Saturday, September 11, 2010


Whenever the date 11 September occurs to me, as it often does, my initial thought, after regret, is FAILURE: failure of the CIA, of the FBI, of National Security, of our air defenses, of the idiotic airline companies.

Before the end of that nightmare day Pres. Bush should have sacked the head of every government agency implied above. Furthermore, he should have summoned the Attorney General - we had a real one then - and begun suing for criminal negligence the living hell out of every airline carrier involved .

I'm not a great diplomat, and I lack the intelligence information - if any - that our agencies could provide Bush that day, but concurrently with mourning our dead, I believe I would have sent very warm, air-borne greetings to some parts of the world I KNEW were responsible and created enough new dead to discourage even CONTEMPLATION of another such villainous set of acts.

May the souls of those sacrificed to our monstrous unpreparedness and FAILURES rest in peace.

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