Friday, December 21, 2012


[Blessed Antonia Maria Verna (1773 - 1838)] "... undertook an apostolate of teaching and catechizing children, motivated by her determination to rescue the young from the corrupting influences of an increasingly immoral, rationalistic, and anti-religious culture."

Good heavens, what would she think of the swamp in which we live?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


First of all, it's not a prejudicial word - unless you're some sort of lunatic, a species in which our country abounds. No, you can check the Oxford English Dictionary, which contains nothing obsene or insulting. It's a handy term for people like B.O., who is not black and not white. Also useful are "quadroon" and "octoroon," but checking those is left as an exerciise for the reader. At any rate, I digress.

Our government is chock ful of mulattoes, all preferring to be called "black" when it seems advantageous, and we ought to review their performance.

1. Susan Rice made quite a sensation as she splashed a stupid lie about the Libya debacle all over the news media. Otherwise, she's been quietly incompetent.

2. Charles Bolden pilots NASA into the category of museum pieces with nothing new's ever happening and a general erosion of capability; at this time, we can't even GET INTO space without somone else's rocket. How could we regress so much in 45 years?

3. Holder is nothing more than a gangster: running guns into the hands of the drug barbarians in Mexico, ingnoring his own contempt of congress citation, selectively and unfairly enforcing envoronmental laws in favor of the wind industry (and consequently violating his oath of office), pardoniong vicious criminals (back in Klintoon's time)

4. In the way of violating his oath of office, B.O., the mulatto to whom the others report, is tops, though; absolutely the least competent thug ever to inhabit the White House. If we had to have a mulatto, why couldn't someone have recruited a random unit off the sidewalk. This would have been far less deleterious.

Affirmative Action pays us big dividends, right?

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Why be surprised when someone that makes his living as a vicious thug murders, rapes, or otherwise brutalizes an innocent citizen?

Some professional football players were vicious thugs even before they became student-athletes, during which period of non-education - listen to some of them speak and ask yourself how such a booby ever got into an institution of higher learning - their crimes and excesses were routinely ignored, minimized, or condoned. Being a vicious thug is an advantage, and look at the crowds; plenty of vicious thugs among them, too.

Profiteering morons like ESPN deify the vicious thugs, and morons on sofas lap it up and believe.

Just don't be astonished when someone that has been encouraged and hired to be a vicious thug brings his profession into daily life. As you sow, so shall you reap; i.e., one gets what he's bought.


Twenty poor children are victims of senseless murder, and the nation comes to a grief-stricken stop, as it should.

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF UNBORN CHILDREN are victims of senseless murder every year here, and the nation says "so what?", because the majority of nine people once ruled that the senseless murder of the unborn is legal, that the Constitution permits it.

Is it so much worse to murder a five-year-old than a child within a couple of months or weeks or days of birth and a certain, normal life?

The Neighborhood Organizer weeps over the twenty, as well he should, but had he tears when he voted AGAINST bringing life-saving rescue to children that had survived the senseless attempted murder of abortion? No.

Perhaps if this country returned to the respect of unborn life, it would stop being visited by the relatively small tragedies like yesterday's.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Actually, I didn't require a panel of experts to tell me that NASA had become extinct; the only interesting announcements from there pertain to projects prior to B.O.'s reign. NASA's products are primarily museum pieces now, and the Agency was far more vital 45 years ago than it is today.

For a head it has an Affirmative Action hire with zero capability for directing a scientific agency, and he reports to another Affirmative Action hire whose only capability is organizing neighborhoods. B.O.'s budget priorities are meals for kids with mothers too stupid, lazy, or negligent to know how to prepare food, free cell phones for the same crowd, and trillion-dollar kickback throw-aways on GREEN energy companies with failure emblazoned on them from day 1.

NASA, once upon a time, provided a stimulus to technical education, to industrial employment, and to product development, all of which means more jobs, employment, and more motivation to American children for the advancement of the U.S. and for all mankind.

NASA, once a proud, exciting, productive, promising organization that brought Americans together behind meaningful projects, is disintegrating into another Federal Debacle like the P.O., Education, Housing, and all the other wretched WELFARE PITS.


Saturday, December 1, 2012


When the hurricane had plastered his state, Gov. Christie probably saw his statement about having more important matters on his hands than presidential politics as the bold, valiant proclamation of a great leader and bait for a million votes the next time - only a matter of time - that he runs for an office.

It was, however, stupidly fatuous and incapable of him, for which is more crucial for the inhabitants of NJ or of any other state; suffering a storm's ravages, which is invariably ameliorated in time or having their country 1) lose Constitutional government 2) drown in a tidal wave of pixilated spending 3) succumb to incompetent, scheming, lying administrators, chosen with racist  standards and 4) sink into a 3rd world, globalized abyss of mediocrity, to name several of the consequences of B.O.?.

Those were some of the issues in the latest round of presidential politics; anyone failing to perceive that isn't fit to govern. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012


We haven't one, you know. Elections are now decided by sluts that want ease of murdering the fruits of their careless sex lives; by panhandling scum, by friends and users of illegal alien dregs, by foolish Commie wanna be's, and all their rotten ilk; in short, by people that are indecent.

One can't expect a government composed of indecent people to improve the population, but where are the churches? They ouguht to be bombarding their congregations continually with unadulterated facts as to what is indecent and how decent people behave and vote.


Wash slut Ellen Barkin - spelled as the dog she is - down the nearest outdoor toilet hole. While you're at it wash every pro-queer, anti-Constitution, pro-ruination of education, pro-illegal alien, pro-incapable people get the jobs, pro-gun-running to Mexico, pro-laughable, green energy waste, pro-baby-murdering, pro-allowing the murder of foreign service personnel jerk right up Ellen Barkin's foul anus.


Saturday, November 10, 2012


I refer to the question of why American voters would twice prefer B.O. to a candidate that has lived a decent, honorable life, has greater experience, superior values and standards, and done good service to his country and to his fellow man.

It's just that the majority of voters have ceased to be decent people.

Monday, November 5, 2012


for the person that loves his or her own country and cannot tolerate its utter destruction.

Send B.O. back to Kenya or wherever he was born and delete his rubber stamps from the houses of congress.

Yves Chauvire

Saturday, November 3, 2012


That's my answer to the question of why nearly all the "news" media are so outrageously biased in favor of B.O. This is prejudice to the point of conspiring to conceal diasters like Fast and Furious and Libya and, as has been observed on numerous occasions, as when that asshole Rather actually INVENTED a false tale about Pres. Bush, fabricating events and blatantly lying.

Yes, it's a matter of race, as it is in the fantasy world of television where the brains of the operation, the chief scientist, the genius physician, the canny attorney, the captain of industry - the nabob of evbry plot - is some mixture of African.

Why, we have been so brainwashed and coerced for decades, we're afraid to criticize a partial black. we're supposed to applaud any ineptitude, excuse any criminal bahavior, and generally ignore shortcomings and amplify whatever accomplishments.

