I'm hoping it's just possible that these malicious dissidents have discovered that B.O.'s concept of education, for which his own credentials are a carefully-guarded secret - includes essentials like meals for kids whose mothers are able-bodied welfare pigs that collect welfare while lying on sofas during daytime television; school daycare centers for girls, perhaps with the same type mothers, that have got themselves knocked up and have welfare children to drop there; teaching small children the ins and outs of fornicating, so that they can join the previous group; or wasting it on the overburden of school administration that contributes nothing and functions as a sink for our money.
Stop wasting our money on social crap! Let's see that $ goes to teach children things towards re-establishing a world-class nation here.
"N.O." denoted neighborhood organizer, the only actual occupation anyone has learned about B.O.'s past.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
"A faithful God, without deceit,
how just and upright he is!
Yet basely has he been treated by his degenerate children,
a perverse and crooked race!
Is the Lord to be thus repaid by you,
O stupid and foolish people?
Is he not your father who created you?
Has he not made you and established you?"
I guess we deserve whatever we get.
how just and upright he is!
Yet basely has he been treated by his degenerate children,
a perverse and crooked race!
Is the Lord to be thus repaid by you,
O stupid and foolish people?
Is he not your father who created you?
Has he not made you and established you?"
I guess we deserve whatever we get.
From his second letter to the Thessalonians ...
"In fact, when we were with you, we instructed you that if anyone is unwilling to work, neither should that one eat."
Here is a simple, **saintly** rule that, if adopted in this country, would see a tremendously greater amount of work accomplished and very little in the way of welfare $ expended.
"In fact, when we were with you, we instructed you that if anyone is unwilling to work, neither should that one eat."
Here is a simple, **saintly** rule that, if adopted in this country, would see a tremendously greater amount of work accomplished and very little in the way of welfare $ expended.
"I should like particularly to underline how the administration of water and food, even when provided by artificial means, always represents a natural means of preserving life, not a medical act. Its use, furthermore, should be considered, in principle, ordinary and proportionate, and as such morally obligatory, insofar as and until it is seen to have attained its proper finality, which in the present case consists in providing nourishment to the patient and alleviation of his suffering."
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
An Internet home page described him as a “legendary actor,” but my surmise is that the author responsible for that never witnessed his performing. Legendary, he was not.
The last photo of Tony Curtis I saw was in a foreign equivalent of People Magazine, and it portrayed his as a gross, ugly, leering old man with a twenty-year-old whore on each side.
He had five wives and other affinities for booze and illegal drugs.
Earlier, he was a handsome dude, all right, but I suspect that if he hadn’t been a Jew, we’d never heard of him. The same may be said for goodly numbers of other actors, film-makers, authors, artists, publishers, editors, journalists, and assorted celebrities.
The web biography reported that “Some Like it Hot” had been rated as one of the funniest films since the dawn of creation, but the fact that the two stars were Jews likely influenced that choice. Another contributing factor is that their characters spent most of their time in women’s clothes – a highly effective stratagem for gaining popularity, in certain quarters.
It seems Tony was also an artist and – you guessed it – a novelist. These achievements should be interpreted in the same way that Steve Martin is a playwright, slut Madonna a children’s book author, and Bill Cosby, an expert on fatherhood. Tee hee.
The commendable item in the obituary was Tony’s honorable service, in fact wounding, in World War II. Above all, that deserves recognition and respect.
Legendary, however, he was not. Speaking about his acting, David Susskind characterized him as “a passionate amoeba.”
I pray for the repose of his soul.
The last photo of Tony Curtis I saw was in a foreign equivalent of People Magazine, and it portrayed his as a gross, ugly, leering old man with a twenty-year-old whore on each side.
He had five wives and other affinities for booze and illegal drugs.
Earlier, he was a handsome dude, all right, but I suspect that if he hadn’t been a Jew, we’d never heard of him. The same may be said for goodly numbers of other actors, film-makers, authors, artists, publishers, editors, journalists, and assorted celebrities.
The web biography reported that “Some Like it Hot” had been rated as one of the funniest films since the dawn of creation, but the fact that the two stars were Jews likely influenced that choice. Another contributing factor is that their characters spent most of their time in women’s clothes – a highly effective stratagem for gaining popularity, in certain quarters.
It seems Tony was also an artist and – you guessed it – a novelist. These achievements should be interpreted in the same way that Steve Martin is a playwright, slut Madonna a children’s book author, and Bill Cosby, an expert on fatherhood. Tee hee.
The commendable item in the obituary was Tony’s honorable service, in fact wounding, in World War II. Above all, that deserves recognition and respect.
Legendary, however, he was not. Speaking about his acting, David Susskind characterized him as “a passionate amoeba.”
I pray for the repose of his soul.
An Internet home page described him as a “legendary actor,” but my surmise is that the author responsible for that never witnessed his performing. Legendary, he was not.
The last photo of Tony Curtis I saw was in a foreign equivalent of People Magazine, and it portrayed his as a gross, ugly, leering old man with a twenty-year-old whore on each side.
He had five wives and other affinities for booze and illegal drugs.
Earlier, he was a handsome dude, all right, but I suspect that if he hadn’t been a Jew, we’d never heard of him. The same may be said for goodly numbers of other actors, film-makers, authors, artists, publishers, editors, journalists, and assorted celebrities.
The web biography reported that “Some Like it Hot” had been rated as one of the funniest films since the dawn of creation, but the fact that the two stars were Jews likely influenced that choice. Another contributing factor is that their characters spent most of their time in women’s clothes – in modern times a highly effective stratagem for gaining popularity, in certain quarters.
It seems Tony was also an artist and – you guessed it – a novelist. These achievements should be interpreted in the same way that Steve Martin is a playwright, slut Madonna a children’s book author, and Bill Cosby, an expert on fatherhood. Tee hee.
The commendable item in the obituary was Tony’s honorable service, in fact wounding, in World War II. Above all, that deserves recognition and respect.
Legendary, however, he was not. Speaking about his acting, David Susskind characterized him as “a passionate amoeba.”
I pray for the repose of his soul.
The last photo of Tony Curtis I saw was in a foreign equivalent of People Magazine, and it portrayed his as a gross, ugly, leering old man with a twenty-year-old whore on each side.
He had five wives and other affinities for booze and illegal drugs.
Earlier, he was a handsome dude, all right, but I suspect that if he hadn’t been a Jew, we’d never heard of him. The same may be said for goodly numbers of other actors, film-makers, authors, artists, publishers, editors, journalists, and assorted celebrities.
The web biography reported that “Some Like it Hot” had been rated as one of the funniest films since the dawn of creation, but the fact that the two stars were Jews likely influenced that choice. Another contributing factor is that their characters spent most of their time in women’s clothes – in modern times a highly effective stratagem for gaining popularity, in certain quarters.
It seems Tony was also an artist and – you guessed it – a novelist. These achievements should be interpreted in the same way that Steve Martin is a playwright, slut Madonna a children’s book author, and Bill Cosby, an expert on fatherhood. Tee hee.
The commendable item in the obituary was Tony’s honorable service, in fact wounding, in World War II. Above all, that deserves recognition and respect.
Legendary, however, he was not. Speaking about his acting, David Susskind characterized him as “a passionate amoeba.”
I pray for the repose of his soul.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Lately I saw a 1930s book, entitled "Westward," and authored by E. Douglas Branch.
A chapter is called "When Massachusetts Was West," but, contemplating topics such as legalizing queer unions and illiterately calling them "marriages," Barney Frank, Toad and the other Kennedys, and B.O.'s pixilated Harvard puppeteers, I decided he must have meant "When Massachusetts Was Worst."
Naturally, the answer is, "Presently, and for quite a few years now."
A chapter is called "When Massachusetts Was West," but, contemplating topics such as legalizing queer unions and illiterately calling them "marriages," Barney Frank, Toad and the other Kennedys, and B.O.'s pixilated Harvard puppeteers, I decided he must have meant "When Massachusetts Was Worst."
Naturally, the answer is, "Presently, and for quite a few years now."
Friday, September 24, 2010
Even Yves needs a rest now and then, and here am I vacationing for a bit.
I did notice, however, that B.O. is at the U.N. Wow! What do you suppose a Neighborhood Organizer can tell anyone about international affairs? Hmm. It seems probable that he was born in a foreign country, so perhaps that counts for something.
Also heard that Emmanuel, the "foul-mouthed ballet dancer from Chicago," as the Washington Post once called him, will be the next mayor of Chicago. Having bankrupted the place, Daley is jumping ship, I hear, and you can bet the sagacious Chicago electorate will vote where the welfare $ seems most likely.
It's a great place to live if you're thrilled over the high probability of being murdered.
I did notice, however, that B.O. is at the U.N. Wow! What do you suppose a Neighborhood Organizer can tell anyone about international affairs? Hmm. It seems probable that he was born in a foreign country, so perhaps that counts for something.
Also heard that Emmanuel, the "foul-mouthed ballet dancer from Chicago," as the Washington Post once called him, will be the next mayor of Chicago. Having bankrupted the place, Daley is jumping ship, I hear, and you can bet the sagacious Chicago electorate will vote where the welfare $ seems most likely.
It's a great place to live if you're thrilled over the high probability of being murdered.
Monday, September 13, 2010
I read that Neil Harris and his partner in queerdom, David Burtka, are being permitted to adopt or to outsource (buy, that is) twin children.
Is that not a great triumph of what passes for a society within these cheesecloth borders?
What sort of view of the world and the values on which this country was constructed do you suppose those children will absorb in their "home" life?
Is that not a great triumph of what passes for a society within these cheesecloth borders?
