Tuesday, November 23, 2010


"We don't got none," say the economic lights, some of whom even may have paid taxes, of the BADministration. Yet, a friend in Minnesota tells me he has notice of an election to decide whether or not to increase the property tax gouge. The issue is schools, you know, and the county-administering geniuses want to increase the per-student expenditure by SIXTY (60) PERCENT!

Wow! What will he be subsidizing; new sports buses. a golf coach, hot dinners served to students in the after-school day care center, pregnancy counseling to the A+ girls in the sex education classes? The sky's the limit in U.S.A. "education," of course.

However they waste the dough, though, observe the reason for the notice


But we don't got none - witness the denial of a C.O.L.A. to social security recipients for that very reason - so who be lyin' this time?

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