Monday, November 8, 2010


Certainly the elections could have been worse, but they could have been better, too. At least if B.O. and Biden snuff out, a Republican, semi-Republican ?, would become president. That's a bonus.

I wrote off California years and years ago; it's got Horrywood, queers all over the place, conspicuous quantities of illegal aliens, an exploding prison population, egregious pollution, junkies - you name it - so I wasn't surprised that a collection of sleazies like that would prefer a destructive loony for senator. It's similar to the Massachusetts effect with Toad Kennedy.

California has Boxer, Feinstein, retread Brown, another left-wing nut, Catholic Pelosi - what a lineup. I'm rooting for one or more of its various faults, geologic ones in this context, to blow it off into the Pacific somewhere, thus making it more difficult for that Petri dish of disease to infect the other states.

Nevada, though, is more difficult for me to understand. I didn't think that population was categorically pixilated, yet it preferred to elect for the umpteenth time a guy that is so stupid, it's laughable to watch him speak; a guy that sneaks around like a secret germ to pass laws behind the country's back and dismantle equitable, Constitutional government practice. Perhaps Nevada's geographic position explains its demise - Kalifornia Kontagion. The state also seems to be falling apart economically, but it decided that SIX more years of Mr. I.Q. was just the ticket. The stupidity of his state rivals Reid's, so perhaps it's just another case of deserving each other, but the tragic thing is that the majority of the population, undeserving of Reid, is still stuck with the rat.

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