What sort of view of the world and the values on which this country was constructed do you suppose those children will absorb in their "home" life?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Of course, today I imply the symbolic copy of the Koran - that's how we used to transliterate the word - or Queran, if you prefer, and it makes no difference if a minister or a guy on the street does it. It's the thought that counts, right?
I'm not sufficiently well-educated to have read a translation into a language I understand, but, certainly, I have an opinion that depends upon a single condition.
**IF** that book would persuade a reasonable person that the sort of deplorable, terrorist violence associated with this date and which continues around the world today, is sanctioned by GOD, then I say burn every damned one of them.
I'm not sufficiently well-educated to have read a translation into a language I understand, but, certainly, I have an opinion that depends upon a single condition.
**IF** that book would persuade a reasonable person that the sort of deplorable, terrorist violence associated with this date and which continues around the world today, is sanctioned by GOD, then I say burn every damned one of them.
Whenever the date 11 September occurs to me, as it often does, my initial thought, after regret, is FAILURE: failure of the CIA, of the FBI, of National Security, of our air defenses, of the idiotic airline companies.
Before the end of that nightmare day Pres. Bush should have sacked the head of every government agency implied above. Furthermore, he should have summoned the Attorney General - we had a real one then - and begun suing for criminal negligence the living hell out of every airline carrier involved .
I'm not a great diplomat, and I lack the intelligence information - if any - that our agencies could provide Bush that day, but concurrently with mourning our dead, I believe I would have sent very warm, air-borne greetings to some parts of the world I KNEW were responsible and created enough new dead to discourage even CONTEMPLATION of another such villainous set of acts.
May the souls of those sacrificed to our monstrous unpreparedness and FAILURES rest in peace.
Before the end of that nightmare day Pres. Bush should have sacked the head of every government agency implied above. Furthermore, he should have summoned the Attorney General - we had a real one then - and begun suing for criminal negligence the living hell out of every airline carrier involved .
I'm not a great diplomat, and I lack the intelligence information - if any - that our agencies could provide Bush that day, but concurrently with mourning our dead, I believe I would have sent very warm, air-borne greetings to some parts of the world I KNEW were responsible and created enough new dead to discourage even CONTEMPLATION of another such villainous set of acts.
May the souls of those sacrificed to our monstrous unpreparedness and FAILURES rest in peace.
Friday, September 10, 2010
I read that "it is no longer wise to believe that American extremists will not resort to suicide bombings," and the example given was the Ft. Hood mass morderer, Nidal Hasan, who reportedly wrote about suicide in his diary.
Whoa! Una Momento!
"Nidal Hasan" ain't no American name!
"Oh, prejudiced Yves. I'll bet if you ran any sort of security operation here, you'd pay more attention to Nidal Hasan than to someone conforming to your concept of how an America looks."
You are damned right, I would, and, as a consequence, we just might not be observing that catastrophic anniversary tomorrow. Homegrown, my ass!
Whoa! Una Momento!
"Nidal Hasan" ain't no American name!
"Oh, prejudiced Yves. I'll bet if you ran any sort of security operation here, you'd pay more attention to Nidal Hasan than to someone conforming to your concept of how an America looks."
You are damned right, I would, and, as a consequence, we just might not be observing that catastrophic anniversary tomorrow. Homegrown, my ass!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Yes, indeed, according to B.O. our cosmic debt isn't adequately crushing, so he wants to turn out some more monopoly money to stimulate further the economy his criminal spending has failed to stimulate. Now, it's the infrastructure to be saved. Hallelujah! Wasn't that what the first round of shameful pork waste was supposed to target?
Watch the value of your dollar drop further, folks, in concert with the value of your country.
Naturally, the Dummycrat congress will flock towards more spending, 'cause they and their bribers get most of the loot.
Watch the value of your dollar drop further, folks, in concert with the value of your country.
Naturally, the Dummycrat congress will flock towards more spending, 'cause they and their bribers get most of the loot.
WHO? The able-bodied welfare parasites
WHAT? Labor Day?
I was just wondering how people that have never worked and have no intention of ever working celebrate a day to honor those that work. Maybe they help conceive children to follow in their own footsteps. No, walking is work - their own sofa imprints.
Even more seriously I wonder why politicians allow these pigs to persist in the work of ruining our country.
WHAT? Labor Day?
I was just wondering how people that have never worked and have no intention of ever working celebrate a day to honor those that work. Maybe they help conceive children to follow in their own footsteps. No, walking is work - their own sofa imprints.
Even more seriously I wonder why politicians allow these pigs to persist in the work of ruining our country.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
I have spent a good deal of time trying to decide how people like Toad Kennedy, Scott Brown, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Judy Gregg, Christopher Dodd, and Barney Frank can be elected, sometimes for decades of terms, when their ideals seem about as consistent with the U.S. Constitution as those of Mao Tze Tung - or however that's transliterated these days.
Quite unexpectedly I found a compelling explanation, almost as if addressed to my question, in a 1928 story, "The Dunwich Horror," by Howard Phillips Lovecraft.
"Perhaps one reason ... is that the natives are now repellantly decadent, having gone far along that path of retrogression so common in many New England backwaters. They have come to form a race by themselves, with the well-defined mental and physical stigmata of degeneracy and inbreeding. The average of their intelligence is woefully low, whilst their annals reek of overt viciousness and of half-hidden murders, incests, and deeds of almost unnameable violence and perversity."
Wow! Just think, too, that New Englanders have had over 80 additional years for decline and degeneration! Keep in mind, finally, that our present BADministration is populated and controlled by Harvard - that's in New England, isn't it? - villains.
Posthumous thanks to H.P. for clarifying the issue.
Quite unexpectedly I found a compelling explanation, almost as if addressed to my question, in a 1928 story, "The Dunwich Horror," by Howard Phillips Lovecraft.
"Perhaps one reason ... is that the natives are now repellantly decadent, having gone far along that path of retrogression so common in many New England backwaters. They have come to form a race by themselves, with the well-defined mental and physical stigmata of degeneracy and inbreeding. The average of their intelligence is woefully low, whilst their annals reek of overt viciousness and of half-hidden murders, incests, and deeds of almost unnameable violence and perversity."
Wow! Just think, too, that New Englanders have had over 80 additional years for decline and degeneration! Keep in mind, finally, that our present BADministration is populated and controlled by Harvard - that's in New England, isn't it? - villains.
Posthumous thanks to H.P. for clarifying the issue.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Definition of traitor (from a cheap dictionary): ONE WHO VIOLATES HIS ALLEGIANCE AND BETRAYS HIS COUNTRY.
Would you classify as a traitor, then, one that SWORE TO GOD to uphold the Constitution of the U.S. then trampled that oath in the dirt of personal conviction? I would.
Consequently, I classify Vaughn Walker, posing as a judge, as a 24K traitor, because he grossly and with prepense misinterpreted the Constitution in favor of his own queerdom.
In more equitable days traitors were shot - and still are in many places. However, thanks to the Constitution Walker besmirched, we have a simple mechanism for removing his ilk from government and the legal implementation of the will of a people. It is called impeachment and is not only for the likes of Klintoon and B.O., but may be applied to judicial posers, as well.
Impeachment must begin by a vote of the House of Representatives. If you feel that Walker should be impeached, tell your representative. If s/he doesn't agree, then s/he is as guilty as queer Walker.
Incidentally, you can expect comparable misinterpretations of the law of the land from Soto what'shername and from Kagan. Everything either of them ever said or did - of course, Kagan has never been any sort of judge (good picking, B.O.) - indicates that their personal views displace in every instance the priority the law should have.
Would you classify as a traitor, then, one that SWORE TO GOD to uphold the Constitution of the U.S. then trampled that oath in the dirt of personal conviction? I would.
Consequently, I classify Vaughn Walker, posing as a judge, as a 24K traitor, because he grossly and with prepense misinterpreted the Constitution in favor of his own queerdom.
In more equitable days traitors were shot - and still are in many places. However, thanks to the Constitution Walker besmirched, we have a simple mechanism for removing his ilk from government and the legal implementation of the will of a people. It is called impeachment and is not only for the likes of Klintoon and B.O., but may be applied to judicial posers, as well.
Impeachment must begin by a vote of the House of Representatives. If you feel that Walker should be impeached, tell your representative. If s/he doesn't agree, then s/he is as guilty as queer Walker.
Incidentally, you can expect comparable misinterpretations of the law of the land from Soto what'shername and from Kagan. Everything either of them ever said or did - of course, Kagan has never been any sort of judge (good picking, B.O.) - indicates that their personal views displace in every instance the priority the law should have.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Horrywood, my designation for the entertainment empire (including athletics), has a serious dilemma.
Generally favoring any and EVERY outrageous violation of good sense, decency, and morality, Horrywood flocked with its surplus of shekels to help B.O. become Putzident of the United States. Generally, its left-wing fixation has been well rewarded by Curious Geroge.
Now, however, Jew-controlled Horrywood is distressed over the Muslim thrust to build a mosque and Islam ( = peace, don't forget)center where crews of its peace-loving adherents murdered several thousand of our citizens.
B.O., on the other hand, is more Muslim than anything and favors the peace complex in lower Manhattan (Truth to tell, all of Mayor Boombag's kingdom is more or less lower.)!
The Jewish empire of Horrywood is thus faced with a severe ideological problem. Loving B.O., they should embrace the mosque and other peace construction there, but being Jews they should eschew the antics of their fellow Semites. (Yes, Arabs are Semites, too.)
Russian-born Kirk Douglas, venerable Horrywood ikon, all of whose favorite charities are in Jerusalem, is conciliatory. Thus, it may be possible for these gods and goddesses to remain B.O.loyalists. If there's one trait common to all truly nutty liberals, it's the ability to find some screwy reasoning to justify anything they choose.
