Wednesday, July 11, 2012


It seems obvious to me that the sleaze center of the known universe is Horrywood (my term for "Hollywood" - see old posts for explanation), by which I denote the entertainment industry in this country. In Horrywood may be found pornographers, junkies, drunks, sluts, sex deviates of every known flavor, blasphemers, willful corrupters of children, and much more than sufficed to qualify the Cities of the Plain for incineration. Further, the place is only too eager to export its rot everywhere. In fact, that is how it thrives.

Now, ask yourselves where it is that B.O., the N.O., resorts when he wants the scratch to campaign for the prolongation of his plans for the ruination of the United States. Why, to Horrywood, of course, and don't they just lavish your money - who pays them, after all? - upon him?

Next, decide whether the subject of this post isn't apt.

If the gutterballs of the world favor B.O., is that the person you want in the White House? Are you a gutterball? If not, think twice about spending your money on them.

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