Saturday, August 28, 2010


Definition of traitor (from a cheap dictionary): ONE WHO VIOLATES HIS ALLEGIANCE AND BETRAYS HIS COUNTRY.

Would you classify as a traitor, then, one that SWORE TO GOD to uphold the Constitution of the U.S. then trampled that oath in the dirt of personal conviction? I would.

Consequently, I classify Vaughn Walker, posing as a judge, as a 24K traitor, because he grossly and with prepense misinterpreted the Constitution in favor of his own queerdom.

In more equitable days traitors were shot - and still are in many places. However, thanks to the Constitution Walker besmirched, we have a simple mechanism for removing his ilk from government and the legal implementation of the will of a people. It is called impeachment and is not only for the likes of Klintoon and B.O., but may be applied to judicial posers, as well.

Impeachment must begin by a vote of the House of Representatives. If you feel that Walker should be impeached, tell your representative. If s/he doesn't agree, then s/he is as guilty as queer Walker.

Incidentally, you can expect comparable misinterpretations of the law of the land from Soto what'shername and from Kagan. Everything either of them ever said or did - of course, Kagan has never been any sort of judge (good picking, B.O.) - indicates that their personal views displace in every instance the priority the law should have.

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