Generally favoring any and EVERY outrageous violation of good sense, decency, and morality, Horrywood flocked with its surplus of shekels to help B.O. become Putzident of the United States. Generally, its left-wing fixation has been well rewarded by Curious Geroge.
Now, however, Jew-controlled Horrywood is distressed over the Muslim thrust to build a mosque and Islam ( = peace, don't forget)center where crews of its peace-loving adherents murdered several thousand of our citizens.
B.O., on the other hand, is more Muslim than anything and favors the peace complex in lower Manhattan (Truth to tell, all of Mayor Boombag's kingdom is more or less lower.)!
The Jewish empire of Horrywood is thus faced with a severe ideological problem. Loving B.O., they should embrace the mosque and other peace construction there, but being Jews they should eschew the antics of their fellow Semites. (Yes, Arabs are Semites, too.)
Russian-born Kirk Douglas, venerable Horrywood ikon, all of whose favorite charities are in Jerusalem, is conciliatory. Thus, it may be possible for these gods and goddesses to remain B.O.loyalists. If there's one trait common to all truly nutty liberals, it's the ability to find some screwy reasoning to justify anything they choose.
Monday, August 23, 2010
"Sin passes itself off as an expansion, an emancipation; at the moment of yielding to it, every sinner is inclined to believe this. The very opposite is true. By sinning I emancipate myself only from my own proper nature, my own happy destiny, choosing a falsification of myself, following a road without a goal, or, rather, one whose goal is not what I am seeking: my own perdition."
Father Antonin G. Sertillanges, d. 1948
Think carefully about this, especially the first sentence.
Father Antonin G. Sertillanges, d. 1948
Think carefully about this, especially the first sentence.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Hints of Defense Secretary Gates' resignation has Corruption City, U.S.A., aka Washington, D.C., in a frenzy over whom B.O. and the Harvard Soviet might appoint as a rplacement.
Inferences based on previous choices have resulted in this short list, not necessarily in order of preference.
Oprah Winfrie, known here as Okra Windfree
Jesse Jackson
Spike Lee
Lew Alcindor, later Karim Abdul something or other
Mike Tyson
Whitney Houston
Jesse Jackson, Junior
Michelle Obama, the Worst Lady
Cassius Clay, later Mohammed something or other
The Platters
Inferences based on previous choices have resulted in this short list, not necessarily in order of preference.
Oprah Winfrie, known here as Okra Windfree
Jesse Jackson
Spike Lee
Lew Alcindor, later Karim Abdul something or other
Mike Tyson
Whitney Houston
Jesse Jackson, Junior
Michelle Obama, the Worst Lady
Cassius Clay, later Mohammed something or other
The Platters
CORRECTION - THE TOP 11 FOR 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I made a rare error, readers, and failed to notice that one of the top corruption entries was actually a duet: along with Jesse Jackson, Junior, there was also Illinois' gubernatorial senate appointee (to fill B.O.'s seldom occupied seat) Burris!
Thus my summary stats need be modified
10/11 are Dummycrats
5/11 are partial blacks
3/11 are BADministration
At least the % BADministration improved.
Thus my summary stats need be modified
10/11 are Dummycrats
5/11 are partial blacks
3/11 are BADministration
At least the % BADministration improved.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
THE TOP TEN FOR 2009!!!!!
Possibly due to obsession with the athletic side of the entertainment industry (Horrywood) Americans are extremely conscious of rank; "We're Number One!"; the top 20 business schools, the top 20 athlete/student football teams, the most searched celebrities on the web, oooh!
If you didn't already know, let me retail the news that Judicial Watch published its list of The Top Ten Most Corrupt Politicians for 2009! You can find the website and read the roll of the worst in government, but here are some summary statistics.
9 are Dummycrats
4 are partial blacks
3 belong to the BADministration
1 is a "full of pride" homosexual
These fractions of types are much higher than in our overall population; i.e., we are much less (thankfully) than 90% Dummycrat, much less than 40% partial black, etc. What does this tell you about the present government?
Who did this to us?
If you didn't already know, let me retail the news that Judicial Watch published its list of The Top Ten Most Corrupt Politicians for 2009! You can find the website and read the roll of the worst in government, but here are some summary statistics.
9 are Dummycrats
4 are partial blacks
3 belong to the BADministration
1 is a "full of pride" homosexual
These fractions of types are much higher than in our overall population; i.e., we are much less (thankfully) than 90% Dummycrat, much less than 40% partial black, etc. What does this tell you about the present government?
Who did this to us?
Monday, August 16, 2010
The other day I mentioned the Spanish Civil War and the large number of Catholic religious murdered by the "soi disant" Popular Front. A little checking revealed that about 10,000 Catholics were murdered by that crew, and that 2/3 of them were priests and other religious, such as nuns and brothers.
I do recall that Horrywood created a version of Graham Greene's novel, The Power and the Glory, which dealt with Mexico's anti-clerical rampage, but that's an old film, and I think it's time that large-scale Communist atrocities received some of the limelight they deserve. It may be that the Catholics haven't yet learned to wail so loudly and inflate the numbers of their losses.
I do recall that Horrywood created a version of Graham Greene's novel, The Power and the Glory, which dealt with Mexico's anti-clerical rampage, but that's an old film, and I think it's time that large-scale Communist atrocities received some of the limelight they deserve. It may be that the Catholics haven't yet learned to wail so loudly and inflate the numbers of their losses.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
On 2 August, "A Woman for All Seasons," I told you a little about this remarkable woman, later Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, and asked how Horrywood, our combined, omnipresent, Argus of an entertainment industry could have overlooked such a powerful, true story.
Is it that Horrywood is out of tune with religious themes? Clearly not, for take a look at “Bee Season,” with Gere and Binoche, to witness the celebration of Judaism over Catholicism and a general attack, under the advertised guise of a story about a kid in spelling bees, of the latter faith.
Is it that in Horrywood there lurks some ethnic or religious bias against Christians, in general, or Catholics, in particular? Hmm, before answering, do try and recall the number of movie sluts with crosses dangling over their marvelous breasts as they fornicate or flaunt their sleeping arrangements. Seen any Mogen David's on those luscious chests?
While they were about it, the Nazi’s made Saints and Blesseds (the stage preliminary to sainthood, which is not at all an easy achievement) of quite a number of Polish priests, nuns, and Catholic lay people. Polish priest, now Saint, Maximilian Maria Kolbe (14 August), for example, proffered his life to save that of a fellow concentration camp prisoner. Wouldn’t that, against a background of wholesale murder and war, make a memorable film? Sidney Carton’s sacrifice did, didn’t it?
If you think the only people tortured and slaughtered in death camps were Jews, then you ought to ask who’s been telling the stories you know and those related to your school children by teachers whose only concept of what happened back then was formed in front of television sets or in classrooms of third-rate colleges of education. Why hasn’t Horrywood catapulted those names above into sublunary prominence to accompany the celestial honors they’ve been accorded.
Doesn’t it seem to you that Jews are the ONLY group you’ve ever seen film-memorialized in depictions of Nazi brutality and murder? ( By the way, non-readers of German and those totally ignorant of history, the “Z” in Nazi stands for what we call “Socialist!” Denken daran, Onager Liberals.)
Another important question is how has Communism dodged Horrywood’s potent bullets? Consider, for example, that the Catholic Martyrology – register of saints – enrolls numbers of priests, nuns, and Catholic lay people murdered by the “Popular Front,” their own euphemism for “vicious Communists,” during the Spanish Civil War. You’ve seen the Hemingway side, right, but what about the non-Commies?
Horrywood-wise, Commies have come off with astonishing leniency. What movie or tv miniseries ever alluded to Stalin’s murder of millions of his own people? What screen legends acted out Mao and Jo’s (however transliterated nowadays) annihilation of equal numbers of Chinese? Why has Benevolent Uncle Ho, idol of Jane Fonda and her Horrywood dung dregs and calculated murderer of several million Vietnamese, Catholics of especially high priority, escaped Tinsel Town’s scrutiny?
Perhaps if the Ukranians, Chinese, and Vietnamese had been predominantly Jews, we’d have seen these forgotten events graphic dramatized hundreds of times, as we have Hitler’s liquidation of German and Polish Jews. Perhaps Horrywood’s lust for Communism might have succumbed to its blatant Semitism.
Regardless of all this, remember Edith Stein, Saint Benedicta of the Cross, commemorated on 9 August.
Is it that Horrywood is out of tune with religious themes? Clearly not, for take a look at “Bee Season,” with Gere and Binoche, to witness the celebration of Judaism over Catholicism and a general attack, under the advertised guise of a story about a kid in spelling bees, of the latter faith.
Is it that in Horrywood there lurks some ethnic or religious bias against Christians, in general, or Catholics, in particular? Hmm, before answering, do try and recall the number of movie sluts with crosses dangling over their marvelous breasts as they fornicate or flaunt their sleeping arrangements. Seen any Mogen David's on those luscious chests?
While they were about it, the Nazi’s made Saints and Blesseds (the stage preliminary to sainthood, which is not at all an easy achievement) of quite a number of Polish priests, nuns, and Catholic lay people. Polish priest, now Saint, Maximilian Maria Kolbe (14 August), for example, proffered his life to save that of a fellow concentration camp prisoner. Wouldn’t that, against a background of wholesale murder and war, make a memorable film? Sidney Carton’s sacrifice did, didn’t it?