Thus, isn't the "news" media's velvet glove, Fantasy Island treatment of the worst president in the history of the U.S. consistent?


P.S. The most serious issue in this election is ***NOT*** the economy; it's the survival of CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Gallaudet College in Washington, D.C. is an institution for the deaf maintained by funds from HHS - i.e., our tax money - and founded by the philanthropy of Thomas Gallaudet (1787-1851). At NYU he was the first Professor of the Philosophy of Education, which, regarding the utter deterioration in education in this country, sounds highly dangerous.

Lately, a member of GC's administration, the category of personnel that skim off way too many of the dollars budgeted for education in this nation, fell into disfavor by signing a Church petition opposing queer unions, erroneoeously caller "marriages" by the illiterate and the brainwashed. She was suspended from her position, and the point of this commentray is mainly her job title.

She is GC's Chief Diversity Officer!!! Imagine that; the place has resources to hire someone to safeguard the degree of its diversity. When any operation is more concerned with the admixture of people's doing the work than in the QUALITY of the work accomplished, can there be anything but declension in its future?

Look all about you and answer the question. An insistence upon diversity is the rotten apple spoiling all of our barrels, and, in every case, the infection can be traced directly to D.C.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Recall that "Horrywood" is my term for the entertainment media at large and is based on its usage in the film "1941."

One of the big components of Horrywood is what calls itself the Weinstein Group, with principal Harvey Weinstein, who happens to be a big contributor to B.O.'s effort to continue his attack on the Constitution and general vitiation of this country.

Harvey, possibly named after the giant rabbit, & Co. have produced a dramatized version of the assault on bin Laden's secret enclave and killing of that lousy rodent. Guess when it will appear on television? Did you say TWO DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION? Well, then, you are absolutely correct. Horrywood, in addition to your money in its collective pocket, is pulling out the stops to paint B.O., the neighborhood organizer, in some sort of golden light, and I can't wait to see the concentrated distortion and flattery.

When it comes down to it, however, all Curious George did was say, when asked for permission, "Yeah, kill the guy," as a conclusion to an operation that had been ongoing since prior to his unfortunate election. We're supposed to cheer, I guess, for his use of an affirmative instead of awarding the mass murderer a free cell phone or a wallet of food stamps.

Much of Horrywood is controlled by Jews, we know, and they are acutely adept at this sort of propaganda. So often in the past, following acts of Israel's particular aggression or nastiness, Horrywood is swift to pop out another in the never-ending sequence of holocaust tear-jerkers in order to divert attention from the wrongs of the motherland. Harvey, then, is merely following in the well-trod footsteps of his ethnic and professional predecessors.  

If you're interested in watching his uniquely timed spectacle, check out this partial list of the cast.

Alec Baldwin as bil Laden
Scarlett Johansson as B.O., the Putzident of the United States
Spike Lee, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton as Navy SEALs
NBC, MSNBC, NPR, ABC, CBS, and CNN as Pakistan

Friday, October 5, 2012


Two days after B.O. got his rump royally and very visibly kicked by Romney, he gets a "boost," as one of the many biased "news" sources put it, by the amazing drop in unemployment to the lowest level in 44 months.

Come on, BADministration; you're continually later revising down optimistic estimates that you make at the time, and this bit of data has the fetor of one of Richad J. Daley's late-night hidden ballot box finds. Well, that's where B.O. learned the trade of dirty, treacherous politicking, isn't it?

Pay no attention, readers; it's just another B.O. lie, and they gush out of him like the oil he won't let us pump.

By the way, congratulations to Mr. Romney, but who couldn't blast B.O. in a debate? He's done so much wrong, committed so many blunders and underhanded, traitorous acts, I could pound him myself.

Wake up this time, voters!

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Is it too late for a poweful slogan? What on earth is "Believe in America" supposed to mean? It's vapid, it's polite, but it says nothing.  How about




I'LL DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION                                  Get the idea?

In a radio interview I once heard Mr. Romney say (about B.O), "He's a nice guy, but ..."

There's a serious blunder in the opening phrase; HE IS NOT A NICE GUY, ANYTHING BUT!

Several examples to hammer 24/7. A nice guy does NOT

1. pal around with domestic terrorists
2. use as a mentor an America-hating excuse for a minister of God
3. plot to ship weapions to Mexico's barbaric drug barons and then hide like a lying sissy behind so-called executive privilehge
4. grant legal status to about a million scumbag illegal aliens
5. manage a department of "justice," the primary mission of which is to guarantee a horde of fraudulent voters
6, violate his oath of office every day by trampling on the Constitution and refusing to enforce laws
7. allow our space program to degenerate into a history lesson
8. confiscate, Venezuelan style, corporations
9. compile a debt that can never be paid and continue daily to increase it
10. resign his right to practice law
11. spend tax money on phoney energy corporations mainly for the purpose of deriving kickbacks
12. kow-tow to murderous Muslims
13. carry on the most vigorous campaing of baby-murder ever witnessed here
14. strive to make us second - rate with everything he says and does

I could continue for PAGES. This is the the most malignant creep ever to inhabit the White House, and I would not stop enumerating the reasons for that until I had reached every voter in our once-great nation.

Have we become so brainwashed and government-coerced to fear criticizing every Negro, that this example with no past, who is about 99% certain to be foreign-born, can strut around without being bombarded with the evidence of his malfeasance? Wake up! Play hardball! Tell the TRUTH! The number one issue is a candidate's character, and B.O. hasn't any.

Furthermore, here's my recommended debate format. Candidates alternate in asking the opponent one question at at time, for which he has two minutes to answer. There are no advance lists of topics and no prepared pitches.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Fanatical Muslims, probably a significant fraction of the totality of them, are always spoiling for an excuse to riot, and attacking our embassies because of a bit of nonsense produced by someone that happens to live in our country was quite in the characrter of barbarians seeking to commemorate the atrocities of the same day over a decade ago. Wasn't it in Lousy Libya where the freed bombing murderer of several hundred innocent airplane passengers was given a hero's welcome?

Typically, our semi-Muslim, semi-white figurehead, B.O., and his BADministration were swift to bow and grovel for Muslim forgiveness. Furthermore, they were entirely culpable for the state of no defenses in which our personnel were murdered. I could carve a better government out of a banana, and these rotten excuses for reporters and journalists that don't flay him with embarrassing questions are just as loathesome.

Yes, about the title; I was recalling how fanatical African-Americans, the fraction here is also a good question, once seized any opportunity to stage riots, which seemed mainly vehicles for looting stores, especially those selling electronics. I believe the two groups have much in common.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Our foreign embassies are equipped with security guards, and it is a tragic outrage that an ambassador is murdered in what counts as his own country by a rag-tag mob of filthy, barbarous Muslims. If they want to act like rabid dogs, they should be treated in kind and shot dead in their disgraceful tracks. Let's set some examples and serve notice that we'll never again abide attacks on our property.

