Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Guess how these four will vote.

Briar. This is the guy that KNOWS what the Constitution's authors meant when they wrote " ... the right to bear arms shall not be abridged." They meant that it COULD be abridged by some octopus government, they just didn't say it clearly. Briar somewhere absorbed the secret knowledge.

Sotominor. She has said publicly that the Constitution isn't as important as her notion of what's legal and illegal.

Ginsbag. This ass travels to other countries and tells people that our Constitution isn't any good.

Cajun. Never having been any sort of judge before, this looney is anxious to remunerate B.O. for sticking her into the S.C. As Solicitor General, she WORKED IN FAVOR OF THIS DISASTROUS HEALTH LAW, but with typical LIBERAL ethics, chose not to recuse herself.

To be, a miuch more important quesion than how these America-haters will vote, is how any Republican senator would not have filibustered through eternity to keep such destruction OFF that court?

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