If you think the only people tortured and slaughtered in death camps were Jews, then you ought to ask who’s been telling the stories you know and those related to your school children by teachers whose only concept of what happened back then was formed in front of television sets or in classrooms of third-rate colleges of education. Why hasn’t Horrywood catapulted those names above into sublunary prominence to accompany the celestial honors they’ve been accorded.
Doesn’t it seem to you that Jews are the ONLY group you’ve ever seen film-memorialized in depictions of Nazi brutality and murder? ( By the way, non-readers of German and those totally ignorant of history, the “Z” in Nazi stands for what we call “Socialist!” Denken daran, Onager Liberals.)
Another important question is how has Communism dodged Horrywood’s potent bullets? Consider, for example, that the Catholic Martyrology – register of saints – enrolls numbers of priests, nuns, and Catholic lay people murdered by the “Popular Front,” their own euphemism for “vicious Communists,” during the Spanish Civil War. You’ve seen the Hemingway side, right, but what about the non-Commies?
Horrywood-wise, Commies have come off with astonishing leniency. What movie or tv miniseries ever alluded to Stalin’s murder of millions of his own people? What screen legends acted out Mao and Jo’s (however transliterated nowadays) annihilation of equal numbers of Chinese? Why has Benevolent Uncle Ho, idol of Jane Fonda and her Horrywood dung dregs and calculated murderer of several million Vietnamese, Catholics of especially high priority, escaped Tinsel Town’s scrutiny?
Perhaps if the Ukranians, Chinese, and Vietnamese had been predominantly Jews, we’d have seen these forgotten events graphic dramatized hundreds of times, as we have Hitler’s liquidation of German and Polish Jews. Perhaps Horrywood’s lust for Communism might have succumbed to its blatant Semitism.
Regardless of all this, remember Edith Stein, Saint Benedicta of the Cross, commemorated on 9 August.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Yes, folks, the BADministration has decreed that YOU will pick up the tab for bailing out surplus teachers that failing state economies would lay off and public "workers" whose "work" is not so valuable as to survive sensible budget cuts.
These nutty liberals are ALL Chuck Darwin fans, are they not? Survival of the fittest and all that anti-Creationist stuff? Why, then, are they so Christian in their charity? The answer lies in a Danny DeVito/Gregory Peck film title, "Other People's Money." That is a facile way to be generous, right, and buy a few more votes, to boot.
This is your Socialist government in action. Hope you've got plenty of dough or are on the panhandling end of things.
These nutty liberals are ALL Chuck Darwin fans, are they not? Survival of the fittest and all that anti-Creationist stuff? Why, then, are they so Christian in their charity? The answer lies in a Danny DeVito/Gregory Peck film title, "Other People's Money." That is a facile way to be generous, right, and buy a few more votes, to boot.
This is your Socialist government in action. Hope you've got plenty of dough or are on the panhandling end of things.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Does it worry you at all that a considerable majority of the senate voted to approve for the supreme court an inexperienced Harvard wacko, an obious disbeliever in the U.S. Constitution in favor of her own lunatic liberal view of the world? Unfortunately, this 50-year-old can be expected to live long enough to help dismantle our country for decades to come.
Does it bother you that B.O., this congress, and this BADministration sit with their fingers up their noses and refuse to secure a border where the scum of South America pours in daily to lend its collective hand at ruining the United States of America?
If these patent truths do NOT cause you any anxiety, then run out in November and vote for incumbents; they're pointing the way to our utter destruction. You deserve what you'll get, but I don't.
Does it worry you at all that a considerable majority of the senate voted to approve for the supreme court an inexperienced Harvard wacko, an obious disbeliever in the U.S. Constitution in favor of her own lunatic liberal view of the world? Unfortunately, this 50-year-old can be expected to live long enough to help dismantle our country for decades to come.
Does it bother you that B.O., this congress, and this BADministration sit with their fingers up their noses and refuse to secure a border where the scum of South America pours in daily to lend its collective hand at ruining the United States of America?
If these patent truths do NOT cause you any anxiety, then run out in November and vote for incumbents; they're pointing the way to our utter destruction. You deserve what you'll get, but I don't.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Of course, they do it frequently, but I just revisited one of their more blatant cases, which reminded me of another. The first was in a film version of The King and I, in which librettist Oscar Hammerstein II sought to teach us that the Civil War was fought to free slaves. If that were true, Honest Abe Lincoln must have lied about 20 times, for at least that often he reminded hearers and readers that slaves were NOT his reason for prosecuting war against the Confederacy.
Some years back at the big Washington, D.C. stage extravaganza for Memorial Day, master of ceremonies, actor Charles Durning, announced that World War II was fought to rescue Jews! That was especially surprising news, especially in that it was not until AFTER the war that the extent of depredations against the Jews was known.
Lesson: Don't believe much that comes from Horrywood, by which I designate the vast entertainment empire that saturates daily life here and abroad.
Some years back at the big Washington, D.C. stage extravaganza for Memorial Day, master of ceremonies, actor Charles Durning, announced that World War II was fought to rescue Jews! That was especially surprising news, especially in that it was not until AFTER the war that the extent of depredations against the Jews was known.
Lesson: Don't believe much that comes from Horrywood, by which I designate the vast entertainment empire that saturates daily life here and abroad.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Edith Stein, a German Jew born in 1891, studied philosophy and philology at the universities of Breslau and Goettingen (the latter practically a Hall of Fame for World Class mathematicians) before World War I and obtained a doctorate in philosophy at Freiburg after it.
After reading the autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila, Edith was baptized a Catholic in 1922. She became a distinguished author and teacher, but with the ascendancy of the Nazi party, she entered a Discalced Carmelite monastery in October, 1933. In April, 1934 she received the Habit and became Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. On Easter, 1935 she professed her final vows.
As an ethnic Jew Sister Teresa Benedicta came to understood that her presence was dangerous to the monastery and asked permission to transfer to a different country. On the final night of 1938 she crossed secretly into neutral Holland and joined the convent at Echt.
Unimpressed by declarations of neutrality, The Nazi's invaded her new country, however, and when the Dutch bishops protested the deportation of Jews and the removal of Jewish children from Catholic schools, all Catholics of Jewish descent in the country were arrested. Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross was forced from her monastery on 2 August 1942 and murdered in the Auschwitz gas chambers seven days later. Prophetically, perhaps,she had added "of the Cross" to her name.
Is this not a spell-binding tale of achievement, internal conflict, spiritual resolve, heroism - something to inspire everyone? For the clincher consider that on 11 October 1998, she was canonized by Pope John Paul II and is now SAINT Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.
Would the life, death, and posthumous events in the earthly affairs of this contemporary saint not make a fascinating film? If I were familiar with the background of those times, I could write the play or screenplay myself. How can Horrywood have overlooked a true story of such power for so long? Her tragic life was consummated 68 years ago, and she has been recognized as a Saint - an action not lightly undertaken in the Catholic Church - a dozen years ago. Add to this the certified miracles necessary to her elevation. (Do not sneer at this process; Joan of Arc was not canonized until 1920.)
In a sequel post we shall examine possible reasons for this negligence, but 9 August is Edith Stein's Saint Day in the hagiography, and whatever your religious sentiments, remember on that day a true Woman for all Seasons, a bona fide Saint.
After reading the autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila, Edith was baptized a Catholic in 1922. She became a distinguished author and teacher, but with the ascendancy of the Nazi party, she entered a Discalced Carmelite monastery in October, 1933. In April, 1934 she received the Habit and became Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. On Easter, 1935 she professed her final vows.
As an ethnic Jew Sister Teresa Benedicta came to understood that her presence was dangerous to the monastery and asked permission to transfer to a different country. On the final night of 1938 she crossed secretly into neutral Holland and joined the convent at Echt.
Unimpressed by declarations of neutrality, The Nazi's invaded her new country, however, and when the Dutch bishops protested the deportation of Jews and the removal of Jewish children from Catholic schools, all Catholics of Jewish descent in the country were arrested. Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross was forced from her monastery on 2 August 1942 and murdered in the Auschwitz gas chambers seven days later. Prophetically, perhaps,she had added "of the Cross" to her name.
Is this not a spell-binding tale of achievement, internal conflict, spiritual resolve, heroism - something to inspire everyone? For the clincher consider that on 11 October 1998, she was canonized by Pope John Paul II and is now SAINT Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.
Would the life, death, and posthumous events in the earthly affairs of this contemporary saint not make a fascinating film? If I were familiar with the background of those times, I could write the play or screenplay myself. How can Horrywood have overlooked a true story of such power for so long? Her tragic life was consummated 68 years ago, and she has been recognized as a Saint - an action not lightly undertaken in the Catholic Church - a dozen years ago. Add to this the certified miracles necessary to her elevation. (Do not sneer at this process; Joan of Arc was not canonized until 1920.)
In a sequel post we shall examine possible reasons for this negligence, but 9 August is Edith Stein's Saint Day in the hagiography, and whatever your religious sentiments, remember on that day a true Woman for all Seasons, a bona fide Saint.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I found a two-month-old copy of a Denver Post, which taught me that school officials there were disturbed.
First of all, I want to remark that it seems to be ONLY school officials = administrators (not to be confused with EDUCATORS)in LARGE CITIES that become disturbed. Apparently their counterparts in places like Duluth, Minnesota; Worland, Wyoming; and Norman, Oklahoma roll along in comparative tranquility. I wish someone would esxplain to me why it is mainly city schooools that promote ulcers. What the devil is prominent in them to make them centers of educational dyspepsia? Someone out to study large cities and deduce why their students are such a never-ending problem. Whatever is it about cities that make oligophrenic students?
The data for Denver's several high schools showed that their percents of studets requiring "remedial classes while in college" ranged from 47% to 99%!
