Friday, August 6, 2010


Of course, they do it frequently, but I just revisited one of their more blatant cases, which reminded me of another. The first was in a film version of The King and I, in which librettist Oscar Hammerstein II sought to teach us that the Civil War was fought to free slaves. If that were true, Honest Abe Lincoln must have lied about 20 times, for at least that often he reminded hearers and readers that slaves were NOT his reason for prosecuting war against the Confederacy.

Some years back at the big Washington, D.C. stage extravaganza for Memorial Day, master of ceremonies, actor Charles Durning, announced that World War II was fought to rescue Jews! That was especially surprising news, especially in that it was not until AFTER the war that the extent of depredations against the Jews was known.

Lesson: Don't believe much that comes from Horrywood, by which I designate the vast entertainment empire that saturates daily life here and abroad.

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