Saturday, December 18, 2010


There are so many things to do at Christmastime - that's what I celebrate in December, not some generic "holiday" - so I've been a littl ederelict in posting my wisdom here. Nevertheless, I'd like to comment on three tragic and related events and offer easy resoliutions of that class of problems.

1. In Washington, D.C., a veritable breeding ground of murderous felons, something called the Dept. of Youth Rehabilitation Services has realized some setbacks. A couple of those in the process of rehabilitation (and naturally free to roam at will) murdered citizens.

2. Accompanying the Chicago (another such Model City in the D.C. mold), trial of a 14-year-old murderer, the "news" media are running up the usual flags, "pity these poor specimens," "waste more money on them," blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, lets release and rehabilitate that one, too.

3. Even more recentkly in the Toddlin' Town, a 19-year-old parole violator - sentenced to 9, out in 2 - that suffered the additional, excruciating punishment of an ankle bracelet - WOW! - murdered two policemen. Returing to the scene of his burglary attempt, he decoyed them with the lie of having information to offer and shot them while they stood unsuspectingly.

The answer to the subject question is known to any sentient person; one doesn't try to rehabiliotate rabid curs. It is imjpossible; one merely shoots them, and that ends their rampages.

I'm not so bloodthirsty as to demand the murder of all these incurable murederers, but I sure as hell want them penned up FOREVER! Perhaps B.O. the N.O. hasn't hit upon this scheme for generating jobs, but just think for a moment what a double blessing this would be.

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