Further, anyone so stupid as to believe that crowd will ever behave civilly should be laughed to scorn. This facical excuse for a faith has shown no signs of moderation in 1400 years, so why should it be expected ever to do so? Fight fire with fire; DEFEND OUR PERSONNEL!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


He was the first of what may be the most select subset of mankind; those that have stood upon the moon.

He was always swift to deny it as an individual achievement, and, indeed, it was the fruition of a huge team's effort, but just think - the first man on the moon!

After his days with NASA, he maintained his interest in the U.S. space program, and it is significant that not long ago, he and other astronauts expressed disapproval of the direction it has taken, if stagnation can be dignified with that term. At the moment, we haven't even a way to get into space.

It was thrilling, not to mention a stimulus to science, engineering, education, manufacturing, and the economy to have our country's reaching ever higher, expanding the boundaries of humankind's existence. To have exciting, important goals and to accomplish them brings spirit and unity to the thinking members of a society.

Like other parts of government, NASA is now under the titular control of an affirmative action hire. Charles Bolden was unquestionably an adept pilot and astronaut, but where did he acquire the expertise to guide a scientific agency? Answer - he didn't. It's like imagining that a neighborhood organizer accrues the qualities needed to govern a country.

Bolden once enumerated all the attributes in which he differed from the typical astronaut and pointed to them as a mark of his excellence. In fact, his was just another case where dissimilarity was the primary reason for advancement.

Rest in peace, Neil Armsrrong, but we need more like you.

The Eagle has passed, and we are left with crows.

Monday, September 3, 2012


First, check a good dictionary for the primary meaning of "sophistication."

Horrywood constantly excuses the rot and filth it perpetrates with some expression such as "Why, that's the way the world is; we're just showing reality." Anyone with the brain God gives geese, however, sees through that facade. People watch the fiction that Horrywood weaves and then conclude it must be OK to act rotten and filthy because that's the way the world is supposed to be.

Along those lines, John Henry Newman had this to say " ,,, in spite of all that groveling minds may say about the necessity of acquaintance with the world and with sin, in order to get on well in life, yet after all, inexperienced guilelesness carries a man on as safely and more happily."

Remember that. Tell your children and set the example for them.


An excerpt from Chapter 3 of his 2nd Letter to the Thessalonians

"For we did not act in a disorderly way among you, nor did we eat food received free from anyone. On the contrary, in toil and drudgery, night and day we worked, so as not to burden any of you. ... In fact, when we were with you, we instructed you that if anyone was unwiling to work, neither should that one eat."

What's wrong with this model? Why do we lavish welfare on able-bodied slobs? I've had enough of it; no work, no eat.

Monday, August 27, 2012


People with Internet connections are bombarded with emails from friends, and many of these are humorous lampoons of B.O. and this disastrous BADministration. Not intending to be amusing, the White House website is also particularly lauhable. It has some blarney about the most transparent adminstration in the history of the solar system or some such.

Transparent? Ho ho ho. B.O. and Holder, two Mulattoes, both alike in (lack of) dignity AND BOMBAST , have been caught with their panties down as obviously as some of their African kin in amorous adventures with local chimpanzees. EVERY SCRAP OF EVIDENCE not hidden now behind opaque, hardly transparent Executive Privilege, and Dept of "Justice's" finagling and ignoring a Contempt Citation, points to the complicity of B.O. the N.O. in the plot to ship weapons to the muderous, Mexican drug czars. Was that a gutter-level plan to abet the anti-gun rabble or what? Transparent, my ass.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Question: Regarding the huge indemnity the school is required to pay, as part of its punishment, to the others in its conference, does the money come from the secret slush fund that big-time, college, "amateur," athletic departments maintain or will the state's taxpayers foot that bill?

Lesson 1: The fact that the school freed all its football student-athletes to go continue their careers elsewhere is a good measure of what value the education, which is supposed to be the  reason for awarding them scholarships, has in the college athletic scheme of things. "Why, we give these scholarships so that poor kids have a chance to get a college education." MY ASS! Did you check on the fraction of them that ever get ANY sort of degree, even in the Mickey Mouse majors that allow them to pass as students while pursuing their minor league athletic careers?

Lesson 2: Of course, the overriding education we all got is the mountain of dirt and filth that gets concealed and ignored in order to let a football college keep its ball rolling. Think of all the lives ruined by Sandusky AFTER his avocation was well-known by university officials.     

Monday, August 13, 2012


With its program of paying and supporting full-time athletes and claiming them to be amateurs, the Russian Communists destroyed for all time the ideal of international amateur athletics. U.S. Olympic sponsors even paid cash bounties this year for medals our peiople won, and who can guess what all transpires beneath the tip of the athletic iceberg.

Nowhere is professionalism more conspicuous than in basketball, in which we merely send our pro basketball players and make no bones about it. I'm glad both our men and women's basketball teams won gold medals and was frankly relieved that Kobe Bryant didn't rape anyone.  


No, not by a long chalk. The most important issue in the upcoming election is whether the United States remains a Constitutional Republic or a dictatorial bureaucracy with a semi-white, semi-Muslim, semi-Communist as its figurehead.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Anti-baby-murdering factions are exultant over the passage in the HoR of a bill to prevent in the District of Columbia the savage rending asunder of an unborn child any MOMENT up to birth.

The National Capital is well-known for Capital CRIMES.

When premature babies generally survive at 7 months and often earlier, how could any barbarian pretend that these are not viable, feeling PEOPLE that were being butchered?  How could any beast perform such a murder? How could anyone have voted otherwise?

That's what troubles me about the successful vote; 1/3 of the HoR was quite comfy with allowing the vicious murder of feeling, living children!

For the sake of the unborn, I wish that third of the group had been sacrificed at some point before their election to a law-making body.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


That's easy to explain.

1. London has 1.2 million Muslims, and the UK, 3 million.

2. It's estimated that 3000 Brit Muslims have trained at al Qaeda terrorist camps.

3. The number of suspected Brit Muslims that are terrorists or that support terrorism is 16,000.

4. One of three Brit Muslim students thinks that murder for religious grounds is quite OK.

Naturally, if murder is part of your creed, that ain't a religion by any means; it's a horrible cult that should be extirpated, but, anyway,those are the reasons for the security flap over there. Savvy?

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Know the term "quilting bee?" It's a gathering of (generally) women to sew and make quilts.

I notice that organized queerdom, probably with the help of needle-pushing junkies, is flaunting part of its sacred quilt in D.C. It's so huge, you see, hence my subject line, that only sections can be exhibited. Luckily, however, we are told a website where we can witnes it in all its melancholy glory and splendor.

As to the size of the thing, I wonder if there hasn't been a holocaust-type inflation there; I mean similar to the 6 million. There's another relevance to my subject line.

Also pertaining to size, don't you suppose that a breast cancer quilt would blanket the whole of the National Capital? Those victims, by the way, are innocent; not a one has gone out of her way to put herself in jeopardy. Anyone that contracts AIDS nowadays must be as stupid as he is depraved.

Honoring deceased individuals that made a practice of cramming items like flashlight batteries and hamsters (an ER nurse reported helping to extract those emblems of diverse love-making) up their own or another's anus; the country has come (DOWN) a great distance, hasn't it?


