Monday, June 14, 2010


At an airport recently I saw a copy of a Denver Post newspaper, containing an item about the indebtedness of graduating physicians.
Inexplicably and irrelevantly, smack in a paragraph about high tuition at the state's medical schools was a statement that "diversity numbers" had declined. This interesting new unit was defined to be the number of minority students - that, disappointingly, was UNdefined - among the MD's-to-be.
The fact that this leading indicator was exactly 1 (one) less than in 2009 had been the shocking cause for including the statistic.
Though there won't be any article about it, I imagine that inexorable, educational forces are working tirelessly to keep that diversity number above a secret minimum.
Then I remembered jokes about astronauts having to be blasted aloft in craft built by lowest-bidding contractors. How would you like to be the lucky patient whose brain tumor excision or multiple bypass is undertaken by an affirmative action surgeon; one not as capable as the others? Would that please you?
Incidentally, quotas like that are part and parcel of the health care Obamanation foisted off on us by the lousy Dummycrats.

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