Sunday, March 4, 2012


This is about B.O's B.C.

Much noise is made about the putzident’s place of birth and documentation appertaining thereto. I don’t believe for a moment the half-white, half-Muslim first saw the light of day in the U.S., but read this related, provable account about a different person

I have a friend, born in Illinois to a woman abandoned by her husband several years before, and while rumor named a father, there was no evidence. She went to a hospital in a different town, where she delivered her baby. The only certificate of birth was a diploma-like sheet with the picture and name of the hospital. It bore the name she had given him, the date, a footprint, a gold seal, the signature of the attending physician, and that of the hospital superintendent. The mother’s name was not even part of that record.

Soon, the child was adopted in the same state, and several years later that document did not pass muster as a legal birth certificate. Therefore, the State of Illinois, as an entirely well-meaning act of accommodating the family, created a fake b.c. even impressed by the State Seal. It attributed to the boy his adopted name and represented the adopting couple as his biological parents. The names of the physician and superintendent were typed there, and even a time of day was invented for the birth!

Now, if this gentleman was given a legal, but phony, b.c. with no difficulty whatsoever, what do you think are the chances that the same could be achieved by someone

1. whose political upbringing came in the Corruption Capital City of that same, Corrupt state,
2. backed by a political party, the cheating and lying of which is legendary, and
3. with the U.S. Printing Office at his command?

Could he have a fake birth certificate?
Was Whitney Houston a junkie?

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