An initial, obvious question is a simple one; if a kid can't do college-level work why is he or she allowed into one? Aren't colege entrance exams and requirements good enough to discriminate between people sufficiently capable to get along there and those that are not? Why admit a blockhead that's earmarked for failure? Isn't that WHY we have examinations? Are many of these Worst Lady Princeton admissions; i.e., fail but get accepted anyway? Why waste resources that might be used to make good students better? They, after all, are our nation's hope.
The short answer is that in many states the public colleges must accept any blockhead that graduates high school and is able to eke out a pass on a trivial entrance exam - note well what gets admitted solely to frolic on the football, basketball, etc. teams and then ask yourself how difficult it must be to slip in. Since high schools pass along every blockhead that wastes space in them, the blockheads get into college. Of course, my solution to that nonsense is to mainytain standards and keep the duds out of universities. Even more basically, I would deprive blockheads of high school diplomas if they don't deserve them.
A second simple question of the same type is, if a blockhead infiltrates a college and can't cut it, why don't THOSE educationj officials just bounce him or her out on his or her - ear. Wonder why this country resembles the last minutes of the Titanic? Figure it out, or are you a blockhead, too?
Denver's pedagogical savants, at any rate, have decided exactly what are needed; "turnaround strategies for exising schools and opening new schools to address the lapses." This, taxpayers will be dismayed to learn, translates easily as spending MORE MONEY, which is the chant of inept people that can't do the jobs with the resources given them. Furthermore, anyone remember - was anyone ever TAUGHT - the aphorism about silk purses and sows' ears?
STOP FLUSHING OUR MONEY! Don't imagine for a second that the bucks to waste on Denver's, doomed "turnaround strategies" will come solely from Denver pockets or even from Colorado pockets, because the feds are always willing to spend YOUR $ in the decades-old, HOPELESS cause of refuting that aphorism. Did your state vote for this idiocy?
First of all, I want to remark that it seems to be ONLY school officials = administrators (not to be confused with EDUCATORS)in LARGE CITIES that become disturbed. Apparently their counterparts in places like Duluth, Minnesota; Worland, Wyoming; and Norman, Oklahoma roll along in comparative tranquility. I wish someone would esxplain to me why it is mainly city schooools that promote ulcers. What the devil is prominent in them to make them centers of educational dyspepsia? Someone out to study large cities and deduce why their students are such a never-ending problem. Whatever is it about cities that make oligophrenic students?
The data for Denver's several high schools showed that their percents of studets requiring "remedial classes while in college" ranged from 47% to 99%!
An initial, obvious question is a simple one; if a kid can't do college-level work why is he or she allowed into one? Aren't colege entrance exams and requirements good enough to discriminate between people sufficiently capable to get along there and those that are not? Why admit a blockhead that's earmarked for failure? Isn't that WHY we have examinations? Are many of these Worst Lady Princeton admissions; i.e., fail but get accepted anyway? Why waste resources that might be used to make good students better? They, after all, are our nation's hope.
The short answer is that in many states the public colleges must accept any blockhead that graduates high school and is able to eke out a pass on a trivial entrance exam - note well what gets admitted solely to frolic on the football, basketball, etc. teams and then ask yourself how difficult it must be to slip in. Since high schools pass along every blockhead that wastes space in them, the blockheads get into college. Of course, my solution to that nonsense is to mainytain standards and keep the duds out of universities. Even more basically, I would deprive blockheads of high school diplomas if they don't deserve them.
A second simple question of the same type is, if a blockhead infiltrates a college and can't cut it, why don't THOSE educationj officials just bounce him or her out on his or her - ear. Wonder why this country resembles the last minutes of the Titanic? Figure it out, or are you a blockhead, too?
Denver's pedagogical savants, at any rate, have decided exactly what are needed; "turnaround strategies for exising schools and opening new schools to address the lapses." This, taxpayers will be dismayed to learn, translates easily as spending MORE MONEY, which is the chant of inept people that can't do the jobs with the resources given them. Furthermore, anyone remember - was anyone ever TAUGHT - the aphorism about silk purses and sows' ears?
STOP FLUSHING OUR MONEY! Don't imagine for a second that the bucks to waste on Denver's, doomed "turnaround strategies" will come solely from Denver pockets or even from Colorado pockets, because the feds are always willing to spend YOUR $ in the decades-old, HOPELESS cause of refuting that aphorism. Did your state vote for this idiocy?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I visited some relatives that have an outfit called Hughes, as in Howard, for their ISP. I discovered that the company HQ is around Baltimore, which may account for the ludicrous fake/distoted "news" these loonies broadcast. (Have you driven through Baltimore lately? I have. Take a tip - lock your car doors, for here is another Model City that definitely IS NOT SAFE.) The people showed me a Hughes headline that described Gen. McChrystal as "disgraced!"
What a load of rot! He stood up and told the public what schlock, sham clowns are the Commander-in-Thief and his Harvard Puppeteers. This is about as disgraced as Ben Franklin, Tom Jefferson, and George Washington were when they told the Brits to stuff it. I'd like to be equally disgraced.
In other news are two stories of low-down creeps' prevalance, as often occurs when courts are involved.
First, the Swiss denied the U.S. extradition of obscene Polanski and freed the sewer rat. At least he won't be coming here, unless he chooses to walk across our unwatched borders.
Second, a "federal" judge from - guess where if you don't already know - decided that parts of the Defense of Marriage Act are unconstitutional! Yes, an almost trivial puzzle, it was in the land of the Massholes, where queer unions, stupidly called "marriages," are sanctified, and Toad Kennedy would have been dirtying the Senate for a thousand terms if he'd lived that long. May we hope that some court of appeal is less pixilated than that one?
What a load of rot! He stood up and told the public what schlock, sham clowns are the Commander-in-Thief and his Harvard Puppeteers. This is about as disgraced as Ben Franklin, Tom Jefferson, and George Washington were when they told the Brits to stuff it. I'd like to be equally disgraced.
In other news are two stories of low-down creeps' prevalance, as often occurs when courts are involved.
First, the Swiss denied the U.S. extradition of obscene Polanski and freed the sewer rat. At least he won't be coming here, unless he chooses to walk across our unwatched borders.
Second, a "federal" judge from - guess where if you don't already know - decided that parts of the Defense of Marriage Act are unconstitutional! Yes, an almost trivial puzzle, it was in the land of the Massholes, where queer unions, stupidly called "marriages," are sanctified, and Toad Kennedy would have been dirtying the Senate for a thousand terms if he'd lived that long. May we hope that some court of appeal is less pixilated than that one?
Monday, July 26, 2010
Yes, folks, he called his "movement" the 26th of July Movement, for on that date Dr. Castro, in classic Commie fashion, took to the mountains of Oriente Province, I believe it was, to prosecute gurilla warfare. Of course Fulgencio Batista was a rotten dictator, but also in classic Commie fashion, Cuba got a worse one in exchange. Fidelito proved himself a vicious, uncompromising model, in fact, from whose clutches people fled by the tens of thousands. After the Russians bailed out of the morass, he ran the country into the crumbling ruin it is today.
Remember that the next time you have the opportunity to vote for a Commie. There will be some available come November and, unfortunately, two years from then.
Remember that the next time you have the opportunity to vote for a Commie. There will be some available come November and, unfortunately, two years from then.
According to an item sent me from an Alabama newspaper, "Rednecks" were originally Rebel soldiers that wore red collars and were said to be particularly vicious fighters. The author claimed to be proud to be called one. This does not jive with what I find on the web, where there's a great deal of rot, and language morons persist in using "gay" to denote queers, but I've yet to adopt Wikipedia as my guide to facts.
I was reminded of the Confederate term "Bluebellies" to refer to Union troops.
What do you think?
I was reminded of the Confederate term "Bluebellies" to refer to Union troops.
What do you think?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I wonder how much Nathan the Yahoo's visit to Washington will cost us. Every time an Israeli politician drops by, we, the tax-paying dupes, shell out the shekels.
Has anyone ever published data on how much we GIVE - meaning out-and-out charity - that insignificant country annually? Is that ever a headline? Why do you suppose we do it? Denken daran.
Has anyone ever published data on how much we GIVE - meaning out-and-out charity - that insignificant country annually? Is that ever a headline? Why do you suppose we do it? Denken daran.
The Blagojevich trial re-emphasizes what a gutter ball held the office of Governor of Illinois (Thank goodness B.O. never had any contact with him! :-) ), and I'm wondering if that state has the dumbest electorate in the country. They selected that foul-mouthed clown TWICE, for heaven's sake!
Years ago their governors, irrespective of party, were always guilty of something or other; a secretary of that state died with a closet full of shoe boxes stuffed with license plate checks he'd stolen; Chicago had a convicted felon (Democrats seem to gravitate towards tax evasion) as mayor and was so proud of him they've named buildings after the jerk; they put B.O. in the state, then national, senates; and they voted for him on Disaster Day, 4 November 2008.
Plenty of other states have demonstrated their electoral stupidity at all levels, too, but Illinois must lead the league in office-holding criminals. What sort of people have such a tortile view of character and qualifications? Someone should do a demographic study of Illinois and discover who are all the stupid, unqualified voters there.
Years ago their governors, irrespective of party, were always guilty of something or other; a secretary of that state died with a closet full of shoe boxes stuffed with license plate checks he'd stolen; Chicago had a convicted felon (Democrats seem to gravitate towards tax evasion) as mayor and was so proud of him they've named buildings after the jerk; they put B.O. in the state, then national, senates; and they voted for him on Disaster Day, 4 November 2008.
