Thursday, September 6, 2012


He was the first of what may be the most select subset of mankind; those that have stood upon the moon.

He was always swift to deny it as an individual achievement, and, indeed, it was the fruition of a huge team's effort, but just think - the first man on the moon!

After his days with NASA, he maintained his interest in the U.S. space program, and it is significant that not long ago, he and other astronauts expressed disapproval of the direction it has taken, if stagnation can be dignified with that term. At the moment, we haven't even a way to get into space.

It was thrilling, not to mention a stimulus to science, engineering, education, manufacturing, and the economy to have our country's reaching ever higher, expanding the boundaries of humankind's existence. To have exciting, important goals and to accomplish them brings spirit and unity to the thinking members of a society.

Like other parts of government, NASA is now under the titular control of an affirmative action hire. Charles Bolden was unquestionably an adept pilot and astronaut, but where did he acquire the expertise to guide a scientific agency? Answer - he didn't. It's like imagining that a neighborhood organizer accrues the qualities needed to govern a country.

Bolden once enumerated all the attributes in which he differed from the typical astronaut and pointed to them as a mark of his excellence. In fact, his was just another case where dissimilarity was the primary reason for advancement.

Rest in peace, Neil Armsrrong, but we need more like you.

The Eagle has passed, and we are left with crows.

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