Yes, indeed, that's how the Washington Post once characterized Chicago's mayor.

He's proving to the world, though, just how modern he wants his (bankrupt) city. He wants to bar a firm that maintains legalized unions of faggots is just as depraved as the individuals that practice or long for it.

Punishment for exercising one of the Bill of Rights; another model city in the making. I hope he gets sued down the Chicago River - or would that further pollute it?  


Yes, fans of dictatorships, it was on a 26th of July that Dr. Kastro and his Kommie Koterie took to the mountains of Oriente Province to inaugurate guerrila warfare against the reigning dictator, Fulgencio Batista in order to "free" Cuba. Tee-hee.

Now, wasn't that an auspicious occasion? Hasn't Cuba thriven over these many decades?

It's difficult to imagine that, with a multitude of examples of this sort, anyone lucky enough still to have a vote, would actually pledge it towards his own enslavement to a dictatorship, but then we have B.O., grinning like Curious George and seeking to dismantle or/and circumvent constitutional government.

Call this an electorate? Has it learned anything? 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


After his astounding, disastrous gift to the health care destroyers and Bill of Rights tramplers, I wondered what motivated the guy.

During his confirmation hearing he endured monumental abuse from Toad Kennedy just because he was not a foaming-at-the-mouth liberal, and then a few years later he voted in concert with a quartet of foaming-at-the-mouth liberals, Cajun, Sortofminor, Ginsbag, and Briar, to dismantle the best health care system in the world and ruin the care millions of us WORKED to earn, while bankrupting the country with its “affordability.”


Was he bribed, as were a number of U.S. senators, agencies, and firms to get the abomination passed in the first place?

Was he inebriated while doing business, as Montana’s Baucus was while giving a senate speech, coincidentally about the same rotten excuse for a law?

Had he just hidden his true colors for years in order to ambush his country?

No, apparently, it derived from his paradigm of what the Supreme Court should be. That body should not be engaged in dong Congress’ work, so Roberts fixed the situation by determining that the 2700-page manual of destruction was merely a tax, by golly!

I, too, believe that courts should not be usurping legislative powers, but why did Roberts have to be smitten with what he mistook for a ray of theoretical purity when the country was on the line?

The four lunatics named above care only about their crazy agendas, and to hell with the Constitution. For the good of the nation couldn’t Roberts have lapsed for one moment into what he apparently disparaged in the reasoning of Thomas, Scalia, Kennedy, and Alito? Good grief, man! What a tragic, probably irreparable loss of good sense!

As for the monstrosity’s being a tax, how long now before

1. We get taxed out of all our First Amendment rights?

2. We lose the ability to own firearms, because the dictatorship confiscates them as a tax?

As I wrote here previously, the Mariana Trench is the limit – to how low America can decline. I thought there were five rational minds on the S.C., a refuge from the pixilated executive branch and its rubber-stamp senate. Wrong again.


Saturday, July 14, 2012


In my recollection are presidents that have been public in varying degrees about their religious beliefs, but I can't recall one that was openly hostile to any faith.

In truth, that's still true, because I don't classify Curious George, presently occupying the White House, as a president.

That consummate incompetent, Mao wanna be, IS openly hostile to faiths derived from the Biblical testaments, OLD and NEW.

Think otherwise? If so, do this

1. On the web find WALLBUILDERS.COM
2. Click "Library"
3. Click "Issues"
4. Then read about our most Biblical HOSTILE White House occupant the NUMERO UNO (Press 1 for English) anti-Christian, anti-Jew bigot in our once-great country, but what should one expect of a semi-Muslim squatter?



Thursday, July 12, 2012


Queer Barney Frank, co-architect of the great U.S.A. BANKING COLLAPSE - the Massholes know how to elect 'em, right? - is officially united with another queer.

Massachusetts is one of the deviate places that cetrifies unions between queers, so Barney and partner are now legally - something. I don't know what's the appropriate word, but it's not the one the queers insist upon desecrating.

While the ecstatic couple have not revealed the site of the honeymoon to this reporter, I am confident that

1. both are giddy with high-pitched little screams of delight


2. cost is no object. Permitting the banking catastrophe was not an act of Barneykins' altruism.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


800 years ago, in 1212, a beautiful girl named Clare in  Assisi, Italy renounced her nobility and riches and became a follower of a young man named Francis in that city.

He preached a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience to God, and Clare bought it to the extent that she abandoned her luxurious home, permitted him to shear her golden hair, and became his disciple. Sufficiently convinced was she that she recruited several of her aristocratic girlfriends and her sister.

Clare instituted an order of nuns still known today as the Poor Clares, many of whose monasteries continue to adhere to the ancient, ascetic, and simple Rule she promulgated.

Chapter 7 of that document reads, "Let the sisters to whom the Lord has given the grace of working, work faithfully while they banish idleness, the enemy of the soul." If that does not betray her sentiment clearly, consider this admonition to her group from the woman that would become St. Clare; "Thou shalt eat thy bread in the sweat of thy face." In any monastery WORK is a daily and integral ingredient of the inhabitants' lives.

This is not about Catholicism, Monasticism, or Asceticism, but if you wish to read about the remarkable lives these women lead, look on the web and find the Poor Clares of Roswell, New Mexico.

Another interesting concept is the Comunita Cenacolo, a worldwide system of homes that have become famous for curing drug addicts. Of course, residents, all voluntary, receive healthy doses of religion, but the sole physical therapy is WORK. A person spends three years of hard WORK, as, for example, buiding the very facility where he or she will live, and is practically guaranteed a cure.

With all the beneficent gifts flowing from work, why does this government subsidize able-bodied people and, besides copulation and the procreation of new generations of worthless dregs, obtain no work from them in return ?

Keep in mind
1. The Grace of Work
2. Idleness, the Enemy of the Soul


Why doesn't one, huh?


It seems obvious to me that the sleaze center of the known universe is Horrywood (my term for "Hollywood" - see old posts for explanation), by which I denote the entertainment industry in this country. In Horrywood may be found pornographers, junkies, drunks, sluts, sex deviates of every known flavor, blasphemers, willful corrupters of children, and much more than sufficed to qualify the Cities of the Plain for incineration. Further, the place is only too eager to export its rot everywhere. In fact, that is how it thrives.

Now, ask yourselves where it is that B.O., the N.O., resorts when he wants the scratch to campaign for the prolongation of his plans for the ruination of the United States. Why, to Horrywood, of course, and don't they just lavish your money - who pays them, after all? - upon him?

Next, decide whether the subject of this post isn't apt.

If the gutterballs of the world favor B.O., is that the person you want in the White House? Are you a gutterball? If not, think twice about spending your money on them.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


"The religious acts whereby men, in private and in public and out of a sense of personal conviction, direct their lives to God transend by their very nature the order of terrestrial and temporal affairs. Government therefore ought to take account of the religious life of the citizenry and show it favor, since the function of government is to make provision for the common welfare. However, it would clearly transgress the limits set to its power were it to presume to command or inhibit acts that are religious."


