Thursday, March 15, 2012


Hello, readers,

Here's a bit of a useful ragout to help you towards a Happy Ides of March.

1. I thought people on the Supreme Court swore to defend the Constitution. Ginsbag is running around the world telling people our Constitution is no longer any good. FOR OVER TWO CENTURIES IT'S STOOD AS THE GREATEST MODEL OF GOVERNMENT AND RIGHTS PROTECTION EVER DEVISED BY MAN, but another of the east coast Jews has decided it's no longer viable. (Since 1900 or so, why is it that so many people working here to demolish our government have been Jews?)She has company on the select panel, too. Briar swears up and down that, whereas the Bill of Rights was made for the common person to understand, the authors didn't mean what they said. He, Briar, knows, though, and pledges to apply his secret knowledge. Sotominor was rather blunt about intending to subordinate the Constitution to her own plans for what is right and wrong. Finally, Cajun, another east coast Jew lacking any judicial experience, is so blatantly biased as to refuse to excuse herself from a case in which she has worked to support one of the sides! Thank goodness the majority of that group retains sanity.

2. Semi-Democrat - he may be the only moderate Democrat alive - Romney has been nudged a bit by the most sensible faction of the Republicans to state he favors cutting Planned Parenthood, aka The Abortion Factory, from federal funding. Many of us would be gratified to know that we are no longer indirectly paying for the murder of the unborn, and indications are strong that PP wouldn't mind killing an infant if his or her "parents" decided the child wasn't exactly what they wanted.

3. I see also that the Putzident of Afghanistan feels his own soldiers, some not above murdering U.N. personnel, meaning mostly Americans, naturally, are better able to deal in "culturally sensitive ways" with the rural terrorists. To hell with cultural sensitivity; if they're trying to kill us, kill them first. Civilians in war zones have always incurred casualties. Let's stop worrying about that, blow up enough of the country to reduce the Taliban murderers to an ineffectual handful, and get the hell out. Hanging around to get picked off one at a time is not the way to fight a war. If it were, we'd still be languishing in South Pacific islands, German castles, and French vineyards.

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