Friday, June 4, 2010


Greetings, friends; I'm back in the saddle with lots of items that will injterest you. First,is a little warm-up topic that certainly elevated my temp and bp.
A friend told me that her niece, living on the East coast (it would have to be one of our coasts, as you'll see), has learned that it is suddenly not genteel and caring to use the word "retarded" to refer to a person's mental condition.
As usual, my initial recourse was to the Oxford English Dictionary, where, for "retarded," I found simply "checked : impeded; delayed." What could be less impolite and harsh than that?
Naturally, I resolved immediately to make a point of using the word wherever possible, and I believe "retarded" is a wonderful way to describe anyone so mentally impeded as to toy with a marvelous, expressive language.
Don't these yahoo's have work to do?

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