P.S. I don't believe they counted as "religious" individual terrorists hiding behind that designation or organized groups of such vermin.


Dear Friends,

I thought I should greet you, since there probably won't be an official notice from the BADministration. I understand B.O. is off apologizing and groveling to Pakistan, because we dare to exist as a country.

If we dump Curious George in November, perhaps we can regain our prestige among nations and our individual freedoms.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012



George Carlin once remarked that having a no-smoking section of a restaurant was just like having a no-peeing section in a swimming pool. Compare that to the following situation.

We're not supposed to burn our fabulously plentiful coal, but it's quite OK to mine it, disrupt traffic in cities by coal trains, and ship it to China on vessels that are notoriously the greatest polluting engines on earth.

Now, if China burns coal, is that somehow better for the GLOBAL - that's the adjective so vital everywhere, right? - environment than if we burned it? Does having a no-coal-burning section of the planet help the ones that do not?

Everyday, this BADministration declnes to new lows of sense.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012


1. The executive branch of government is required to enforce laws, and the President takes an oath of office to defend the Constitution.  Thus, when our Putzident arrogantly refuses to enfore laws, why doesn't someone in the House introduce an impeachment motion? Is it because we have been conditioned not to criticize incompetent or lawless blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octaroons, etc.? 

2. If a zero-experience neighborhhod organizer can usurp the powers of Congress, which sits with its collective finger up its collective anus while he does, what difference is there who belongs to Congress? Shouldn't we simly contribute our funding and effort towards electing a president worthy of the title if our legislative representives are powerless to make the office behave as the Constitution stipulates?

Monday, June 25, 2012


It is surprising that, for a fellow about whom next to nothing is known, most of what he does say is untrue. "I don't really know Bill Ayers." "I might have seen Blagoyevitch a time or two, but I don't know him."

You may not already have heard the lie about the New Party, a supposedly peaceful revolutionary outfit at work when B.O. was running for the Illinois State Senate. He swore up and down he never had belonged to it, but a thorough investigator discovered minutes of some of the party's meetings, and guess what? B.O. signed a contract for its endorsement and, at the same gathering, joined it.

These are not white lies; they are Mulatto lies, but whatever their color or magnitude they are blatant and easily refuted.

Don't vote for a LIAR, especially one hell bent on ruining this country..  

Wednesday, June 20, 2012



Saturday, June 9, 2012


While I would prefer a republican candidate, Mr. Romney is in every dimension preferable to the Mao Zhe Dong (Dung?) wannabe presently quartered in the White House, so I'll support him. I wish one of his advisers would instruct him or that he would awaken to the invalidity of and the self-damage caused by an asinine statement he uttered about B.O. "Well, he's a nice guy, but ...." Complete it as you wish; the disaster is the erroneous premise he offered. B.O. IS ****NOT**** A NICE GUY, AND THAT'S THE CRUX OF THE ELECTION. The ecomomy? Fooey! A lousy economy with a decent administration under which the Constitution is secure and unassailed - I'll take that any time. HE IS ****NOT**** A NICE GUY PROOF Nice guys do NOT 1. foam at the mouth to murder babies. 2. pal around with unrepentant domestic terrorists nor use them as ghost-writers for their silly books. 3. take as mentors raving, racist America-haters in the guise of ministers and priests. 4. make utter enigmas of their pasts, public and private. 5. spend for the amusement of themselves and their families colossal sums of tax money, as if every day is the day after the welfare checks arrive. 6. seek to destroy, circumvent, and emasculate the Constitution they SWORE to uphold. 7. aspire to dictatorships. 8. blame the consequences of their ill-advised blunders on their predecessors. 9. mire their citizens in debt too huge ever to be repaid 10. squander billions on energy fantasies while we wallow in fuel. IS THAT ENOUGH EVIDENCE? Romney should probe those cancers 24/7 and confront him with them. People in this country have been conditioned - often coerced - to avoid criticizing anyone with a drop of Negro blood, lest that person shatter the air with yelps and shrieks of prejudice and injustice. Holder and B.O. do it all the time. If anyone hasn't noticed this has been African-American concession and give-away land for about 5 decades, he must be insensible. If they can't stand on their feet and on their accomplishments - or lack thereof - by now, they're hopeless. It's time to BLAST this dud for all the damage he's done and continues to do.

Monday, June 4, 2012


As a President, I mean, over a pansy-like wimp that's always bowing and scraping his nose in the dirt before some exiguous semi-terrorist, toadying up to sexual deviates, and standing with his finger up his nose while the dregs of Mexico and points farther south overrun our country. Sources like the Washington Pissed and the New Dork Times, busily manufacturing "news" and seeking to smear Romney in even ridiculous ways, have decided he was once a bully. (Perhaps once he soiled a diaper, too; they should investigate that.) They know more about what Mitt Romney did in elementary school than what B.O. did in college! He's not enough of a bully for my taste. I wish Teddy Roosevelt were a candidate. "Oh, you say our guys peed on your battle plan, the Koran? Send a few copies over here, and I'll pee on 'em, too." "Well, the reason we vaporized 6 of your mosques is that we had had six soldiers killed by your latest suicide bomber, and we understand you use mosques for terrorist planing. It was unfortunate that people were inside all six." "You say we were a little rough in those interrogations? Well, we could have amputated a hand or two; you know, Muslim style."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


A COMMITMENT TO TRANSPARENCY Honestly, that springs out at one when he gets the White House website. B.O. is about as transparent as a block of lead (and equally capable to guide a government) Transparent? I'm reminded of a popular Frank Sinatra song, "How little we know, How much to discover..." We know ZERO about B.O., and millions of ignorant clods, under that handicap, still voted for him! What a country! All the journalistic lefties are busily inventing and distorting Mitt Romney's past from age 6 months, but they haven't found diddly about B.O.'s life; at least, they haven't broadsided any interesting facts. Mrs. Romney talks freely about their married life when Mitt was a student, but why is anything about the Muslim Mulatto so closely guarded? Would his actual citizenship come to light?

Monday, May 7, 2012


B.O., The Neighborhood Organizer, now taking credit for something George W. Bush initiated, whereas the former President is generally his scapegoat for the morass in which he has plunged the country, is trumpeting his valor over the killing of bin Ladin. The Putzident claims that Mitt Romney would not have been so courageous as to say, "OK, take out the murdering son-of-a-bitch." What was B.O.'s risk; that Pakistan would stop soaking up our money, that it might nuke San Francisco (not a bad idea)? Perhaps it was that if the mission went sour, B.O. would look like an ass and be forced to swallow a degree of his arrogance and hubris. Here's a coward for you; a guy that fears disclosure of any aspect of his private life and his past. Do you enjoy having a gutless wonder like that pretending to command our military? No? Then dump his worthles carcass.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Yesterday a newspaper headline advised me that the number of illegal scum in the country has decreased and, in fact, told me by how many. Seems clear to me, then, that with such good information it shoud be a snap to round 'em up and kick their butts back south. Constructing a high barricade the length of the Mexican border, then, should solve the problem forever, and think of the job and business stimulus all that construction would provide. Far more than anything B.O., aka Mao Dze Dung, achieved with the trillions he threw away.

