Saturday, October 23, 2010


What stupendous leader of the BADministration

1. appoints schlocks that don't believe in the U.S. Constitution to the Supreme Court; people that practically pledged themselves to interpreting it as if it had been written by Walter Lantz?


2. apparently with malice prepense consistently misquotes the Declaration of Independence, which initiated the CREATION of this country?

Stuck? Here are some hints.

1. His only known work experience is as a Neighborhood Organizer and as a voter of "present" on every bill in the Illinois senate except for baby-murder, to which he evinced a terrible fidelity.

2. He's a mulatto, the country of whose birth has never been satisfactorily resolved.

3.He and his wife, an affirmative action and then some admission to Princeton U, benefited highly from Chicago politics = the process of bankrupting that state.

4. His aunt is a known illegal alien, still sponging off this country.

5. Among his chums are an admitted, unrepentant domestic terrorist and a political crook that tried to peddle a senate seat.

At your earliest opportunity PLEASE get rid of the PUTZ!

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