Plenty of other states have demonstrated their electoral stupidity at all levels, too, but Illinois must lead the league in office-holding criminals. What sort of people have such a tortile view of character and qualifications? Someone should do a demographic study of Illinois and discover who are all the stupid, unqualified voters there.
Monday, July 12, 2010
We had ambition, the spirit of adventure and discovery, the will to confront a gigantic task and succeed! What a heady era!
On 20 July 1969, under President Nixon and set into motion by Kennedy, "men from the planet earth first set foot on the moon."
In terms of distance, not to mention other dimensions, the years have only shrunk us. Typical missions are 100 miles, not 250,000 - that's contraction by a factor of 2500, by the way - and presently we lack even the facility for shooting a guy into space and retrieving him. We plan to rely upon our still spy-happy pals, the Russians, for that, and how long will it be until our space program, if any, is outsourced to Chinamen? (Don't wax apoplectic E. and W. Coasters; people habitually say "Englishmen," "Scotsmen," and "Irishmen," and thus far not even the nuttiest of liberals mind those appellations.)
The new NASA head is another racial appointee, and already Pres. Bush's idea of getting to Mars has been scrapped. Hmm. Where might that budget money go? Possible targets are
1. Breakfasts for the "poor" school children, probably overweight, whose parents haven't the inclination or the brains to cook them and whose welfare handouts go for cigarettes, booze, fast food, and other essentials.
2. The overwhelming deficit this pixilated "health" program will create.
3. Litigating a state with the sense to try and preserve a degree of integrity in our laughably porous, federally-ignored borders.
4. Pelosi's plane.
5. The Worst Lady's trips to New York City.
The possibilities are endless. " ... we thought they'd never end," but, sadly, they did.
On 20 July 1969, under President Nixon and set into motion by Kennedy, "men from the planet earth first set foot on the moon."
In terms of distance, not to mention other dimensions, the years have only shrunk us. Typical missions are 100 miles, not 250,000 - that's contraction by a factor of 2500, by the way - and presently we lack even the facility for shooting a guy into space and retrieving him. We plan to rely upon our still spy-happy pals, the Russians, for that, and how long will it be until our space program, if any, is outsourced to Chinamen? (Don't wax apoplectic E. and W. Coasters; people habitually say "Englishmen," "Scotsmen," and "Irishmen," and thus far not even the nuttiest of liberals mind those appellations.)
The new NASA head is another racial appointee, and already Pres. Bush's idea of getting to Mars has been scrapped. Hmm. Where might that budget money go? Possible targets are
1. Breakfasts for the "poor" school children, probably overweight, whose parents haven't the inclination or the brains to cook them and whose welfare handouts go for cigarettes, booze, fast food, and other essentials.
2. The overwhelming deficit this pixilated "health" program will create.
3. Litigating a state with the sense to try and preserve a degree of integrity in our laughably porous, federally-ignored borders.
4. Pelosi's plane.
5. The Worst Lady's trips to New York City.
The possibilities are endless. " ... we thought they'd never end," but, sadly, they did.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Days ago I spoke to a man from Norway, and he told me B.O. is very popular there.
Not a person alive in that country, as well as in Sweden and Denmark, has not had Socialism stuffed up and down his alimentary canal from the day of his birth. Just as B.O.& his puppeteers are aiming here, the government controls every aspect of life in those countries, and even governments labeled "right" or "moderate" in them have been benign dictatorships.
Further, they entertain a consuming pity and fascination for anyone pumping any quantity of African-type blood through his veins, so a partial black Socialist dictator would naturally be a big personality there.
Next question, please.
Not a person alive in that country, as well as in Sweden and Denmark, has not had Socialism stuffed up and down his alimentary canal from the day of his birth. Just as B.O.& his puppeteers are aiming here, the government controls every aspect of life in those countries, and even governments labeled "right" or "moderate" in them have been benign dictatorships.
Further, they entertain a consuming pity and fascination for anyone pumping any quantity of African-type blood through his veins, so a partial black Socialist dictator would naturally be a big personality there.
Next question, please.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
At the time of the 2008 election disaster, I saw several published images of illegible ballots that some liberal crazies in Minnesota decided meant "Franken." Had Florida been equally dishonest, Gorp might have been President. Hmm, I do believe I'd take him over Curious George.
At any rate, by a number of votes roughly tabulatable on a normal set of fingers and toes, Comedian Al became a Dummycrat, B.O. - rubber stamping senator.
Lately he redeemed his clown credentials by falling asleep at a judiciary committee hearing on Pig Kagan. Al probably figured somnolence was excused, though, for the Dummycrat majority would vote for Jesse Jerkson, Spike Lee, Kobe Bryant, the well known rapist, or the Worst Lady if one of them had been nominated.
Way to go, election thieves, and I'll bet Al's staff are proud to have jobs with him.
Oh, the drinking mug? Why, the Franken Stein, naturally.
At any rate, by a number of votes roughly tabulatable on a normal set of fingers and toes, Comedian Al became a Dummycrat, B.O. - rubber stamping senator.
Lately he redeemed his clown credentials by falling asleep at a judiciary committee hearing on Pig Kagan. Al probably figured somnolence was excused, though, for the Dummycrat majority would vote for Jesse Jerkson, Spike Lee, Kobe Bryant, the well known rapist, or the Worst Lady if one of them had been nominated.
Way to go, election thieves, and I'll bet Al's staff are proud to have jobs with him.
Oh, the drinking mug? Why, the Franken Stein, naturally.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
As soon as I learned that the White House crew were running the 2010 census, I knew the reports would be falsified for loony liberal purposes, but I believe even the collection of the data is flawed.
A rural friend wrote me that on 19 April he noticed a piece of ppaer stuck in a bush about 30 yards from his house. It turned out to be his census form, due 1 April - an appropriate date for B.O. & Co. - which had apparently been stuck on the outside of the house and blown away by wind! Though a little the worse for rain, it had dried and was legible, so they completed it and returned it in the envelope provided to an address in another state. My friend, however, could not resist writing that he wondered if the census forms this year had been dropped from helicopters or airplanes.
Some weeks later his wife received a call from a local census person, complaining that their form had never been received and wanting to come to the house to question them. She said she didn't see why, in light of their having returned the form, why that was necessary. By this time the census folks had no idea where the form had gone - a consequence of the post office's having been involved? - so the wife answered a couple of questions over the phone. One of these was whether the family were Hispanic, highly vital, these days, we know, which the wife refused to answer, though the surname should have provided the negative answer.
Who knows how or as what this family will be counted, but whatever B.O. and C. decided about the population, I'll wait for 2020 and hope for an objective, responsible proceeding. By the way the family were disappointed over the possibility that no one had read their snide remark.
P.S. Did you know that on INdian reservatiuons, census takers are required to be INdians? Otherwise, they never respond.
A rural friend wrote me that on 19 April he noticed a piece of ppaer stuck in a bush about 30 yards from his house. It turned out to be his census form, due 1 April - an appropriate date for B.O. & Co. - which had apparently been stuck on the outside of the house and blown away by wind! Though a little the worse for rain, it had dried and was legible, so they completed it and returned it in the envelope provided to an address in another state. My friend, however, could not resist writing that he wondered if the census forms this year had been dropped from helicopters or airplanes.
Some weeks later his wife received a call from a local census person, complaining that their form had never been received and wanting to come to the house to question them. She said she didn't see why, in light of their having returned the form, why that was necessary. By this time the census folks had no idea where the form had gone - a consequence of the post office's having been involved? - so the wife answered a couple of questions over the phone. One of these was whether the family were Hispanic, highly vital, these days, we know, which the wife refused to answer, though the surname should have provided the negative answer.
Who knows how or as what this family will be counted, but whatever B.O. and C. decided about the population, I'll wait for 2020 and hope for an objective, responsible proceeding. By the way the family were disappointed over the possibility that no one had read their snide remark.
P.S. Did you know that on INdian reservatiuons, census takers are required to be INdians? Otherwise, they never respond.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Since B.O.'s Harvard puppeteers wanted an inexperienced, America-hating, Constitution - disbeliever, why did he fool around with Kagan instead of just nominating The Worst Lady?
Every Dummycrat in the senate would line up just as slavishly to vote for MIchelle, who, once on the Court, would vote in favor of every lunatic clause and against every sane interpretation of the Constitution.
Furthermore, Michelle is prettier than Kagan, but, then, it doesn't take a lot to outpoint a cow.
Every Dummycrat in the senate would line up just as slavishly to vote for MIchelle, who, once on the Court, would vote in favor of every lunatic clause and against every sane interpretation of the Constitution.
Furthermore, Michelle is prettier than Kagan, but, then, it doesn't take a lot to outpoint a cow.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Just when I felt a modicum of security in having ONE branch of the federal government's consistently acting in a sane fashion, Justice Kennedy decides that freedom of expression is not, after all, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
In school, I was taught that it did, but that, thankfully, was before the days of Ginsburg, Soto- whatever, and that crew.
When one tunes in to Washington, D.C. it's at least one bloody disaster per day.
In school, I was taught that it did, but that, thankfully, was before the days of Ginsburg, Soto- whatever, and that crew.
When one tunes in to Washington, D.C. it's at least one bloody disaster per day.
Monday, June 28, 2010
I'm talking Supreme Court again here, where 5-4 is the usual margin between "I believe the makers of the Constitution were sane people," and the "I don't believe in the Constitution; only my intuitive left-wing brain-washing and ruin-the-country agenda."
Yet, lately the group were unanimous in reinstating an older DISCRIMINATION - oooh! Isn't everything here discriminatory? - ruling favoring African types in Chicago firemen jobs.
