Saturday, October 30, 2010


A modern analog to "See what a scourge is laid against your hate, that Heaven finds means to kill your joys with love,"


" ... what a scourge is laid against your ineffable stupidity, that the Muslims have greater freedom to murder your people because of your tortile notions of equality."

Now, a guy loses his job over the very reasonable pronouncement that someone resembling a Muslim on his plane makes him feel insecure!

The truly idiotic, I'll-do-anything-to-help-destroy-my-country liberals, of which there seems to be an amplitude, want us to believe another axiom of paraphrase

"All murderous terrorists are created equal."

Why, sure, bigots (do you know what the word means?), the pale, 85-year-old woman from South Dakota is just as likely to vaporize your plane as a 22-year-old man that looks as if his job is a salesman on a used camel lot. (He, in fact, despite never having seen a classroom is probably here on a "student" visa and works as a waiter or a cab driver.)

Why do the Lousy Liberals snatch at the foundation of our nation to help ruin us and then turn around and attack it for the same purpose? If you can find that inconsistency reasonable, then you're one of them.

Idiots of this ilk invariably cite Tim McVeigh, a mass-murdering American, but, wait! Idiots, he didn't immolate himself in the glorious sacrifice, did he? On the other hand, Muslims bent on felo-de-se are only as far as your restaurant table or taxi.

If you know a deeper dung heap than NPR, please pass around the name.

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