Tuesday, July 17, 2012


After his astounding, disastrous gift to the health care destroyers and Bill of Rights tramplers, I wondered what motivated the guy.

During his confirmation hearing he endured monumental abuse from Toad Kennedy just because he was not a foaming-at-the-mouth liberal, and then a few years later he voted in concert with a quartet of foaming-at-the-mouth liberals, Cajun, Sortofminor, Ginsbag, and Briar, to dismantle the best health care system in the world and ruin the care millions of us WORKED to earn, while bankrupting the country with its “affordability.”


Was he bribed, as were a number of U.S. senators, agencies, and firms to get the abomination passed in the first place?

Was he inebriated while doing business, as Montana’s Baucus was while giving a senate speech, coincidentally about the same rotten excuse for a law?

Had he just hidden his true colors for years in order to ambush his country?

No, apparently, it derived from his paradigm of what the Supreme Court should be. That body should not be engaged in dong Congress’ work, so Roberts fixed the situation by determining that the 2700-page manual of destruction was merely a tax, by golly!

I, too, believe that courts should not be usurping legislative powers, but why did Roberts have to be smitten with what he mistook for a ray of theoretical purity when the country was on the line?

The four lunatics named above care only about their crazy agendas, and to hell with the Constitution. For the good of the nation couldn’t Roberts have lapsed for one moment into what he apparently disparaged in the reasoning of Thomas, Scalia, Kennedy, and Alito? Good grief, man! What a tragic, probably irreparable loss of good sense!

As for the monstrosity’s being a tax, how long now before

1. We get taxed out of all our First Amendment rights?

2. We lose the ability to own firearms, because the dictatorship confiscates them as a tax?

As I wrote here previously, the Mariana Trench is the limit – to how low America can decline. I thought there were five rational minds on the S.C., a refuge from the pixilated executive branch and its rubber-stamp senate. Wrong again.


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