Untouched in the news article and of significant importance, logic dictates, is whether the City set the mark so as to eliminate a horde of p.b.'s, to reduce their selection task among the many applicants, or to guarantee a minimum level of competence, insofar as the test was able to discriminate (Morons in English are encouraged to consult a good dictionary on the meaning of "discriminate" before going bonkers, OK?)
Certainly, if they sought to exclude p.b.'s - hard to believe in 1995 Chicago - it was discriminatory, but if they moved to guarantee a certain level of competence, HURRAY! DO IT AGAIN!
An interesting dimension of the original case was testimony by so-called expert witnesses. An informative reference to the subject of expert testimony is the transcript of the famous Scopes trial, where the defense sought to call a battalion of expert witnesses to lecture the jury on the theory of evolution. The prosecution argued, and the judge concurred, that the question was simply whether the defendant violated the law, and that the jury didn't need experts to tell them how the law read or how to evaluate the evidence.
In the Chicago case one should have asked, "What does expert testimony have to do with whether or not the City violated a law?" Answer: "Nothing."
Anyway, the would-be firemen's attorneys' expert witnesses were allowed to testify that "applicants scoring in the 70's or 80's were shown to be capable of succeeding as firefighters." (Here, readers should recall the typical elementary school classification of letter grades. When I was there 93 and above = A, and 70 was the MINIMUM passing grade.)
At any rate, this brings us to the most important question of all; What's wrong with selecting the BEST of the applicants? That is, to the extent that the test discriminates firefighting ability, why not pick the BEST of the litter? If there are m jobs, just pick the m best scorers and have done with it. Why not get the BEST?
Does a person have to be a prophet to see that's the BEST way to award the positions? Does a person have to be prophet to observe that every day distorted concepts of discrimination are accelerating the declension of this country? If Chicago wanted the best new hires, why should it have to settle for mediocre applicants "capable of succeeding?" Many "capable of''s" NEVER make it.
If it comes to someone's having to save your family or your home, would you rather have someone that MIGHT have succeeded or someone that gave the BEST indication of success. Further, look around at what's happening to the U.S. among the company of nations.
Or are they just congenitally opposed to the Constitution?
If you can read English - no longer a given in this country - and decide that the Bill of Rights does NOT guarantee the right to bear arms, then get in touch with B.O., and in the salutary event that Pig Kagan fails to be approved, YOU can try for that court.
Happily the five sane members have found what any literate grade schooler can tell; viz., that we do, indeed, have that right.
Keep people off the Supreme Court if they, like B.O. & Co., don't believe in that precious document.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
If someone had quizzed me regarding what state had approved distributing condoms to all school children that wanted them, Massachusetts, the guilty party, would have been among my top three choices.
The Massholes, as admirers denote them, are generally in the forefront of what is depraved, immoral, and disgusting. Who elects its state legislature? One wonders where advertised population of Irish Catholics is hiding there. Are they the same people that elected Ted "The Catholic" Kennedy in perpetuity, John "The Catholic" Kennedy, others of the never-ending clan, and also made queer unions legal?
Chalk up another defeat for morality, another victory for lunatic liberals. A state that led in our becoming a free and independent nation has somehow accomplished a one-eighty to spearhead our advancement into degeneration and ruination.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Today's award for spine goes to General McChrystal for asserting what everyone knows; viz., that a clown with less military experience and knowledge than a boy scout is not to be trusted with decisions about fighting a war. I'm not convinced a punk rock publication was the ideal venue, but so it goes.
Can't tell you his name, but I read of another spine champion, a man that sacrificed a lucrative soap opera contract by refusing to play smut scenes. Hurrah for you, too, Mister!
In earlier times, Elizabethan England, for one example, many people lost their lives merely for refusing to repudiate their religion. It's encouraging to see individuals willing to suffer a loss in order to do what is RIGHT. More of us should take that plunge; it won't go unrewarded.
It was surprising to me to learn that British Petroleum, getting such a bad boy rap from the BADministration contributed MILLIONS of bucks to help elect Curious George, presently monkeying around in the White House and world.
Perhaps it was because the Brits always have romantic inclinations towards Communism and Socialism, but some writers explain the BADministration's slow response to the Gulf's undersea gusher to that indebtedness. For me, this is a valid reason to deplore B.P.; accidents happen, but helping to install this disaster of a government is inexcusable. That goes for individual voters, too.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
And the winners are ... all the politician scum that will rip off the funds extorted from B.P. That will be a replay of the Katrina funds disaster in disastrous Louisiana with the exception that those were monies stolen directly from the taxpayers.
And the losers are .... B.P. stockholders, including many, many ordinary people attempting to live off interest and dividends. No one taxes a company, blockheads; companies simply pass the tax along to consumers. B.P. will stop paying dividends until it compensates for the extortion fund.
What intrigues me most is whether the Commander-in-Cheat needed teleprompters for the meeting or did the ballet dancer act as B.O.'s Aaron.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I chose the adjective in the subject line over "continual" for a purpose, so be certain to distinguish the meanings.
Lately in a newspaper I read that educators - by that was meant administrators in the sphere of education and not that they educated anyone - both in that Republic and the Supreme Soviet in D.C. were ardent about year-round public schooling - no long, summer vacations.
The reason given was not for schools to function as day care centers for the convenience of households where all the parents must work - to provide welfare tax subsidies for all the households where NO ONE works. No, it was that students forget everything, especially mathematics, over a long, summer vacation.
That's a crock! School for me never started prior to Labor Day and was always finished prior to Memorial Day, yet my classmates and I at our little school managed to retain enough technical knowledge from year to year for us to produce two Ph.D.'s in Engineering, a dentist, and the founder of a Civil Engineering firm, to name three examples.
I believe, rather, that the difficulty is that many students pay no attention to what is taught nor to the work they are supposed to do or are simply too stupid to remember anything, but since they have to be passed in order not not to destroy the self-esteem they have never earned, they show up next year with empty heads.
As usual, the response of "education" is to reduce students to the lowest common denominator and penalize everyone for the ineptitude or irresponsibility of some of them. I believe that there are students so incapable that they wouldn't recall anything if they stayed in classrooms day and night and received "education" around the clock, even when asleep, which might be during the day, too. Why penalize good students for the failings of the dregs? Let's go back to culling the duds and putting our resources where they will provide some payoff to the nation; i.e., to children with the intelligence and motivation to work.
My personal view about the singling out of mathematics for this selective forgetfulness owes to two facts: first, that it is a precise discipline, where slop work counts for nothing and wrong answers can't be subjectively credited by "let's feel well" faculty; and, secondly, that too many of the math instructors are duds themselves that graduated with degrees in "education" and know nothing of subject matter. These are the "I forgot everything over the summer" crowd from earlier generations. Let's dump them, too.
In her novel, Mrs. Blair, Maud Keck's titular character is the subject of considerable gossip and considers what should be done about it.
"Knowing the virtue of inaction, she did nothing."
A criticism of Dwight Eisenhower as President was that he didn't do a great deal, whereas a microsecond of thought today proves the rampant damage and harm possible when government does a great deal.
Monday, June 14, 2010
At an airport recently I saw a copy of a Denver Post newspaper, containing an item about the indebtedness of graduating physicians.
Inexplicably and irrelevantly, smack in a paragraph about high tuition at the state's medical schools was a statement that "diversity numbers" had declined. This interesting new unit was defined to be the number of minority students - that, disappointingly, was UNdefined - among the MD's-to-be.
The fact that this leading indicator was exactly 1 (one) less than in 2009 had been the shocking cause for including the statistic.
Though there won't be any article about it, I imagine that inexorable, educational forces are working tirelessly to keep that diversity number above a secret minimum.
Then I remembered jokes about astronauts having to be blasted aloft in craft built by lowest-bidding contractors. How would you like to be the lucky patient whose brain tumor excision or multiple bypass is undertaken by an affirmative action surgeon; one not as capable as the others? Would that please you?
Incidentally, quotas like that are part and parcel of the health care Obamanation foisted off on us by the lousy Dummycrats.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I've told you several times that anyone having a nodding acquaintance with science and climatology knows that THE MOST IMPORTANT GREENHOUSE GAS IS WATER VAPOR, the significance of which to global temperatures is UNKNOWN.
Given that the BADministration, with the robust consent of the Dummycrat senate, has now declared war on CO2 (This is reminiscent of LBJ's wars on practically everything, all of which were lost) it's only a matter of time until the EPA decides that clouds = water vapor are illegal.
Pass the Coppertone!
Not until November, 2008 did I fully appreciate George Washington's valedictory admonition about the dangers of political parties. I wonder if the hazards of moron voters occurred to him back then.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
A Russian chum has told me repeatedly that they never had Communism, and, of course, we know that Marx' scheme was never implemented as formulated. My friend describes the Soviet system as a "dictatorial bureacracy," and B.O.'s BADministration strikes me as just that.
Every day it seems there is a new attempt by some sub-organization of this execrable government's plotting to thwart what is best for the country and impose upon us what the majority - remember majority rule? - DO NOT WANT.
Now the EPA wants to ram though the definition of carbon dioxide as a polutant, which would empower that agency to make whatever rules it pleases about a vital gas in the chemistry of the earth. Before rootbeer and colas are classified as pollutants, tell your senators to vote for the BILL on this coming up before them and short-circuit B.O.'s latest, Soviet maneuver.
Marooned recently in a medical office, I decided that even one of the "news" magazines would be superior to the ubiquitous television set. In it I discovered that the numbers of reported sexual assaults in the military have been
for 2007, 2688
2008, 2908
2009, 3230
for 2007, 2688
2008, 2908
2009, 3230
where the increase from 2008 to 2009 was 11%, and 16% in combat areas.
