Monday, September 3, 2012


First, check a good dictionary for the primary meaning of "sophistication."

Horrywood constantly excuses the rot and filth it perpetrates with some expression such as "Why, that's the way the world is; we're just showing reality." Anyone with the brain God gives geese, however, sees through that facade. People watch the fiction that Horrywood weaves and then conclude it must be OK to act rotten and filthy because that's the way the world is supposed to be.

Along those lines, John Henry Newman had this to say " ,,, in spite of all that groveling minds may say about the necessity of acquaintance with the world and with sin, in order to get on well in life, yet after all, inexperienced guilelesness carries a man on as safely and more happily."

Remember that. Tell your children and set the example for them.

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