Monday, April 16, 2012


That's the B.S. that B.O. the N.O. told a reporter with the gumption to ask about the cosmic travel bills this guy and his family compile. Yes, they have to travel with the CIA, but the American people know how hard he works for them and understand. This American person knows nothing of the sort but sees the Worst Family behaving like a welfare crew with carte blanche access to unlimited travel money, even if it is hot off the ever-runniing Treasury Dept. printing presses.

The CIA doesn't make the Worst Lady vacation in Africa nor demand that she take half of Washington, D.C. and the U.S. Air Force everywhere with her, her kids, and her dogs. This BADministration has the all-time WORST record for squandering taxpayer money on personal pleasures.


Saturday, April 14, 2012


Immmediately upon the shooting death of the Martin boy in Florida, local auhtorities investigated and found no reason to bring charges against the shooter, who was defenduing himself against a physical attack. NBC, busily creating a distorted, inaccurate fabrication of the event, and others of its "news" - manufacturing ilk, managed to stir up a fire a MONTH after the incidinet. Next, our conspicuoulsly racist government and several prominent rabble-rousing partially black racists fueled the flames, so now a different auhtority has brough charges. Let's hope it's possible to raise a sensible jury down there, for the guy clearly should be acquitted. Further, laws that allow us to gun down marauding thugs must always stand under the aegis of the SECOND AMENDMENT.

People that remember the war in South Vietnam - against the murderous North - will recall how "news" media helped fashion a losing effort and permitted millions to be enslaved under vicious Communism. Too many people that don't remember read the New Dork Times and the New Dorker and swallow the nonsense perpetrated there about that conflict.

Don't let the lousy "news" peddlers act as judges and juries.

Monday, April 9, 2012


B.O. the N.O. is always ballyhooing that we have to do without this, that, and the other - a sensible space program, a powerful military, and other incidentals - for the sake of "the hungry." I wonder where the devil all these ravenous souls are. I see some homeless people and a few beggars on the streets, and I suppose they are, indeed, hungry and in need of assistance. I imagine, too, there are elderly people that are somehow missed by the massive meal programs underway for them everywhere. If there are, they should be found and helped.

Where, though, is this army of starving citizens that require massive sacrifices? Just because a person receives welfare, does not make him hungry, for I see loads of welfare recipients that are downright blimps. These people are NOT hungry; they stuff themselves with fats and carbohydrates from morning to night.

Therefor I wish the Putzident would stop inventing groups of people that we don't have. I wish, in fact, he would stop inventing altogether. I could carve a better president out of a food stamp.

Friday, March 30, 2012


It's B.O, the White House - resident Commie. I mean Columbia, Harvard, his terrorist and America-hating pals. Why, it was no surprise that he made secret overtures to the Russians about the big favors he plans to do them after his arrogantly-assumed re-election. Ugh! May God deliver us from the blind, knuckle-headed, panhandling electorate of 2008.

This guy will do anything to wreck the country. Russia's building up its military, B.O. wants not only to reduce ours but to make secret deals to sell us further down the river.

Dump this Commie!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Guess how these four will vote.

Briar. This is the guy that KNOWS what the Constitution's authors meant when they wrote " ... the right to bear arms shall not be abridged." They meant that it COULD be abridged by some octopus government, they just didn't say it clearly. Briar somewhere absorbed the secret knowledge.

Sotominor. She has said publicly that the Constitution isn't as important as her notion of what's legal and illegal.

Ginsbag. This ass travels to other countries and tells people that our Constitution isn't any good.

Cajun. Never having been any sort of judge before, this looney is anxious to remunerate B.O. for sticking her into the S.C. As Solicitor General, she WORKED IN FAVOR OF THIS DISASTROUS HEALTH LAW, but with typical LIBERAL ethics, chose not to recuse herself.

To be, a miuch more important quesion than how these America-haters will vote, is how any Republican senator would not have filibustered through eternity to keep such destruction OFF that court?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I'd say that if this poor woman and her children must go into seclusion to guarantee their safety, then it's high time to round up all that might be construed as a threat to her and seclude them in a huge, barbed wire pen, just as animals are always treated. Better, they should be rounded up and deported if they are such a menace. What the hell have we allowed to become of our country? HEAD 'EM UP, MOVE 'EM OUT!

Furthermore, it seems that now our marvelous free press has burrowed around to discover every conceivable detail of Mrs. Bales' past life, whereas it still doesn't know beans about B.O., the Neighborhood Organizer, presently squatting in the White House.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Ally: a panhandling country, the only compensatory act of which is to allow one to practice charity in cosmic, never-ending, unnecessary proportion.

I realized this the other day when a politician stunned me by referring to Israel as "our greatest ally."

What? In the 60 or so years of its modern existence, what has it done for the U.S. aside from degrading our balance of payments? The last time I heard an estimate - and it was from Israel National Radio - 25% of the GNP of this dinky piece of desert was aid, overt and covert, from us. Who knows what it might be today? Without our arming it, funding it, giving it everything in sight, it wouldn't exist. Reading the Old Testament, I decided that, as far as Israel is concerned, this country has taken the place of God.


It's an everyday event in peaceful, civilian, contemporary life for people to crack under pressure and commit rash, insane acts. Next, consider persons that have been trained for years to kill and sent repeatedly into war zones to apply their training. Some of those poor individuals will crack, too, and when they do, they may reflexively implement that same military education. It's a price that's paid; it goes with the territory, and in warfare, civilians get killed. FACT, FACT, FACT.

It is the height of the ridiculous to suggest that this horrible event is some sort of signal of a "broken military," as I saw one stupid, lifetime non-combatant write. It is also incredible that it should serve as a point of policy-making for the strategy of winning a conflict. Is the Afghan excuse for a president so stupid as to allow that to eliminate a force that can save his country from toppling into the claws of murderous terrorists? Is our excuse for a president fishing for an excuse to turn tail and allow a people to be overrun - as we did to South Vietnam, a war that could have been won in a day with conventional weaponry?

This tragedy illustrates two other salient points.

1. In a couple of days our operose press has discovered 1000 times more about the past of one tragic soldier than it has in years about B.O.'s mysterious past.

2. People that assert correctly that 4 tours of duty to a war zone are too many would surely testify to the stupidity of reducing the size of our forces as a reasonable way to save money.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Hello, readers,

Here's a bit of a useful ragout to help you towards a Happy Ides of March.