In the true spirit of the novel 1984 - that is, more is less, less is more - Pentagon officials find these data "encouraging," of all things! They feel that more victims may be coming forward and are pleased by that.
The typical case: an enlisted man between 18 and 25, and a female victim either military or civilian.
The estimate is that only 20% of military, sexual assault victims report, and I hope the Pentagon does not find that encouraging insofar as it reflects the true extent of these rotten crimes. I would also guess that a goodly percentage of non-reportage is from cases of assault by a higher-ranking enlisted man. Some years back there was a considerable scandal about non-coms extorting sex from lower-ranking women and threatening them greater bodily harm if they reported. What a slick outfit!
As a matter of fact I find all this highly DIScouraging, and any woman that would volunteer for such duty strikes me as foolhardy. Parents should make female children aware of the risk, and other parents should learn enough parenting to avoid raising rapists as sons.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I'm wondering how a country or a group of people in the one-time Land of the First Amendment becomes exalted to the extent that any critical remark about it/them is practically grounds for lynching! (Oooh! Pardon that word, on which partial blacks - or at least those too stupid to know the meanings of words, such as "niggardly" - go absolutely ballistic.)
My short answer to myself is "Have that group or other country effectively control the O-TLOTFA, which is exactly what Jews have done to this country, especially in the Entertainment Media, of which "news" is a principal segment.
89-year-old Helen Thomas had the audacity and temerity to suggest that Israel remove itself from Palestine, ceded to it by the U.N. though previously held by it A.D. only in years of 3-digit length.
B.O.'s press secretary was livid, the White House News Correspondents' Association was aghast, a Maryland school principal ( a species known for cowardice these days) replaced her as commencement speaker, and the national director of the Anti-Defamation League (when, precisely, did criticism come to equal defamation?), said her comment was "bigoted," which brands him as another English language moron, unfamiliar with the meaning of the word.
Ms. Thomas' only error was apologizing for what the Constitution of the U.S. GUARANTEES her. I wish she would have told NDADL, Foxman, to stuff it royally.
Long live the DOG, to hell with the TAIL wagging, bleeding, corrupting, and enervating it!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
St. Paul wrote this.
"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths."
Can you apply this to any time of your familiarity?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
It's about something much more important than Blockbuster, but I thought that made a catchy subject.
With my comments in square brackets, a friend wrote me,
"Recently I rented from Blockbuster Online a movie called "The Invention of Lying," which turned out to be a typical Horrywood [He's picked up my terminology] derogation of religion. [Christian and, in this case, Jewish, that is; Muslims murder critics, which practice insulates them from a good deal of it].
"I was so offended that when the Blockbuster system invited me to write one, I entered the following review.
"Amusing for a few minutes, the film turned rapidly and disgustingly into one more Hollywood, meaning the 'entertainment' industry, lampoon of God and religion. Interestingly, the Blockbuster synopsis of it mentioned nothing of the sort.
"Naturally, I was amazed when the system advised me to remove the 'objectionable words' from my statement and rejected the entry! So what's objectionable; 'God?' Have the lousy atheists so cowed public corporations that they shrink from the word 'God?'
"I then wrote Blockbuster customer care in Dallas, asked about this matter, and mentioned a couple of other problems with their service. I received answers to the latter, but my query about the propriety of words was ignored entirely.
"The Land of the Cowed; the Home of Cowards. That's where we live."
This requires no elaboration from your trusty blogger. My friend is pursuing the incident, and people that care about their country and righteousness should stand up when they experience similar treatment.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Greetings, friends; I'm back in the saddle with lots of items that will injterest you. First,is a little warm-up topic that certainly elevated my temp and bp.
A friend told me that her niece, living on the East coast (it would have to be one of our coasts, as you'll see), has learned that it is suddenly not genteel and caring to use the word "retarded" to refer to a person's mental condition.
As usual, my initial recourse was to the Oxford English Dictionary, where, for "retarded," I found simply "checked : impeded; delayed." What could be less impolite and harsh than that?
Naturally, I resolved immediately to make a point of using the word wherever possible, and I believe "retarded" is a wonderful way to describe anyone so mentally impeded as to toy with a marvelous, expressive language.
Don't these yahoo's have work to do?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
My keyboard, like most objects in the universe, is less versatile than my quick mind and lacks the umlaut "O" I attempted to indicate in the title. The subject is a mathematical result, which, ignoring the umlaut, is applicable to part of the BADministration.
I read that our Attorney Generous (so-called for his persuading Klintoon to pardon a bevy of deplorable cruds that still should be behind bars) says he hasn't read the entirety of Arizona's ILLEGAL scum aliens law.
This may be because Holder, another Affirmative Action hire and not overwhelmingly acute, is illiterate, but it comes AFTER his vehement denunciation of the law!
At any rate I applaud Arizona's law and wish that Holder were back wherever he was before his Affirmative Action days.
Even I require a little recruitment now and then so shall take a much-deserved vacation for a couple of weeks. If I'm unable to post anything in that period, do not repine; Yves will be back shortly, not to mean like Joe Yul, aka Mickey Rooney, but soon.
People talk about "the health care crisis." Before the misguided propelled B.O. the N.O. into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, no one used the term. The crisis is this: a majority of legislators, plenty of them swayed by sleazy deals and outright bribes, rammed up and down our alimentary canals a rotten law, featuring taxpayer-funded baby murder and other atrocities, that is despised by a huge majority of the nation's population, even counting the ton of illegal scumbags the BADministration is indisposed to expel. Now, THAT is a crisis!
Misguided people, many of them in common with the crew mentioned above, talk longingly about a "nuke-free world." Are they entirely pixilated ninnies? How would we prevail in a war with conventional weapons against the billion or so Chinese? How about a billion or so Indians? How about the combined forces of the U.S.-loathing, jihad crazy, rabid Muslim world? Awaken, Pollyanna's; nuclear weapons guarantee your survival.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
We have the situation where someone with no governing experience nominates for the Supreme Court a person with no experience of litigation and only experience as a rabid liberal!
I try to console myself with the thought that it could be worse; Michelle, the Worst Lady could be the nominee. This, however, is not great consolation, for every Dummycrat senator would be salivating to vote "yes" for that pig.
Good grief! What a BADministration!
I try to console myself with the thought that it could be worse; Michelle, the Worst Lady could be the nominee. This, however, is not great consolation, for every Dummycrat senator would be salivating to vote "yes" for that pig.
Good grief! What a BADministration!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The latest certifiable lunatic earmarked for the Supreme Court is Kagan, a foaming-at-the-mouth nut formerly roaming around Cambridge, MA, home territory for many of that type.
B.O. & Co.'s notion of a judge is one that denies the Constitution in favor of his/her own bigoted view of law or, at best, imagines it to have been written by Frank Baum.
Citizens should contact the minority of sane senators and urge them to derail the Ruination Express. At the moment the forces of reason hold the narrowest of margins, and that small body is all that stands between this country and the place in Ireland mentioned above.
Further, please do something in November to shift the legislative balance so as to favor our survival, OK?
Monday, May 10, 2010
In the American-Mexican t-shirt confrontation, a high school badministrator has once again shown a wide yellow streak; he ordered the American side to hide their apparel sentiments because of fear that the Mexicans might wax unruly.
It's the usual story; if group X, prone to lawlessness and violence, opposes group Y, pacifically disposed, someone in authority decides in favor of X so as not to cause trouble. Also as usual, the result is an injustice done to Y.
Parents of school children should understand the rules and regulations and stand up for them; else, they will awaken one day to find themselves deprived of all rights by cowards that have wormed their ways into authority.
P.S. To a person supposed to be an American, what the devil significance has the 5th of May?
It's the usual story; if group X, prone to lawlessness and violence, opposes group Y, pacifically disposed, someone in authority decides in favor of X so as not to cause trouble. Also as usual, the result is an injustice done to Y.
Parents of school children should understand the rules and regulations and stand up for them; else, they will awaken one day to find themselves deprived of all rights by cowards that have wormed their ways into authority.
P.S. To a person supposed to be an American, what the devil significance has the 5th of May?
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The latest mass-murderer wanna be is another - what else? - Muslim, a naturalized citizen. So much for the reliability of that process.
This jerk had been suspected and was, in fact, being surveilled by 2 of our impeccable-quality security experts - Muslims also? one wonders, perhaps affirmative action hires - but he eluded them! Good work, security experts!
Being suspect, this wanna be murderer was also on the "no fly" airline list, but guess what? The lousy assassin got on a plane, anyway! More kudos to airport/airline security. Keep pretending all would-be mass murderers are identical and pat down 85-year-old western women in wheelchairs while the intended, conspicuous terrorists float aboard.
Happily, someone awoke and dragged the vermin off the plane. Once again the Commander-in-Chief could have ordered him executed on the tarmac, but that semi-Muslim, semi-black squatter in the White House is all for trials, so get ready to shell out, working, tax-paying suckers! Maybe for laughs, Holder will lead the prosecution.
I mean Mikey Boombag, of course, billionaire mayor New York, champion of queers and illegal aliens, unsuccessful meddler in other states' elections, and opponent of legally-owned firearms. Illegally-obtained ones are OK with Boombag.
Truly loony liberals make any number of laughable, stupidly bigoted comments, but Boombag's latest must sink to the bottom of the stupidly bigoted list.
Boombag pontificated, or rabbinicated, that someone opposed to to the medical insurance disaster was a probable candidate for the aborted Times Square bomb attempt. Perhaps he thought he had probability on his side, since the great majority of people in this country oppose it.
Shrewd deduction, Boombag; no Muslim, queer, or illegal alien could have done it, right? Well, literate people, read just who it was and grade Boombag's conclusion accordingly.
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