Friday, January 27, 2012


You can be forgiven if you don't know just what the hell is the state of our Union, because the person constitutionally charged with reviewing it, the Putzident of the United States, didn't bother to include an assessment. Those of us with eyes and ears, though, are able to monitor how everything is unraveling here and figure it out for themselves.

No, B.O. is still babbling about his Robin Hood plan of ripping off resources from people with the gumption to have earned them and pumping them down welfare holes to people that haven't.

Before you become total panhandlers, stampeding towards some Socialist pipe dream, you ought to ask yourselves the name of one great Socialist country. Stumped? Probably, for there never has been one. This, on the other hand, was a great country - before its internal enemies began assaulting it in 2008.

Make it great again; dump Curious George from the White House.

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