1. I thought people on the Supreme Court swore to defend the Constitution. Ginsbag is running around the world telling people our Constitution is no longer any good. FOR OVER TWO CENTURIES IT'S STOOD AS THE GREATEST MODEL OF GOVERNMENT AND RIGHTS PROTECTION EVER DEVISED BY MAN, but another of the east coast Jews has decided it's no longer viable. (Since 1900 or so, why is it that so many people working here to demolish our government have been Jews?)She has company on the select panel, too. Briar swears up and down that, whereas the Bill of Rights was made for the common person to understand, the authors didn't mean what they said. He, Briar, knows, though, and pledges to apply his secret knowledge. Sotominor was rather blunt about intending to subordinate the Constitution to her own plans for what is right and wrong. Finally, Cajun, another east coast Jew lacking any judicial experience, is so blatantly biased as to refuse to excuse herself from a case in which she has worked to support one of the sides! Thank goodness the majority of that group retains sanity.

2. Semi-Democrat - he may be the only moderate Democrat alive - Romney has been nudged a bit by the most sensible faction of the Republicans to state he favors cutting Planned Parenthood, aka The Abortion Factory, from federal funding. Many of us would be gratified to know that we are no longer indirectly paying for the murder of the unborn, and indications are strong that PP wouldn't mind killing an infant if his or her "parents" decided the child wasn't exactly what they wanted.

3. I see also that the Putzident of Afghanistan feels his own soldiers, some not above murdering U.N. personnel, meaning mostly Americans, naturally, are better able to deal in "culturally sensitive ways" with the rural terrorists. To hell with cultural sensitivity; if they're trying to kill us, kill them first. Civilians in war zones have always incurred casualties. Let's stop worrying about that, blow up enough of the country to reduce the Taliban murderers to an ineffectual handful, and get the hell out. Hanging around to get picked off one at a time is not the way to fight a war. If it were, we'd still be languishing in South Pacific islands, German castles, and French vineyards.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Sirach 10:7 Odious to the Lord and to men is arrogance and the sin of oppression they both hate.

* Did a more odious son-of-a-bitch (not an insult, just a statement of fact) ever inhabit the White House? Do you feel oppressed when an arrogant pig robs you of Constitutional rights? You'd better.

Mark 23:12 Whoever exalts himself will be humbled.

* Let us hope.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


This is about B.O's B.C.

Much noise is made about the putzident’s place of birth and documentation appertaining thereto. I don’t believe for a moment the half-white, half-Muslim first saw the light of day in the U.S., but read this related, provable account about a different person

I have a friend, born in Illinois to a woman abandoned by her husband several years before, and while rumor named a father, there was no evidence. She went to a hospital in a different town, where she delivered her baby. The only certificate of birth was a diploma-like sheet with the picture and name of the hospital. It bore the name she had given him, the date, a footprint, a gold seal, the signature of the attending physician, and that of the hospital superintendent. The mother’s name was not even part of that record.

Soon, the child was adopted in the same state, and several years later that document did not pass muster as a legal birth certificate. Therefore, the State of Illinois, as an entirely well-meaning act of accommodating the family, created a fake b.c. even impressed by the State Seal. It attributed to the boy his adopted name and represented the adopting couple as his biological parents. The names of the physician and superintendent were typed there, and even a time of day was invented for the birth!

Now, if this gentleman was given a legal, but phony, b.c. with no difficulty whatsoever, what do you think are the chances that the same could be achieved by someone

1. whose political upbringing came in the Corruption Capital City of that same, Corrupt state,
2. backed by a political party, the cheating and lying of which is legendary, and
3. with the U.S. Printing Office at his command?

Could he have a fake birth certificate?
Was Whitney Houston a junkie?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Happy I was to read that Snowe is quitting the senate, but the news item I saw erred in beginning "GOP Senator Snowe ..." GOP, my ***! I know people that have stopped giving money to the national Republicans because of this blatant Democrat, and well they should.

Hopefully she's calling it quits because people in her state have the sense to be keenly dissatisfied. Possibly she'll re-surface as a member of some Democrat BADministration somewhere.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Tsar B.O.'s modification of the contraception (abortions and abortion pills included)ukase is a silly mirage. So what if the tsar says that insurance companies, not institutions with contrary principles, must provide the loose sex bail-out? Since when does a company absorb the cost of anything? It imposes the cost upon its customers, of course, so people steadfastly opposed to those baby-killing procedures will end up paying for them anyway.

This is as stupid as decreeing, "I shall tax corporations." That's just more B.S. from B.O.; the corporations won't pay the tax, their customers will.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


For about 50 years now, this country has been treating Negroes/blacks/African-Americans to every freebie imaginable. Housing, food, college degrees invented to give them college degrees, jobs for which they aren't qualified, promotions they don't deserve - even a mulatto in the White House. Whenever one falls flat, however, the excuse is always the same. "They're out to get me because I'm a Negro/black/AA."

So it is with mulatto Holder and the disastrous, murderous Operation Fast and Furious." To the storm of criticism and inquiry, mulatto Eric says it's because he's an AA and his boss is, too.

What a useless racist he is. From pardoning heinous criminals during Klintoon's time to criminal negligence in the murder of Mexicans and an American agent in his inept management of a stupid idea.

Here's another conspicuous candidate for impeachment.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I see the Servile Socialist, B.O., is bowing, scraping, and apologizing again - this time for the accidental burning of some copies of Mohammed's reported visions.

I haven't read that work, but I believe that any body of literature that condones the abuse of women, promises rewards for vicious brutes that happily murder unsuspecting bystanders, and approves the bestial behavior that characterizes frequent Muslim rampages deserves to be burned. Better yet, all extant copies of such a volume deserve to be collected in a huge pile and nuked out of existence.

Dump B.O. He stinks.

Monday, February 20, 2012


When someone, even an America-hating, baby-murdering, friend of terrorists like B.O. gets elected, he makes an oath to defend the Constitution. When said jerk does his utmost to circumvent the Constitution so as to violate it, that's breaking the oath, isn't it?

The House of Reps should get of its collective rump and impeach the son-of-a-bitch, not an insult, but a term literally true in his case.


Much ado about another junkie death, a common event in this once-great country. Uninterrupted funeral coverage! lags lowered! Tributes of all sorts! BULL SHIT. Sure, an unnecessary death is tragic, but how about the moral, hard-working, DECENT guy that expires from MS or cancer? Adulation for a dead junkie sets a great example for children, right? How long till she's on a postage stamp?

Saturday, February 11, 2012


His primary mission in life is to nullify, circumvent, or otherwise invalidate the Second Amendment, and in the NRA magazine, National Rifleman, I read an amusing account of his acumen. During recent hearings on the bill that represents his latest effort to torpedo that Right, a witness pointed out to him that his proposed law would impose restraints upon people guilty of no wrongdoing. Brilliant Shumer argued hotly, but the witness finally pointed out to him the very page and line numbers where it said EXACTLY what he was claimig it did NOT say.

To me this proves that these clowns deputize people to write up laws for them, then proceed to go argue in favor of what they haven't even read. It was exactly the same with this health care abomination. I doubt if any one person EVER plowed through that million-page disaster to discover just what atrocities it allows.

If ever a house needed cleaning, it's the senate side of the Capitol.


Well, folks, we've got this rule here - no, it's not a law, it circumvents Congress, which is the way this government operates - but we may make exceptions to it. Just petition our tsar, B.O., and he'll determine whether or not you have to comply.

