Monday, May 7, 2012


B.O., The Neighborhood Organizer, now taking credit for something George W. Bush initiated, whereas the former President is generally his scapegoat for the morass in which he has plunged the country, is trumpeting his valor over the killing of bin Ladin. The Putzident claims that Mitt Romney would not have been so courageous as to say, "OK, take out the murdering son-of-a-bitch." What was B.O.'s risk; that Pakistan would stop soaking up our money, that it might nuke San Francisco (not a bad idea)? Perhaps it was that if the mission went sour, B.O. would look like an ass and be forced to swallow a degree of his arrogance and hubris. Here's a coward for you; a guy that fears disclosure of any aspect of his private life and his past. Do you enjoy having a gutless wonder like that pretending to command our military? No? Then dump his worthles carcass.

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