What a crock! We all know a neighborhood organizer knows primarily how to foment unrest and that all these actions attributed to B.O. are planned by Soros, Harvard, Columbia, etc., but th concept of government by decree in this country goes back to pre-revolutionary times, doesn't it?


Friday, February 10, 2012


America's Catholic bishops are in a regular dither - and understandably so. B.O. and his BADministration are attempting to deny the Bill of Rights and to purge the name and concept of God from everything its corrupt tentacles reach, and in this country the federal government is tangled up in everything.

Now, the bishops are sending letters everywhere to exhort parishioners to complain to legislators about the outrageous excesses of this rotten excuse for a government.

My question is where were these guys when the clear and present danger of B.O. in the White House was patent in 2008? Were they fearful of criticizing a mulatto? Were some of them sufficiently left-wing actually to favor the creep? None of this mess, this turmoil, this threat to the very foundation of our government would have obtained had a decent man been elected president, and there was such a candidate. Some of the bishops had sense then; perhaps it's not too late for the others.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Yes, for the first time I agree with something B.O. said; that we can do just fine with a reduced Defense budget. He proceeded to ruin the favorable impression, though, by suggesting entirely WRONG ways to do it. We do NOT reduce the size of the armed forces; we do NOT allow the procurement of needed weapons systems to slide into the future; and we do NOT axe, as was done with the Airborne Laser after $ billions of expenditures, programs proven by tests to be successful.

Here's what we do; lay off the required % of civilian workers in DoD offices OR make across the board pay REDUCTIONS to achieve the % decrease desired. Either way, the excess would never be missed. If you can walk into any such office on a random day and find 90% of the staff in, I'll give you mucho pesos. If you can walk in on a random Monday or Friday I'll give you mucho, MUCHO pesos for the same discovery.

For one thing, in many places they are allowed to "work" - OK, to be there - an extra hour for 8 days in two weeks and get either a Monday or a Friday free. Another aspect is the huge amount of sick live these people are able to accrue ; 1/2 day per pay period = 2 weeks, and that for the lowest employee class. The longer one works there, the faster the sick leave compiles. Sum these two factors and you'll realize why the out of office numbers are titanic. Add the time these people are off being "trained," which is to say taking courses supposedly to keep them up to date, and you will swiftly comprehend why it is impossible to schedule office meetings on Mondays or on Fridays - PRACTICALLY NO ONE IS THERE!!!!! These many perquisites are meant to make federal employment more attractive because it supposedly pays less than work in the private sector.

FIRST OF ALL FORGET THAT INDUCEMENT. Where else would they work? private sector? There aren't any jobs unless they travel to China. You could cut their wages severely without fear of losing one, and if you did, so what have you lost? Excess baggage. Forget also that federal government work is so poorly paid; there are HUGE salaries paid to many employees that have plenty of seniority. I know whereof I speak. Having worked YEARS in just such offices I have observed a plethora of abuses like the following

1. $100,000/year guys' DAILY spending a good part of their mornings eating breakfast behind their privacy screens. (The latter prevent supervisors from walking down halls and observing the abuses.)

2. $100,000/year guys' REGULARLY sneaking out at lunch time to go home for naps or hikes around the vicinity.

3. "Secretarial" staff that are not even expected to do photocopying jobs for the professional staff. The highly-paid professionals do their OWN secretarial work, while the supposed secretaries send out email memos about meetings and saunter around delivering paperwork to others.

4. People with so little to do, they spend big chunks of the days reading magazines.

Are any of these featherbedders ever fired? No, never! If caught having intercourse on a desk, that might count as moral turpitude, but otherwise once in, man, you are like glue, you are like a permanent anvil on the taxpayers' necks.

Now, realize that at the same time, the trend in the offices is NOT to develop their own, internal expertise but to let contracts for the doing of the work. These are the appropriately-called Beltway Bandits - especially lucrative it is to be minority- or women-owned businesses. Then the dough really rolls your way. Thus, getting work done in the DoD requires paying office staff to eat breakfast on taxpayers' time AND hiring outsiders, from the same pot of tax $, to do the actual jobs. Therefore, why train your own crews? Why have a crew - other than to monitor what the contractor is doing, which is a great deal of the "work" these people do.

To trim the DoD budget without crippling our defenses, trim the superfluous duds spending most of their time on vacations and sick leave.

When it comes down to it, federal employment, whatever the agency, is largely just one more tentacle of the welfare monster.

Now, I've talked to you about the Department of Defense, where science and technology are employed, where many people have advanced degrees. Can you image the atrocities to be found in Housing, Education, Health, Human Services (Give-aways?)Here, the main purpose is to toss away our money. Try to picture the efficacy of those waste pits.

Read this, Senate and House of Reps.! Act with sanity and perspicacity. Reduce salaries and unnecessary positions. NOW!

Friday, January 27, 2012


You can be forgiven if you don't know just what the hell is the state of our Union, because the person constitutionally charged with reviewing it, the Putzident of the United States, didn't bother to include an assessment. Those of us with eyes and ears, though, are able to monitor how everything is unraveling here and figure it out for themselves.

No, B.O. is still babbling about his Robin Hood plan of ripping off resources from people with the gumption to have earned them and pumping them down welfare holes to people that haven't.

Before you become total panhandlers, stampeding towards some Socialist pipe dream, you ought to ask yourselves the name of one great Socialist country. Stumped? Probably, for there never has been one. This, on the other hand, was a great country - before its internal enemies began assaulting it in 2008.

Make it great again; dump Curious George from the White House.

Monday, January 23, 2012


22 January is the anniversary of the decision by an uninformed, stultified majority of a panel of nine persons that murdering unborn babies is quite legal; it's just what James Madison and the other authors of our Constitution had in mind. If you haven't noticed that guarantee of freedom when you read that document, it's probably because you lack a law degree, which always help to reveal amazing surprises in the Law of the Land, which was written so that common folk could understand their guarantees.

Anyone that feels a living person can be treated as if he or she is a malignant tumor is either too stupid or too bigoted to have made it into life himself or herself.

Former Pope, now Blessed, John Paul II had this to say. "The ultimate reasons for these [anti-life] mentalities is the absence in people's hearts of God, whose love alone is stronger than all the world's fears and can conquer them."

God once was in the hearts of most people in this rapidly-disintegrating country. We'd best strive to reinstate Him - or did Madison forbid that, too?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Generally I find him an unacceptable Republican candidate for the simple reason that he's a moderate Democrat - if that species still exists.

I'm very enthusiastic and supportive, however, of his call to stop spending money on so-called "Public Broadcasting," which is about as public as the Democratic National Committee. It's just another instance of the Dummycrats' stealing tax money to do their campaigning, and they've been at it for years. I'm still stunned that the Republicans controlled both houses of cngress for 12 years and failed to snuff out that corrupt little coterie of wild-ass liberals.

Good idea, Romney; now become a Conservative, and maybe I'll vote for you.